
Chapter 9: The Fairies and My Future

The bell rings indicate that we can go home now. But instead of school, I went to my job just like a normal day. School and work are my professions and that is all I always do. I never went shopping or sightseeing or even hanging out with friends anywhere, if I have friends. I just want to live a peaceful life, not until I met these twins, Hannah and Terrence.

Terrence is dominant in the group when it comes to tragedy or if there's a disaster.

Hannah is the care one. She wants to help others if she can, she will do it. Either we tell her not to, she will not listen until she saves them.

Lastly, I'm the submissive in the group. I followed their instructions or when it comes to tragedies I always tell them what would be the next tragedy that will befall the world again.


At night I dream about fairies. Yes, I know this may sound funny but I don't know why my dream is about fairies. Like I never watch cartoon fantasies. Yes, I watching heroes, they're all like fantasy too but not this kind of fantasy... For me fairies is just a fiction of imagination they're not real, all children especially when it comes to woman love fairies. But as a man, I never dreamt of something about this before. So what does it need from me?

Any seconds later there this one fairy is approaching me. I tried to step back but my feet won't move into their place. I tried once again but this time I put all my strength to pushed harder to move but it's still not moving. I now face the fairy, it's too small that I can't see it. Until it moved, its body grows and grow until it has the same height as me. And based on its body she's a woman. And the fairy starts staring at me like I was some kind of a bad person from the other world.

The fairy smiled then she swayed her staff, from her face down to her body. She shines brightly, shines like there are a million fireflies around her. Then later on, when the brightness is gone I was shocked at what I saw. She's the woman I saw in my school yesterday, she was the lady I saw staring at me in the window.

Now I know who's that lady, but I didn't know that she was a fairy. I never thought fairies are real, but when I looking at her now. I must say that they are real. Does it mean that there are fairies around me, but why I never knew that they existed not until I found out about this lady? But why should I dream about this?

"greetings young man, I'm Fairy Sapphire the water fairy in this Land called "Forest de Gilder" the land where all the fairies exist. I knew you saw me yesterday but rest assured that I won't do anything to harm you. I'm just there watching you. "Fairy Liz" the fortune fairy saw your destiny. She knows that you can't see your fate, so she sent me for you to understand why you see the future from using dreams but you can't see your fate. Let me guide you where is Fairy Liz for you to see your destiny. But even if you saw your destiny when you woke up you can't remember about this but not part of our fairies. There's a part of your dreams that you should not remember, there's a consequence if you tried to see your destiny" Fairy Sapphire said. I nod at her, then she insisted me to follow her but before she let me. She wants me to use a Pegasus horse that can fly. I ride that horse and follow her where is this Fairy Liz are.

While riding I looked around to see the land of Forest de Gilder, and I was amazed because I saw plenty of fairies. Fairies are working like they have a job. I mean, there are several fairies here in the Forest de Gilder. Fairy Sapphire is a water fairy which means her power was water to sprinkle the plant helping those garden fairies. Garden fairies are making those plants, trees any other kinds of planting makes them grow fast as when the season strikes. The light fairies using the Sunlight of the sun and the moon, to make nature's spring beautiful. They also have Animal Fairies. which means they help all the animals to follow the seasons. Like spring seasons, winter seasons, autumn seasons, and summer seasons. Which when animals should hibernate. Next is the wind fairies. Wind fairies usually used their powers just to make a small whirlwind.

A minute passed and I saw how beautiful their land is, their land is not like our countries which have buildings and our ecosystem is not so refreshing. In the fairies land only natures everywhere. The river was clear and the natures are so refreshing and there it has many butterflies, rabbits any kinds of animals and insects which we can see in the forest. It was like you're in paradise.

We've reached one hut, that looks like a mushroom. I got off the horse and I think this is where that Fairy Liz live, Fairy Sapphire knock on the door 3 times. And later on the door open. There was a beautiful Fairy who went outside the hut her wings spread just like a butterfly has gold and black color on it. Her hair just like the foreign people blonde. But what I find attractive the most is her innocent eyes, if you look at them, you will think that it will cry.

Fairy Sapphire bowed her head, so I do the same. After we bowed our heads, she invited us to entered her home. I look inside her home and I was amazed again because on the outside, look like a simple hut but the inside her house was very spacious. You never think that this hut is just a small house.

Fairy Liz want me to sit in the chair there was a table on it, she said she was getting something in her room. And when she came back there's a lot of, I don't know her needs for a fortune teller. There was this tarot card, crystal ball, and everything. She placed it between us, first, she used the card for her to read what will my future says. She started shuffling the cards before she wants me to pick 3 cards.

1st card says - 4 of Diamonds: Financial upswing; there's an older person who will give me a piece of good advice.

2nd card says - 8 of Spades: Temptation, Misfortune, Danger, and Upset will come after me.

and the 3rd card says 10 of Spade: Worry and Bad news, one of his friends will experience a strange event that will change his life.

She now placed the crystal ball also known as the crystal sphere between us. The art or process of "seeing" is known as "scrying", whereby images are claimed to be seen in crystals, or other media such as water, and are interpreted as meaningful information. She started whispering words that I don't understand until the crystal starts shinning like it was starting to show what my future is.

"your future says, that you will seek paradise, that only you can enter that world. But there's a limitation on what you are doing. One of your friends will be doomed to enter the volcano if it will try to save someone. One of your friends will get angry with you for interfering with someone's safety. You will face the consequences of your actions alone. Your friends will leave you. One of your friends accuses you, that you made the biggest tragedy in the world." Fairy Liz says.

I don't know what should I say.. instead, I was just stunned by her sudden revelations about my future. But just like Fairy Sapphire even I know what my future is, it will be turned into blurred memory which this part will vanish in my mind. But how should I know if this is part of my dream if I can't remember this part?

"Philip let me tell you what you are" Fairy Liz added which make me looked up to her to give her a sign that she should continue.

"your grandfather was like you, he can see the future in his dreams, he can change faith others but his faith can't see it. But he made a mistake, even if we warned him not to look his faith he still groped even though he should not see it. Your grandfather knows that you have the same ability as him, and he well knows that he will die after you opened your ability. You experience this once when you at 7 years of age. We the fairies are always around you, watching you. Do you remember the times when someone is bullying you when you are young? You change his faith. You make him miserable because you are angry with him, you didn't know that you decided to make him suffer. Your too young to understand what you've made. But the past is the past. We fairies can't change the faith of others not like you, you can change their faith just by dreaming or imagining. But just like Fairy Sapphire told you, once you awake you never remember what is your faith. Unless you will seek upon it into your dreams. Sometimes dreaming has a blurred memory like it was happening in the past, sometimes dreaming is just a series of images. Nevertheless, you should not remember what I told you in your faith" Fairy Liz said. And after that, I woke up in that dream.

I remember the fairies but I can't remember one part of it. Fairy Sapphire says that I should not seek upon it, or else my faith will change. But I can't remember what it is. Should I be worried because of that?

Imagination is some kind of fiction that you want to enter to the another world. which you want to escape to your original dimension.

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