
Chapter 37: The New Heroes

We're still in the car when I told Evan and Rhea what I dream, they both laughed in unison like I said something funnier. I remained my poker face as I faced them until Evan spoke.

"Do you honestly think that I can make those? That's impossible Philip even though I'm a genius and an engineer I can't make those," said Evan while trying to prevent his laugh.

"But I'm telling the truth! I even got nightmares and I make my friends in the city become Heroes" I said. Which made them both laughter what I told them.

"I think you just tired Philip. You should rest for a while okay?" said Rhea I want to protest but here I am followed by her orders. I don't know how can I make them believe me. This would be another new hero I can make. And perhaps I can make Terrence, Hannah, and Diana become mortal again but they can still heroes with the help of Technology. Yeah, that's it! Sapphire is a Fairy so I can't change that, but my mortal friends I can change them. If they were here and if I had permission to change them. I will do it.

Later on, we stop by in a small cafeteria. We currently eating when my face turned on the TV news which is the twins together with Diana and Sapphire are searching for me. I choked as I saw my picture and Rhea quickly gave me a glass of water which is I drank all of it. I sighed as soon as I emptied the glass. Rhea was about to stand to get me some water when I stop her. And I took the empty glass from her hands and stand up to get out of the cafeteria.

All people were looking at us, I know they already knew that I'm the one that twins looking for until the news spread that there's a bounty of who's gonna tell them where am I. That makes me stop walking, I knew that Rhea and Evan heard the news they were about to look at the news when the people rushed out to where am I so they can tell the twins where I am and get the ransom which is I don't want them to know it first. That's why I grabbed both Rhea and Evan's arms to get us inside the car.

"Get inside! Get Inside!" I said hurriedly. Rhea and Evan stood frozen shocked their faces so I pulled them inside the car and hurriedly went to the back seat. I shout to Rhea who's still frozen and told her to drive. Rhea and Evan still clueless when She asks me.

"What's going on, Philip??" She is now driving the car with a little bit of speed up.

"I-it's nothing just focused on the road and drive," I said. Evan quickly glances at me then he looked at the side mirror only to find out that they were following us.

"Why are they chasing us Philip?" said Evan still looking at the back.

"They probably saw in the news that my friends in the city were searching for me. And the person who can point where am I will be given a reward. Those are my friends that I told you before." I said. "Those are the ones that I turned them to be heroes" I added.

"Then why are you escaping from them?" Rhea asked.

"I don't want them to get involved anymore. Their parents believe in the wrong accusation against me." I said.

"The wrong accusation?" said Evan they both look at each other. Then they turn their gaze to me confused were written on their faces. So I told them everything that happens to me before I get back to town.

"That's the reason why you came back. I only thought why you came because of missing our town," said Rhea. I sighed, I never want them to get involved also in my problems.

"I'm sorry guys, but I already proved that I'm innocent. And what's inside the video was edited a fake. The twins who are searching for me was the one that I've got the lawyer that helps me make my cased upside down. They've searched the best IT experts to know if the video was edited, and they prove that I was innocent." I said.

"Who's made that video anyway?" Rhea asked, that make me stopped. They didn't know about the grim reaper so how can I tell them who's the one behind that fake video? They will think that I'm crazy if I told them about that. I just respond to them with a shrug to keep my mouth shut. They probably sense that I can't tell them the truth or lying so they just ignored that question.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Rhea finally spoke to broke the silence.

"You should tell them that you're fine. Maybe they were worried about you. You should not let your friends worried about you" Rhea said.

"But I know they'll do everything to take me back to them," I said.

"Then talk to them that you're fine. Because we will never let anyone harm our friends right?" She said. I sighed,

"Okay. I'll tell them that I'm okay and safe." I said. She just raised her hand and motion a thumbs up, knowing that she was agreed. I don't want to cause trouble. But maybe she is right, I let my friends worrying about me. So I just telepathy called Sapphire in my mind knowing that I'm okay.


"Sapphire!" I call her.

"Oh my gosh, Philip!" She exclaimed. "We were so worried about you! Where are you?" She said and asking me where am I but instead, I told her where I am, I just said that "I'm okay they don't need to be worried because I'm in good hands".

Sapphire wants me to let her see where am I which she will use her ability to know where I am. But I refused. I don't want her to know where I am. Because the truth is I am clueless as to where we going, so I just let my former friends drive to where we are heading.

"Just call me if you are in trouble, I'll be one call away okay?" She said.

"By the way, I just dream something," I told her she hasn't responded so I continued. "We had new heroes" I added. She gasped.

"Are you sure about it?" She asked.

"Yes, they are my former childhood friends. Don't worry I know them" I said. She nods,

"Well then, if you already know that we will be having more allies it's a good thing... But why do you need allies by the way?" She asks. I didn't tell her the truth I just wave and bid goodbye. After that, we end up our telepathy. I wasn't so sure how to use telepathy at first from afar but I didn't realize that even if I was too far from them it can be connected to where they are. I know that I can use telepathy, especially when we were not that far from each other. I just use this for today and see if it will work, and it succeeds all I have to do is to think about someone or anyone who's I need to use my ability.

This new ability I just learned earlier, when we were in the car I opened my grandfather's black notebook so I can learn everything about my ability. And to my surprised, this is what I have...

1. Telepathy - Which is I can use this just to think someone or anyone. Even if they are far or not I can use my ability to communicate with them.

2. Day Dreaming - Which is the use of the power of Imaginations. I can create whatever I want, whoever I want, anything I want. Just by using Imaginations.

3. Future - Which is dreaming. I can know when, what, who, where, and how. It only works when my ability knows that the time existed or a period following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come.

4. Faith - This is more like believing in someone, or completely trust but the thing is I can see if they have a strong belief in God or the doctrines of a religion. Based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

5. Nightmares - This is more accurate in my ability because I can see, any disasters, tragedies that can harm people or can harm anyone. This only works when I fall asleep if I had a frightening or unpleasant dream. Sometimes it works after watching horror video clips, movies, or listening to any creepy stories. That's just all I know there are lots of abilities I haven't read. Maybe I'll read it later, and I notice that there's some kind of letter at the end of the book. I will read it sooner as long as we already on our way to where we are going. I look up to the sky, what does my grandfather saw in his fate? Fairy Liz and my grandfather told me that I should not look at my fate or future. It will cause up to upside-down misery. Even now it's still misery to me.

But in the end, I know that my path will make them suffer. If only they were not my friend maybe they never involve in my miserable life. I want them to have a long life, live like a normal person, live strong enough to face their fears, have a wonderful family.

Does is this my fate? What if I already saw my future without noticing that it was already happening?

Today's update! Merry Christmas to all my Readers and silent readers I hope you enjoy reading my story.

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