
Chapter 24: What Kind of a Dream?

We were currently flying when something flashed on my mind that cause me to stop flying, it was blurred vision but I know that I never forget about this grim reaper. I can feel that he was smiling and then something flashed again, I find myself in the boat a big boat to be exact it was boarding to somewhere that I didn't know but the most terrifying part is that, there was a monster I don't know exactly what it is but based on its appearance it was some type of a dinosaur type in the water. I know that dinosaurs are extinct anymore but this one is so strange, and huge! I know in my dream that even in fantasies they can be real but when it comes to this dream they should be extinct no matter how it looks, it became realistic if I dream on it.

I saw that this monster is attacking the boat. The boat carries bunches of peoples and I think there's a party on it. When I look around, I don't see any of us heroes and I can't see either Terrence, Hannah, or Diana. I don't see them. Until the monsters smashed the boat all people inside the boat are screaming! Every people are jumping on the boat, but most peoples are now eaten by the monster. I can't believe we didn't save them. They didn't save them. But before I could move, the grim reaper show and those peoples are now dead he's stealing their souls and they eating them one by one. The monster didn't see this creature but when the monster was running, the grim reaper penetrated inside the body of the monster.

I was about to walk inside the boat when the monster attacks me! It strike me with this hand when I came back to my senses and the last thing I know is I was falling into the sky. Hannah, Terrence, and Diana are trying to reach out. I stretch out my arms for them to reach out. As soon as Hannah reached my hand, Hannah pulled me up to stop me from falling. She hugs me tightly, she knew that I had a dream again. After what happen we continued to fly while I told them about what I dream, except about the grim reaper.

After I finished telling about my dream they were shocked at what I revealed. Then Diana asked me "how do you know if your dream will come true?" and then I told her...

"I told you I dream about Terrence and Hannah got powers and they already tested that I was telling the truth, that my dream is always real. The first time we met was I dream about Aliens and I dream that both of them will fight against them, and it came true. Terrence and Hannah are both mortal so how does it turn that these twins got powers? I'm the only one who gave them powers because I change their futures. I change them and make them to become a hero"

"Okay, so what we should do now if you dream about these monsters?" she asked. "We can't just let them die" she added.

"I know but I'm running out of idea how to help them. Do you have any better ideas to change their fates?" I said.

We all stop by in the big rock and we were thinking of an idea how to save them. Until Hannah gasped and looked at us. The three of us looked at Hannah with confusion on our faces, and then she told us about her crazy idea.

"When will it happen, Philip?" Hannah asked.

"Tomorrow morning" I replied.

"well then, you already gave us a Super Strength right? All we need is to carry the boat before the tragedy happens. But first, do you know the reason why that monster attacked the boat?" She asked. I shake my head to answer her question.

"Then we need to know it first before we save the boat" She replied.

"but what if they didn't tell us the truth? What if this monster is the victim and those who are in the boat are the culprit, should we still save them even though we know that it's their fault in the first place?" Terrence said.

"Even if it's their fault we still have to save them it's our duty after all, but of course we need to arrest them for doing a crime that causes the monster to attack them" Hannah replied and we all agreed. After our talk, we're now heading to our country and because Diana is living in Mexico it's my responsibility to accompany her. So I let her stay in my apartment and live with us, Sapphire.

When we got home and it's night time, Sapphire was sitting on the couch. And when we arrive she welcomes me, but not to Diana. I don't know but the way she looked at Diana it was like she doesn't like her to be with us. Maybe she isn't comfortable with her that is why she doesn't like her. I was about to introduce her when Diana spoke.

"Hi there, my name is Diana. I'm fifteen years old live in Mexico!" She was in hyper mode when she introduces herself in front of Sapphire. But Sapphire didn't respond to her. She ignores her and went where am I.

"why is she here?" Sapphire asked. I raise my left eyebrows and made a confusing look at her "because she's my responsibility. Terrence bought her in Mexico because I change her fate 'if I did change it' and I wanted her to become one of the heroes. What's the matter?" I asked.

"I don't like her, it seems suspicious to me. Don't make her an ally" she replied. I was about to complain when Diana interrupt us. "sorry if I interrupt both of you I just want to know if you don't like me?" she asked while looking at Sapphire. Sapphire looked at her from head to toe but she just dismissed it and she went to the kitchen. I sighed and guide Diana into my room.

I told her that she can rest and used the bathroom in my room. But because Diana hasn't dress here I told her that she should use for a moment my shirt and extra shorts for her. So I pick up my small shirt and shorts for her, and because she's a girl I know that my clothes are huge for her. After I gave her my clothes she went inside the bathroom and I leave her in my room.

I looked around to see Sapphire but she wasn't here. I was planning to tell her about what will happen tomorrow but I guess I should let her for now. I don't know why she's mad at Diana she hasn't do anything for her to get mad this is the first time they've met each other. I should talk to her later if she was here now.

Later on, Diana got out of my room and I looked at her. She was smiling, and I smiled back. Until Terrence was calling on my phone, I answer it.

"Hey, how's it going?" Terrence on the phone asked. I looked at Diana first was now sitting on the couch.

"it's fine. It's just that Sapphire was- I mean Sapphire doesn't like Diana. I don't know why and how to handle this situation. Can we just let Diana in your place? I mean, after all, you're the one who paid Diana in Mexico right?" I said still looking at Diana that are now looking at me.

"you know I can't do that, my father would kill me if I brought a girl in our home including aside from Hannah she's my sister," Terrence replied. I sighed.

"what should I do? If Diana stays here, Sapphire will get mad and she won't come here anymore" I asked. On the other hand, Terrence is thinking when he got an amazing Idea.

"what if you call Hannah and told her that she should bring Diana with her? We all know that Hannah is a girl so maybe our parents do not question her about it. Compared to me boy bringing home a girl they may be mistaken her as my lover." Terrence said and tell me about his idea that makes my eyes wide in the revelation. As if we solve the mystery.

"Great idea! Thanks, Terrence." I said and we ended the call. I was now calling Hannah when Diana approach me.

"Uhm, If Sapphire doesn't like me here, I should leave now. Maybe I can find somewhere safe for tonight." Diana said. I stop her from walking out of my apartment.

"wait, I'll call first Hannah. Maybe she can help us for where you to get home for a while." I said. She nods at me and sits again on the couch. I called again to Hannah until she picks up her phone and answered my call.

"hey, I need help," I said.

"What about it?" Hannah said on the other line.

"can Diana stay in your place? I mean your parents might not be questioned you if they will know that she was your friend." I asked.

"sure leave it to me then. Just tell her I'll pick her up later" Hannah replied I replied to her thank you and ended our call.

I smiled at Diana and told her that later Hannah will pick up her so she can live with the twins later. She smiled and hug me, she thanked me as a reply.

A minute passed and Hannah is here to pick her up, they bid goodbye to me and I wave my hand as a reply after they were gone I closed my door and went inside my room. It was so quiet inside my apartment Sapphire wasn't here so maybe she's still mad. I sighed and went towards my room when I was about to close my door. I feel unease inside my room. I recognized that voice when I heard him calling me.