
Chapter 143: Death or Alive?

Narration POV...

After Hannah heard the news from her twin brother, her eyes got swollen and let her tears fall from her eyes.

"Do you think he was alive?" Hannah asks, but Terrence looks at her sad face.

"We still don't know if he was alive or did someone get him... But all we know is that Philip wasn't in the cave anymore and the diamonds and crystals covering him, cracked. Evan and Rhea were in there now and investigating if someone gets him or if he was alive. Their first guess was Philip is alive, but let's do not make false hope since we still don't know if he was really alive or if someone kidnapped him. 

We know that cave was surrounded by peoples, so there is a possibility that someone might get Philip since we know that he was covered by diamonds so there is a possibility that they will make Philip as a display or worst they will put into charity." Terrence said.