
New beginning (2)

The months were passing at a phenomenal speed The team went from victory to victory there are also defeats and draws but we have a lot of victory too. The fans were satisfied as well as the management of the club we were already qualified to be promoted to the 2nd division. There is already a club that wants me and negotiations have already began. The press is buzzing.

I make the headlines now every game I play. We were already at the end of July and the different championships were coming to an end. The ranking has not changed much since the last time. I had said to Carlos Verona is not a very bad team. He only needs a little help and a little luck. I was at home resting when Carlos entered.

"Hey what's up."

"I got a call from two teams. Palermo and Eibar."

"I thought Levante would need my services." "What do you think they just got promoted to the junior division."

"Ok We will go to Eibar. In any case, they offer much more. Since, unlike Palermo, they don't want to borrow me, they want to buy me." "Okay. You have had news from Jodha."

"No, it's been a few weeks. Is there a problem."

"No no just don't forget you have a rendezvous at Spring magazine they want to make another contract with you jus go there and discuss the term."

I have never seen someone as dense as him. It shows like the nose in the face that the girl is interested in him.

"Well, I'm going away, I have things to do."

" Carlos I packed this for you."

"Ah Mrs Yolande you know me well. Thank you so much."

When Carlos left, I kept thinking about what he said to me. It's been over a year that I know Jodha I admit that at the beginning she interested me because I wanted to know what hides behind her beauty. And to my surprise, she is not someone so complicated and for a girl of this age I find her really mature. I was lost in my thoughts when someone sits near me.

It was Kaleb the brother of Jodha he works now in the company of his mother. This is where he is doing his internship. Since the last time he came, surprisingly we get along well and my brother loves him very much because he always plays with him.

"Hi Kaleb, for what reason did you Visit me". "Nothing I came to see how you were doing." "I'm fine."

We stayed in silence for a few seconds but I felt uncomfortable.

"Well, do you have something to say to me?" "No, why?"

" Because it's not your habit to stay that quiet"

" I have nothing to say i just come to enjoy your cooking it is Saturday morning and Mrs Yolande will try one of her new recipes."

" Okay"

"Oh Alan did you speak to Jodha"?

"No she has a problem?"

"Not at all."

Ok, you know what I'm sick of this. I'm going to find out what going on with her myself."

I got up and took my sweater which was on the sofa, took my purse, my keys and my phone and then left. I heard Kaleb Shout something.


"Good luck."

" Why would I need it.?"

"We never know."

I no longer cared about him and went away. I didn't know where to find Jodha so I texted her. A few minutes later I was stationed in front of her university.

I was talking with my friend Mina. It was the end of the semester and today was our last exam. Suddenly my phone rang. When I looked at the number I saw that it was Alan who in a message ask me where I was. I was trying not to answer him but it had been days since we last talked and I missed him a lot.

So I replied that I was at school.

"Hey Jodha what are you doing on your phone don't tell me that your ex boyfriend continues to harass you."

It was Mina talking to me.

"No, no it's just a friend he comes to pick me up at school."

" Ohhh is that the one you're secretly in love with.? What was his name already? Alan. Yes it his name."

"Mina I never said that I was in love with him." "Oh come on, it's been over a year that you've been talking to each other."

I received another message again. He told me he was there.

"I have to leave Mina he's here."

" Ok when are you going to present it to me"

" I will ask him."

"In a week I organize a party invite him like that everyone will be able to see him."

I don't want him to go at this party. The girl who spoke, I know what type she is. If she ever seen Alan she is going to eat him without leaving his bones.

"What his he that ugly you don't want to come with him."

"It's not like that I don't know if he will be busy at that time."

"Just ask him Jodha I want to meet the boy who can make your mood better."

"Fine Mina just for you since you are my friend"

"What do you mean by that Jodha."

"Oh Ivy stop everyone here know that you don't have a good relationship with her Jodha why are you asking something like that"

"I have to go he was waiting for me. And Ivy if he want to come I will let you know"

"Very good."