
First game

Nobody think that I was going to shoot. Even coach Tariq and his assistant was stunned.

"I think that this is the best purchase the club has made"

"Yes we will see the result tomorrow"

The game continue for some more minutes. The coach call me and make me change place with another player. As if he want to see how I will play in between them. It just took me 10minutes and I understand the way they play. I even score another goal ND make an assist. With the skill I demonstrate today and my ability to defend, I see that some of the senior team has change the way they talk to me. Some even praise me.


"Everyone come."

We assemble around the coach.

"Good the training is over for today. Tomorrow the game will not be easy. The y are 6 in the ranking. We cannot lose. If we win we will be third because today New Castle lose. They have only 1 point more than us. So go home and rest well. Before that I already post the players that will began tomorrow and the reserve team too. Go and take a look"


After that we go to the locker room change and I didn't say anything more. I want to go out , but first I check the post and saw my name on the reserve list. I was a little surprised. But when I think at the skill a demonstrate today I think it's a natural thing they choose me. That and the best striker is injured. This is an opportunity for me.

When I go out of the stadium, I saw a familiar car and someone make a sign with his hand to call me over. I go there and saw it was just Carlos my manager.

"Carlos what are you doing here do you need me for something?"

"Yes I come to take you somewhere"

"Where do you want to go. I have to go home early today I don't want to let my sister deal with my aunt"

"Oh about that once you have some more money you can easily take them. I have speak to the judge already an explain everything to him. He said that he will help once your situation improve."

"What do I have to do"

"You have to get an house and someone who can take care of the kids once you are not around. After that you have to confirm the source of the money"

"Ok "

"Once you have these things out you can take them"

"So what is it that you come find me"

"I am here to take you somewhere. You have such a look how can I don't use it."

"What do you plan to so about it"

"When are almost there you have to wait"

Five minutes later we come in front of a photo studio.

"Why did you take me there."

"I want to make a portfolio for you"

"But I don't have plan to go in the entertainment industry."

"You don't understand don't you. Let me explain a little. I have a friend that have a friend right now they were searching for someone like you. Young, handsome, and a superstar to be. You don't have to enter this industry. But now you need money if they choose you it will be good. I have already made an application I just need some picture and everything else will be ok trust me this will be an extra for you."

"Ok I trust you. What do I have to do?

"He he look Alan this is Matt a friend just listen to him he will tell you everything "

I saw a young man coming towards us. He is a tall and have a good physic and a good feature too he have a lazy smile on his face.

"Hello Carlos so this is the guy you talk about? He is truly great just like you told me."

With a smile on his face Carlos said

"When did I ever lie to you it's always me who search for client for you. If I don't do anything I don't know how you will pay your bills when you began this studio."

"AH Ah you are right but now I don't need your assistance anymore many people know about this place. Ok let's began I have another rendezvous.

It take me two hour to make the photo shoot. An one to choose between them all. I was surprised when I saw the pictures they are truly great and I didn't think that I coul have this kind of expression on my face too. Finally we complete everything and Carlos take me to home. I was a little tired.

When I go to the house. My aunt seem not here yet.

"Elie where is she"?

"She is out, she seem in a great mood today she even say that we don't need to wait for her"

"Ok did you eat something"

"Yes we have eaten we let something for you just heat it up."

"Ok go to sleep early you have school tomorrow"

"Ok good night big brother"

"Hummn good night"

I wash my hands and eat the food. After that I entered the bedroom check my bother and see that he is already asleep, I just take a shower and go to sleep too, because tomorrow will be another beginning.