

When I got home I was in a very good mood finally I resolved this problem. I entered the house, Kaleb was no longer there and the children were out. I found a note from Mrs. Yolande saying that she was taking them out for errands. In a word, the house was empty and very silent. I took advantage of this unexpected moment of peace to lie down for a moment on the sofa. Maybe I fell asleep without realizing it, but when I woke up they were already back. I went to Mrs Yolande and explained to her that I wanted her to prepare a picnic basket for me since I had an appointment with Jodha the next day. She gave me a suspicious look that I chose to ignore.

I do not intend to shout from the rooftops that I have a girlfriend.

I went up to my room and I started to think what I will do this day there I would really like to play something but I am only good at piano. I still can't take it behind my car. It was then that I remember that I had several more points in the system so I decided to exchange them for a skill that will allow me to play the guitar for beginners and intermediate just like I did for the piano skills. It didn't cost me that much.

When I got them, I immediately went out to buy a simple guitar. When I came back I spent the afternoon reate practicing. I had decided to impress her by playing something for her.

At eight, the following morning, I answered the door and found Alan outside. Hands braced on the doorframe and head hanging, he cast me a big smile. He was wearing a cap On his head. And a firm chest it was. He must lift weights besides playing soccer. As if my eyes had their own mind, they traveled down his gorgeous body. A thin trail of dark hair led south from his navel over his flat stomach until it vanished under the waistband of his jeans.

"Like what you see."

I didn't say anything to him and just close the door.

" You look lovely today."

She was dressed in blue jeans that molded her curves perfectly and a black t-shirt.

"Thanks and you too."

"I know it the way you look at me."

She gave me a quick look and got into the car. Some, minutes later we had arrived. I got out of the car and brought the picnic basket that Mrs Yolande had prepared for us. And load the guitar on my back.

I chose a place under a tree by the lake. We drowned and then we started to unpack the food.

"These are all my favorite dishes."

"Hmm I know."

"Try this"

I give her a fruit. She leaned forward and bit into the fruit I held out, my eyes trained on her face.


The sour taste made her grimace. She pulled back but I tossed the slice away and cupped her neck, yanking her toward me. Everything happened so fast, i didn't give her the time to even lick the lime juice from her lips.

When Alan made this gesture, my heart stopped beating.He traced my bottom lip with his tongue, catching the juice there, and gave it a gentle nip. His tongue then delved in between my parted lips and slid against mine with a sensual slowness that sent little electric shockwaves of pleasure to the very tips of my fingers and toes.

The taste of liquor and lime stayed behind when he drew back a few inches. His hand still on my neck, he gazed at me with something close to an apology in his eyes, No that us not apology but satisfaction. My bafflement and my dropped open mouth fueled his amusement.

"Mmmmm yummy"

Alan cocked his head, close to letting go of the grin he bit down.

I didn't say anything, I just lowered my head and continued to eat.

I see that there was Another little box near the picnic basket so I ask her.

"What is that.?"

"A camera, the last time I came I did not bring it. I want to keep some memories of us since this place is beautiful. I also have a project that I have to put back and I will take advantage of it to see if there are some places that I can photograph."

"Sometimes I forget that this is what she chose as a major. She wants to become a photographer.

"Ok, I'm going to take you to a place that you're going to love. Finish eating and then we'll go."