
All Star match

We were sitting in the car for a few minutes and then suddenly Jodha said to me.

"There is a girl at school who is organizing a party and she has invited me and you and I have a friend who wants to meet you too.Do you want to come?"

I think for a moment and then I answer her. "Do you want to go there."

"No I don't really like this kind of party where we smoke and alcohol flows freely."

"So we will not go and if your friend still wants to meet me we just have to go somewhere else."


I saw that she let out a sigh of relief. I laugh a little when I see this.

"When you are ready let me know and we will make an appointment."

" Ok"

She looked out the window of my car then said to me.

" I must go home it is late."

"Ok but first .. "

I approached her and sealed our lips in a kiss. When I released her she was a little breathless, her face a little red, her lips all red because of my kiss.


I wanted to kiss her again but this time she was faster than me and ran out of the car. I was a little surprised but when I saw this scene I burst out laughing. I started the car made a detour and went home.

The days passed and the regular season was over. We won the league. The team was promoted to league 2. But I won't play with them anymore. I scored 29 goals I was still the top scorer. That day I also received an individual award. Regarding the Global cup, we also won 1: 0

I had scored the only goal. But that was enough to allow us to take the cup and still be the top scorer. Today is our last chance to score a treble. We are going to play the All Star final. During these last days I was taken with all my matches and I did not see Jodha once, but we talked on the phone and even called when I won the competitions to congratulate myself. The day of the match come rapidly.

"Good evening everyone we are watching the final match of this season."

"Verona is the winner of the 3rd division league."

" Yes, we must also take note of this player which is gaining momentum, Alan."

" He is the top scorer in all competitions."

The players are already on the field. Today's team is not easy.

"And, this is the kick-off."

The match has started.

"The two teams play in a 4-4-2 formation."

" Let's see how it goes."

For the first few minutes, there was hardly any passing at all. It was all tackles and fouls, throw-in and free-kicks.

The two teams were battling each other, not playing football.

Out on the wing, Alan hardly got a touch of the ball. Because the opposite team didn't let him alone for even a second.

The one bright spot for Veona was Arshi Khan. He was looking sharp, lively and quick. Whenever they got the ball to Arshi's feet, he always threatened to make something happen.

Unfortunately, The Milwall team had noticed this too. And after ten minutes, with Arshi running full pelt at their defence, Bryn Sauton thundered into him with a horrendous challenge.

After watching many of their matches, Alan knew that in every game Bryn's plan was to clatter into the opposition's best player in the first quarter of an hour. To let him know "he was around". Bryn had obviously decided that today Arshi was his target. Not only had he charged into him, he'd then fallen with all his weight on Ashi's ankle.

Even the people watching the game on the stadium cringed when it happened. It was ugly, dangerous and clearly intentional.

As the medical staff dashed on to the pitch to help Arshi hobble off, Bryn held his hands up in the air to acknowledge his foul. He could hardly have denied it. The referee pulled him to one side and showed him a yellow card immediately.

But Bryn wasn't bothered. In fact, he was smiling. He'd got rid of Verona most dangerous player at the cost of a booking. From his point of view, it was a good deal.