
dream lord

From an outsider's perspective, Abbey appeared to be just an average young man. However, what most people didn't know was that Abbey possessed a rare talent - the power to steal one's dreams. For a period of time, he took pleasure in manipulating and playing with people's dreams. But everything changed when he met a mysterious and captivating woman named Sharon. Together, they embarked on a transformative voyage of self-exploration, traversing through both the physical and metaphysical realms. The destination of their journey remains a mystery. But Abbey, known to himself as the Dream Lord, embraces this

Adedeji_Adeniyi · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

let the nightmare begin

Abbey's moment of realization marked a significant turning point in his journey towards self-discovery and overcoming his deepest fears. By acknowledging the power that his nightmares held over him, Abbey recognized the key to breaking free from their grip - the power of his own mind and will. In a bold and decisive move, he chose to confront his fears head-on, bravely dismantling the protective barriers he had long relied on and allowing himself to immerse fully in the darkness that once tormented him.

As Abbey plunged into the abyss of darkness, a sense of tranquility enveloped him, despite the overwhelming darkness that surrounded him. Embracing this newfound perspective, Abbey tapped into his spiritual senses, perceiving the world around him in ways he had never before imagined. The revelations that unfolded before him in this surreal realm left him in awe, opening his eyes to a reality beyond the constraints of his previous perceptions.

In this moment of profound clarity, Abbey found himself at a crossroads - poised on the brink of a transformative journey that would reshape his very understanding of himself and the world around him"Even in darkness, there is still a ray of hope," he thought to himself as everything became clearer. With that in mind, his thoughts were no longer present and he vanished from the abyss. Abbey found himself back in the room where his body lay, relieved. He took a deep breath and exhaled, looking around and realizing it was as if he had never left. Had time stood still? He thought to himself. Nevertheless, his main thought was of leaving this place now.

This time, he told himself, "I won't hold back. I am escaping from here now." He also noticed something different about his abilities. They seemed to be radiating with a different aura. He could now see people's anxiety and fear. He thought to himself, "Who doesn't have nightmares and fears?" He smiled to himself and said, "Hunting them now would be easier." From where he was standing, he could see different people coming and going, and he could also see the aura surrounding them.

It was time to test his new abilities.

"I don't need you to be asleep anymore to hunt you," he thought to himself. "Your anxiety and fear don't sleep; you carry them with you wherever you go." He realized that all he needed to do was influence them to his advantage. "I am loving my new abilities," he said, almost losing his composure. As he looked around to find his first test subject, his eyes fell upon a woman in her early thirties. He could sense her fears and anxieties. Looking closely, he could see what she was afraid of. There was something in her past that she didn't want anyone to find out about. He thought to himself, "For now, I am not interested in you. I am looking for someone with a nefarious mindset." Not long after saying it, he spotted a woman passing through the hallway. He sensed something nefarious about this person.

Upon closer inspection, he was not surprised. "She's a child molester," Abbey remarked. "I thought only men were child molesters. I didn't anticipate that women could be too." "I suppose she will do for now," he thought. He projected himself into her, while leaving the main part of himself still looking for more test subjects. "I wonder how many people I can project myself into before wearing down," he pondered.

Now in full control over the woman's fears, he began to influence her mind. "That guy over there knows about your secrets," he told her. "You need to eliminate him immediately. See the way he's looking at you? He's waiting for the opportunity to blackmail you." The woman's anger began to rise, and she plotted her way to eliminate the man. But Abbey wasn't done yet. He sensed something about the man too. He could feel his lust for women. "He's a dominatrix for women," Abbey thought. "He likes to tie them up and almost strangle them to death, suffocating them to the point of submission."

Seeing that in the man, he projected himself into the man and stare his dominatrix effect toward the woman. This two will be killing each other in no time, he said to himself while smiling. I need more confusion and disorderliness in this place. In need to invoke chaos here. Spotting a few men and women in a large office, he decided to head in their direction. Let me see what mayhem I can cause here too. Looking at them, he could see their fears and anxiety written all over them. The man fears was that he suspected his wife could be cheating on him with one of his friends at home. The woman feared she was getting older and yet had not had a boyfriend to take home to show her parents. Another feared that he had been secretly sleeping around in the office with a colleague and he feared his wife would soon found out. Another feared he had a crush on her colleague and his afraid she will reject him. As Abbey processed all this new information, he secretly wondered how he was going to use it to cause mayhem here.

simultaneously, he projected himself into all six people and began to influence their mind, their was a cheeky smile on his face, I am getting better at this, he thought. He moved further again into the complex building if he could cause further damage, he was intending to cause as much chaos as he could in this complex. After he was finished, they won't dare abducted him or anyone again, so he thought. He spotted a lady and was surprised by what he was sensing from her. Pure hatred was what he was getting from her. Her dislike for this place was written all over her. He projected himself into her and intensified is effort to destroy this place. He thought to himself hate is another strong energy and he could feel it.but her hatred was consuming, and it almost consumed him. At the end, he had to quickly withdraw himself from her. After all she already had a strong dislike for this place and she wished to see this place go up in smoke. Before long their was chaos in the all buildings. As nearly everyone was behaving strangely. As Abbey watched , he felt a strange sensation coming over from him. This is victory he said.

There was pandemonium everywhere. Total and utterly craziness. Everyone spilled into different areas and bouncing off each other. Is this demon possession, some senior manager thought. Soon enough the chaos was spreading to all parts of the building. Everyone seemed to be being affected with the plague or virus that was spreading. Abbey sat and watched over his body. It is not yet time, he said. The upper management is jet to be affected, I still need to deal with them. Moving to where the top management staff are, he could sense their fear and anxiety from afar.

.The first management staff he saw was a man named Brad Davies. "You are actually sleeping with your wife's sister and stepdaughter, it's confession time", Abbey said, immediately projecting himself into him. Before long, Brad was calling his wife to confess everything and resigning in the process. After Abbey was done with him, he moved on to the next management staff he could find, another man named Logan. Abbey was taking his time with the management staff in order to achieve optimum results. Logan's anxiety was complicated - he had a phobia of heights and a fear of being caught for his past crimes. Projecting himself into him, Abbey ran into a rage. He screamed at the top of his voice and was out of control, taking off his clothes and running around naked. Next was Nadia Simpson, whose fear was being seen as a woman in a male-dominated office. She felt like killing all her superiors. "Your wish is my command", said Abbey as he propelled himself into her. Immediately, she brought out her gun and started shooting sporadically. After repeating the same process on nearly all the upper management staff he could find, Abbey moved on. There was hardly anyone left standing in the building. The pandemonium and chaos had spread throughout. Everyone was in a miserable state. "You shouldn't have meddled with what you don't understand," remarked Abbey. Before long, the building's siren could be heard and the emergency lights were lit. It seemed someone had activated the security protocol. "Who could that be? I thought I had gotten everyone," Abbey murmured to himself as he looked all over the building for the person he missed. Finally, he found her. "I see it's you, the lady with a strong hatred for this place," he said, keeping his distance as he remembered how she had almost consumed him with her overwhelming hatred. Like him, she seemed to be giving off her own form of energy, but unlike dream energy, hers was pure hatred. As he contemplated what to do with her, she made her way to where his body was laying. Abbey was confused and perplexed. "What is she going to do with my body?" he thought. "Is she going to harm me or worse?" As these thoughts raced through Abbey's mind, what happened next shocked him to his core.