

two days later.


Ava was sitting on a chair in her parent's bakery.

she didn't notice she was talking out loud.

why would such a pretty girl like that try to kill herself; she said repeatedly to herself.

who is "THE WITCH" and why is the headlines saying it's because of bullying?? (so many questions flooded her mind).

Then a girl wearing a school uniform black mini skirt, white short sleeves, long straight brunette hair, brown eyes, pink lips and a beautiful body, you would call her a model only that she was in a uniform.

what is she thinking about now; with a cute smile on her face .

Ava now coming back to reality.

emma you are here; with a huge smile Ava said.

Emma: why wouldn't I?? my best friend has not been to school for the past one week.

Ava: I know right (with a sad face)

Emma: (noticing that) am here for you okay! we get through this together; (giving her a hug).

Ava: (with a smile) if we are able to raise the money then I will be back to school very soon, mom and dad have been trying to raise my tutiton money.

Emma: don't worry okay, everything is goona turn out fine if only I could be at home for one week too (laugh) but am here to give the notes from the week.

Ava:(smiled) crazy girl, anyways thank you so much.

Emma: you are welcome, so what have you been up to lately?

Ava: nothing much then delivery of cakes.

Emma: you must be tired hmm ( squeezing her hand).

Ava: not really am okay.

now think about the school

but wait a minute I went to dan high school, I....

(cutting in).

Emma: you did what??? (with curiosity) you mean you went to the richest high school in the globe????

Ava: yeah, I went for a delivery.

Emma shaking Ava hands tell me about the school please please

Ava: well nothing much to tell but it's ten time big than our school and beautiful.

Emma: what about the girl? they were pretty right.

Ava: yes but you are much prettier than them.

Emma laughing; are you kidding me, they are super rich.

Ava: so what?

Ava: they are just rich snubs

they both laughed.


after one hours of chatting

Emma: I better get going now.

Ava: yeah that's right.

Emma pulling Ava's shoulder

Emma: see me off dummy (with a smile)

Ava: okay okay lemme just think about it first.

(they laughed)

at the front of the bakery shop they were saying their goodbyes.

Emma left.


A black luxury car parked in front of Ava, not really a car you normal see in Ava's neighborhood.

then a man wearing a black suit came out and quickly open the back door for a woman wearing a blue suit with black skirt to come out of the car.

Ava just turned around to go into the bakery shop even through she was curious about who the woman was.

the woman: Ava brooks?

Ava in shock turned around to see the woman

Ava: yes

the woman: don't be scared, am Luna Danvers owner of Dan high school.

Ava in shock could not believe the owner of Dan group of companies was standing front of her,

the woman was a legend only seen in the TV interviews, people call her the goddess of businesses she got everything she ever wanted by the wave of her hands.

Ava bowed in respect and asked what can I help you with ma?

Mrs Danvers: let's move in to the bakery (not paying too much attention to her question but wanted to escape the crowd of people gathering because of the car and four bodyguards that's was suspicious in Ava's neighborhood).

walking into the bakery shop even through the shop was not something she would step her foot in but she had to.

Ava pulled her chair to sit

Mrs Danvers had a fake smile on, because she wasn't comfortable to be in the restaurant

Mrs Danvers: you can sit dear

Ava sat down on a chair in front of her

Mrs Danvers signaling her bodyguards to leave, when she noticed Ava was not comfortable with them

they left.

Mrs Danvers: so am a busy woman, lets cut to the chase.

Ava silent because she was so straightforward.

Mrs Danvers: you came into my school, you saved a student thank you (smile) and I checked with your school your passion is to become a professional runner??

Ava simply nodded.

Mrs Danvers: and I know you have been out of school for a week because of money issues.

Ava now getting pissed off by her words.

Ava: you said we are cutting to the chase ma'am

Mrs Danvers a little angry but also amazed by how much courage she has to say that to a powerful woman like her without fear

Mrs Danvers: I want to offer you free education at Dan high school.

Ava shocked you mean like a scholarship?

Mrs Danvers: yes what do you say?

silent for a moment.

Ava: I think about it ma'am

now angry and stood up.

now this is just being stupid!!!

Mrs Danvers: you have two days.

for a business woman she hated delays.

she made way for the exit

at the exit

she said think wisely; without turning her head to look at her and left

Ava said to herself won't this woman make my life a living hell if I reject it?

she knew how dangerous people said she was

what should I do??????