

This is the real story of a student who wanted to become a doctor.He wanted to serve his life as a doctor for his village people.He started to study very hard from begning.He has completed his school education from Goverment school.He was looking forward to get admission in college he searched the college when he got admission there later he knew that ,that is first year of that college was established and he was worried about his dream.

But he did not feel down he started continue his hardworking and completed his college life education.

Now it was the time to decide to get the enrolled in medical school but there was lots of hurdle.

Becuase for getting enrolled in medical school he should have the good score in FSC and also good score in entrance test but unfortuabley he couldn't get the good score in FSC.but his dream was to do the MBBS from any medical school.

When he realized he couldn't get enrolled in his home country then he was started to search the foriegn medicak unversity.

Finally he got the university,the university name is Astana medical unversity in Kazakhstan.But now there was lots of problem how to get enrolled there.Because foreign student can not get direct admission in foreign country.They have to contact with company who already get the contract of those universities.So he started to search the companies in Pakistan and there was lots of company who enrolled the students in different medical univerties but the problem is they get lots of extra charges and a normal student family can not afford it.finally he found the company and want to mention the name of that company(FORIEGN MEDICAL ADMISSION TEAM).

He did contact with them and he sent all documents to them.Finally they call him for an interview and he completed every step successfully.

Finally he enrolled in Astana medical unversity.He was looking that his dreams was going to be true.In seotember 4,2021 He took his first medical school class.He is very happy now.He has completed 2 years of medical study.

This is the story of not any other student this is the story of mine(Dr Usman Baig).i wrote my hardwork my struggle that i face in my life.

I just want to advice those students who keeps dreams to become doctor and want to serve for the people,just keep continue your hardwork,struggle and finally you will achive you dream.

Thank you very much.