
Dreaded Vamp King

Lilly, after finding out that her dad was killed by vampires, she vowed not to rest, not until she make all the vampires pay for taking her happiness away from her, but what happens, when she finds herself, falling deeply in love with a vampire, unknown to her about his identity? What happens when she sneaked into the vampires forbidden den, where no one goes in and comes out alive? Do you think she'll be able to take the shock of seeing her worst enemy, Kai Red (Lucifer), sitting on the throne of darkness, looking as dangerous as ever? What happens when the deepest secret about her reveals itself?...

Charity_Charity_4891 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs


Chapter One


Author POV

Inside the very large vampires' den, with a ray of light, penetrating in from nowhere, flashing on the throne, which was adorned with nothing, but gold, looking shiiny and all beautiful.

The atmosphere tensed up, as all the vampires in the den, stood on their feet, maintain a straight face, they all looked like they're waiting for someone.

Minutes later, a violent wind filled the entire place, and slowly, a strong scent, filled every inch of the atmosphere, followed by a dark and intimidating aura, sending shivers down their spines. The atmosphere tensed up, as fear gripped all of them.

Meanwhile, sitting on the throne now, is a figure, dressed in all black, with a big black cloak, on his body, the big hoodie, covering his head, making his face invisible, but anyone could tell that he is a dangerous creature.

Standing up on his feet, slowly, he took his hand to his head, and held the tip of the hoodie, before letting it fall off his face, revealing the most beautiful face ever. Yes, he's beautiful, he is a man, but saying he's cute or handsome, is an understatement. His lips are the most perfect lips, which you would kill to have a taste of, his pointed nose, the most beautiful of them all, which your fingers would itch to touch at every glance of it, his flawless and spotless skin, glows, even under the darkness, his eyebrows, are thick and looked perfect on him, making him more handsome, his long eyelashes, are longer and beautiful than that of most women, his eyes, are the rarest color, deep green, shining brightly under the darkness, his thick black hair, clinging on to his head, with some strands, covering a part of his face, his height is just perfect, and his body shape, the most perfect one. Yes, he's Kai Red, the very dangerous Lucifer, the king of all vampires, not just the king, but the most dreaded one, the most dangerous creature that ever walked on the phase of earth, his dark and intimidating aura, kills faster than anything.

He has been into existence for centuries, and lives in the forbidden den, which is located in the basement of a mansion. To people, they believe that the house is just a mansion, but no one knows that there's a secret, a dangerous one, behind the mansion, which is the den in the basement.

Alot of scientists, after hearing of the existence of the mysterious creature, have been to the den for research, but none of them ever came out alive, and the secret behind their death, have always been a mystery, as no one could tell what happens to all the scientists.

"Lucifer!" They all bowed slightly, while staring down at their feet, nobody dares to look him in the face, nobody dares to go on a suicide mission, looking him in the eyes.

"Miguel..." His deep voice, surrounded with a dark aura, came on, sending shivers down their spine. They keep drowning in their own fear, as they awaited what the king has to say. As much as they want to be calmed, his aura keep telling them otherwise, and they could only get nervous.

"Lucifer." Came one of the vampire's voice, before a young handsome vampire, stepped out to the front, his gaze strictly fixed on the floor, as he felt the dangerous creature's aura, consuming him.

"Bring him here." He ordered, while staring into space, not tilting his head to look at the vampire, standing before him. His face held so much danger, and with every seconds that passed, his aura only gets more dangerous and intimidating.

Miguel bowed slightly, and in a second, he teleported out of the den in a hazy mist form, and in the next seconds, he appeared again, but this time, he had someone else with him, a young man, who was looking all weak and tattered, anyone would know that he must have been through alot, judging from how he looks.

Miguel pushed the man on his knees, and he could only obliged, as he was too weak to object.

The side of his lips twitched into a dangerous smirk, as he stared down at the man, but the smirk only lasted for a second, as it dissipated slowly, into a deep frown, with his aura, consuming them all.

"I don't have the habit of repeating myself. Who sent you?" His cold deep voice came on, as he stared down at the man, with his hands, crossed behind him.

Meanwhile the man stared down at the floor, drowning in his own fear, as he anticipated for his death, he know that he won't be spared, he know that his end is finally here he know that his doom, is standing right before him, and there's nothing or anyone, that can save him. He opened his mouth to talk, but his mouth failed him, as they only trembled. Balls of sweats formed on his forehead, his whole body trembled in fear. As much as he want to run, he know it'll be pointless, he know that he can never outrun the devil, no matter how he tries to, now he found himself, regretting ever coming into the den, it all dawned on him, that the beast in human form, standing before him, have always been the secret, behind all those scientists death. His mind wandered off to his family, who must've been looking for him for the past days that he had been missing, as a drop of tears, strolled down his cheeks.

"Don't make me repeat myself!" His cold deep voice echoed in the den, sending chilled sensations down their spines. His dark and intimidating aura, keeps radiating in the den, consuming every single soul. As much as they want to be strong, and not get affected by it, but can they do it?

Meanwhile, the man sat weakly on the floor, gazing at the floor, while anticipating for his death, knowing nothing can ever save him.

Lucifer stood staring at the man, as anger surged through him, his deep green eyes, suddenly changed to blood red, his perfect white teeth, grew slowly, until they grown into fangs, his perfect fingers, kept growing, until they were now claws, his aura darkened, igniting their fears. In a flash, he teleported to the man, and held his hair roughly, tilting his head, and in the next second, he plunged his fangs on his fresh neck...