
Dreaded Vamp King

Lilly, after finding out that her dad was killed by vampires, she vowed not to rest, not until she make all the vampires pay for taking her happiness away from her, but what happens, when she finds herself, falling deeply in love with a vampire, unknown to her about his identity? What happens when she sneaked into the vampires forbidden den, where no one goes in and comes out alive? Do you think she'll be able to take the shock of seeing her worst enemy, Kai Red (Lucifer), sitting on the throne of darkness, looking as dangerous as ever? What happens when the deepest secret about her reveals itself?...

Charity_Charity_4891 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Let's run!

Chapter five

Lilly POV

Turning around to run from the restaurant, I collided on a hard surface, which turned out to be someone's chest, as I fell on the floor in a loud thud, and winced in pains. What the heck! Is the person blind or something? Didn't he or she see me coming? The pains in my butt isn't my problem now, but the deep mess I'm in now. How the heck are we going to escape from this shit again, huh?

"Are you ok Lilly? Please get up." Nina said worriedly, as she came to help me up, while the idiot I just collided on, stood like a log of word.

"Are you blind or what!" I snapped angrily, as I finally got on my feet, and raised my head to look at him, as I was welcomed with the most handsome creature ever. His body shape, is the most perfect one, his pink lips, his pointed nose, his flawless and spotless skin, gosh! How could a man be glowing in this manner? His eye colors are the rarest I've ever seen, his thick black shiny hair, clinging on to his head, with some strands, covering one of his eyes, gosh! He's so handsome.

He stood staring at me, like he didn't hear what I just said, while crossing his arms on his chest. Wow! Like seriously? Is he deaf or something? Don't tell me he's trying to snub me, coz if he is, I won't take it lightly with him.

"Like seriously? You can't talk?" I waved my hands on his face, and made to walk to him, but winced, as a strong wave of pains spread through my butt again. Gosh! Did I break any bone down there?

He kept staring at me, and I just couldn't help, but let out a scoff. When they said that handsome dudes are arrogant, I didn't believed the rumors, but right now, I think I'm believing it. He couldn't even said sorry, but instead, he just acted like nothing happened, who does that?

"Pay for damages. I can't walk now, because of you!" I snapped, while pointing my index finger at him. I just need to do something, he looks rich, and I'm sure he'll be able to pay for our bills, so I'll just do something about this whole shit.

"You were planning to run away after eating here, you ran into me, and look at my shirt, you've ruined it, so tell me, who should pay for damages?" He said calmly, but with so much aura, surrounding his voice, which I can't seem to decipher where it was coming from. Wait! Did he just said we were planning to run? How the heck did he know about that?

"Wha....what...what are you talking about?...whatever! I need to go to the hospital, so you better give me some money to..."

"Excuse me ma'am, please it's time to pay for your food, the bill for both of you is 0

1000 pesos." The waitress walked up to us and announced, while looking into the book in her hand. Ok this is it, we're in deep trouble, and I don't think there's anyone that can save us now. I shouldn't have listened to Nina in the first place, it was all her idea, look what it has gotten us into now? I should have known this would be the case.

Taking a glance at the waitress, who have an unreadable expression on her face, I gulped down the lump in my throat, and returned my gaze to the jerk in front of me, who have a mocking smirk on his lips.

"We're in trouble Lilly." Nina whispered to my ear, close to tears.

"Just shut the heck and let me think of something." I shut her up in a whisper.

"Uhm...miss, sorry for the inconvenience, but this man here just took our money....I...I...I don't know why." I shrugged, avoiding his gaze, as my heart came thumping heavily against my chest.

"What are you saying Lilly?" Rose whispered, sounding worried. This girl must really be losing her mind, she put us through all these shit, and now that I'm trying to do something about it, she's telling me shit.

"I don't understand miss, you're wasting my time, can you please pay your bills already? I have customers to attend to." The waitress said, sounding pissed already.

I heard him scoff, and in the next second, I felt a cold hand under my chin, as a cold shiver spread through my body. Slowly, the hand raised my face, as I was welcomed with those pair of deep green eyes, piercing into mine, while sending shivers down my spine.

I gulped down nothing, while staring deep into his eyes, I tried wrapping my head around the shit happening to me, but the more I tried, the more it keep getting complicated.

Slowly, his lips twitched into a smirk, which disappeared almost immediately, registering a deep frown on his face, as he stared at me.

As much as I want to be brave, I just couldn't bring myself to doing it, because whatever he was doing to me, is really having effect on me, and I hate that fact. Now I regret coming here in the first place. The thought of going to jail because of what we did, crossed my mind, and I just couldn't help getting nervous.

"Hey what's wrong with you." I finally mustered courage, and slapped his cold hand off my chin, before turning my gaze away.

He sighed softly, before turning his gaze to the waitress, having a cold expression on his face, and for some reason best known to the waitress, she turned her face away, as fear registered on her face.

"You have to call the authorities, they're thieves." He said, after a long silence, and the waitress snapped her head to look at us, as our eyes widened in shock. What! Did he just called us a thief?

"What!" Nina and I exclaimed.

"Wh...what are you saying? We're not thieves. You!" I snapped at the man.

"Have a good day." He smirked at me, and with that, he turned and walked out of the restaurant, leaving us to our fates.

"You'll pay for this you bastard!" I yelled after him, before turning to the waitress.

"Ma'am is not what you think..."

"You're losing your mind. Is this what you go around, doing? You're both grown ups for goodness sake, how could you still be stealing, huh? I'm calling the police on you." The waitress said, and with that, she turned and walked away angrily.

"What do we do now?" Nina whined, almost in tears.

"Let's run away, we can't go to jail." I said...