
Chapter 4 part 2: Desperate Longings

<i>"And so thy servant left thy charge, and took to the sea. My son looked unto thee and asked 'why did you not send me? Why send a servant?'. To which I answered, 'he is my most trusted vassal, not only by deed but by blood. The lord never tests us; only shows us doorways, and we carry the weight of our choices like stones upon our backs. Thy servant has always been thy lightest stone, and thus thy greatest asset.' As I spoke these words, I regretted not giving the full truth, and felt the weight of more stones upon my soul. I prayed I made the right choice, for either of my sons sake."</i>

<i>-Late words from Lord Exultant Vithmiris Irnfried, King of the Dragons. Circa 435 pc.</i>

Please look at me…

It was all Junipor could think about as she gazed toward the narrow ray of light. She couldn't make out the person looking at her, but that didn't matter. She spread her arms so that her bare chest heaved in the air, her bright red nipples stabbed at the morning light. With each breathe, Junipor's heart ached. Her left hand rested between her legs. She rubbed her finger between her soaking folds, sinking the index into the burning slip. The back of her hand scratched against the stubble of pubic hair just above her clit. Nerve endings flared as she pressed against the sensitive skin leading to her quaking cove.

Junipor bit her lip, her eyes pleading to the watcher on the other side of the door. Sweat ran down her brow, and her cheeks burned. Yet the figure never entered, even as she slipped her finger into the tight passage of her womanhood and gasped with pleasure. She quickly found the spot that riled her inner walls. It made her stomach lurch, and her head spin.

Time slowed as she felt the swelling pleasure growing at the base of her stomach. It wasn't long before she felt that buildup of thrilling indulgence rise to the surface, pushing her over the edge. Something deep in her core erupted, causing Junipor to arch her back painfully into the air. Waves of euphoria saturated her sense of awareness from head to toe. Her fingers dug into the sheets as she rode the seemingly endless sojourn to its final conclusion.

Her body spent, Junipor collapsed onto her back coated in sweat and quivering for more. Even as she withdrew her finger from between her legs, Junipor fought the temptation to try again for another orgasm. Nothing would fully sate her craving, other than a male's attention. Junipor stared at the silhouette peeking through the door, her body was fully exposed and her Pharine ears arched low.

But he never entered…

Eventually, the door creaked closed again, leaving Junipor to her lonesome. Alone, Junipor waited for several minutes before accepting the awful truth, that they weren't coming back. Slowly she lifted herself from the full sized mattress. She was still a little hungover from the night before, but managed to get onto her feet without too much effort. Quickly, Junipor put on her clothes, ignoring how they smelled, and ventured out of the bathhouse. As she strolled through the vast interior, she didn't notice anyone else there. Her eyes scanned every square inch, hoping to catch whoever it was spying on her, but found no one.

When she left the bathhouse, it was still dawn. She walked bast the market place to wander home.

Later that afternoon

"You seem happy today?" Junipor's ears twitched as she heard her sister's sweet voice. Together they shared a single burrow on the other side of the market district; it was a little small for the two of them, but Junipor already planned on further expansion. It was typical for Pharine's to build their homes into the earth, delving at least one or two floors underground. Junipor's home only had the one basement, its ground floor offered a living room and kitchen, but it was it's basement level that contained their bedrooms. If she had her way, Junipor would've remained curled up in her bedsheets for at least another hour. She wasn't particularly tired, but couldn't find the initiative to crawl out of her sheets. The smell of Scarlet's cooking changed her mind. It was so deliciously strong that Junipor had to come up.

"Oh, do I?" Junipor responded to her sister with a smirk. She stretched her limps as she walked up the stairs to the ground floor. Her frost white hair was unkempt and her tail needed a good grooming, but Junipor was too fixated on the sausage links grilling on the stove to notice. A sudden chill brushed against her skin as she reached the top floor, she tightened the wool blanket over her naked torso. The tiny hair's between her thighs tickled, and the sweat between her breasts chilled.

"Don't tell me," Scarlet gasped. She shot Junipor a smirk, "You didn't come home last night…did you…did my big sister finally snatch a mate?"

"If only," Junipor clutched her hands to her chest, her ears twitched as she spoke, "but someone was watched me in the bathhouse!"

"Wait…what?" Scarlet stopped fiddling with the sausage links in her pan, "Someone was spying on you!"

Junipor pounced onto the empty seat next to their kitchen table. "It was so exhilarating, I was in the inn resting after lounging in the bath. This morning, as I awoke, someone had cracked open the door and watched me as I…relieved myself."

"Eww!" Scarlet dropped the fork she was using to turn the links.

"No, not like that," Junipor laughed, "you know what I mean." She rolled her eyes and rested her chin in the palm of her hand. Junipor's tail wagged, expressing her satisfaction.

Her sisters nonchalant attitude caused Scarlet's auburn tail to stiffen, "I don't make a habit of rubbing one out in the bathhouse, thats kinda disgusting sis."

"Well it's not like you have to, not with every male fawning over you." Junipor sank onto the table, "last night was the first time a male actually noticed me…and kept watching. It made me feel so special."

Scarlet listened to her sister, it took her a while to decide how best to respond. "You don't need anyone else to feel special, besides how do you know it was a male?"

"What?" Junipor looked up to her in confusion.

"Just saying, did you get a good look at em?" Scarlet walked over to place the food on the table, Junipor's nose instantly narrowed to the juicy sausage on the plate.

Junipor couldn't stop wagging her tail, she was salivating over the meat. "Um…well no."

"So it could've been anyone…even a female." Scarlet sat down with her own plate, along with a fork and knife.

"Die," Junipor groaned. Her tail suddenly stopped wagging, and she no longer had any desire to continue the conversation.

"Hey, it can happen, you never know?" Scarlet sat down next to Junipor, her massive breasts weighed onto the kitchen table like laden milk jugs. It was enough to make Junipor grimace with jealousy.

Subconsciously, Junipor's eyes glanced down at her own chest with disappointment. "It was a male, it had to be." She toyed with the sausage on her plate before savoring a bite. It tasted fresh, and warmed her stomach. Just as she finished the first link, the cool air wafted through the cracks in the walls causing her to shiver.

"Why don't you put on some clothes," Scarlet asked?

Junipor ignored the question, her ears twitched as she adjusted in her seat. Other than her linen underwear, the blanket around her shoulders was the only thing covering her modesty. Her stomach was growling for another serving. Junipor groaned, "Why don't you get those jugs out of my face."

Scarlet sighed, she was wearing a casual tunic underneath her kitchen gown. Without even trying, she looked beautiful.

Junipor suppressed her envy and continued her meal. Just as she finished her second sausage link, she realized she never thanked Scarlet for cooking. "Thanks for the afternoon breakfast, my stomach's been killing me."

"I can tell, you know in Harwickia, I believe they call this brunch," Scarlet chuckled. "I'm sorry sis, you'll find someone. You just need to lighten up a bit."

Junipor looked at her sisters rack, "What I need is something a little extra."

"Tits aren't everything." Scarlet spoke with her mouth full.

Junipor just narrowed her eyes accusingly, "You would never understand."

Tiny footsteps bounced off the wall above them. Junipor's ears perked up toward the source of the sound, and she could smell the unmistakable pheromones from Francesca's fur. The fennec crawled through a small gap in the corner of the wall, and gracefully walked along the beam above them until she was right above Junipor. With a squeak, Francesca leapt onto Junipor's shoulders and licked her cheek. "Oh Francy, I wondered where you ran off to." The tiny fennec yawned, then nestled onto her shoulder, her warm tail wrapped around Junipor's neckline. "Where have you been?"

"She's probably been up to no good, I'll go get her some treats." Scarlet was just about to get up when Junipor stopped her.

"I'll get something for her, besides you haven't finished your plate." Junipor got up swiftly, Francesca had no issue holding on.

"Oh and put some clothes on!" Scarlet called out. Junipor ignored her sisters suggestion.

Francesca was a wily fennec, but she often burrowed in one of two places. Whenever Junipor slept in her own home, which was often, Francesca would nestle alongside her. During the day, the fennec preferred to keep to its own nook in the corner of Junipor's room, where it had burrowed a small sanctuary for itself and her many treats. Whenever Junipor didn't sleep in her own bed, like last night, Francesca kept to the small park nearby. It was a place where many other fennecs played, and fought over tiny insects or minnows in the creek.

Junipor knew that the fennec on her shoulder was likely more hungry than usual. She opened the small cabinet above the sink to find where they kept a small cage of newly caught crickets. No sooner had Junipor picked up the cage, that Francesca rushed up her arm to get on top of it. The fox scratched at the lid frantically as it chirped for the tiny insects.

"Hold on girl!" The sudden weight on her arm almost took her off balance, but Junipor was more worried about the fennec scratching into her wrist by mistake.

Francesca just looked up to her with her ears tucked back, and her eyes gazing as if pleading for help. Carefully, Junipor twisted off the top of the cage and then quickly set it down on the counter. She had to hold onto it so that Francesca didn't cause it to spill over, the fennec lunged its tiny head into the cage and began munching on all the unfortunate crickets inside.

Junipor watched as her loyal companion gorged herself, but just as she was about to stop her from eating too much, a knocking came to their door. The sudden interruption surprised Junipor, she accidentally let go of the cage, causing it to fall over and let dozens of insects loose. Francesca squealed in excitement as she hunted them all with reckless abandon.

"Shit, stop her!" Junipor tried to grab hold of Francesca as she dashed across the counter top, snapping at every cricket in her path. She pushed over every box, and slid every utensil on the floor. A jug of mead, most likely a gift to Scarlet from a male suitor, was knocked over to spill on the floor.

Just as Junipor grabbed hold of the adorable fennec, Scarlet opened the front door. The cold wind filled their humble abode, that and the last frosts of winter. Junipor struggled to hold onto Francesca as she held her close to her chest. Just as she had Francesca contained, Junipor's ears picked up on a very familiar voice. She looked over to see Dunsk and Trixy right outside, they looked past Scarlet to notice she was still very naked.

"Did…we come at a bad time?" The female Aiverix asked.