
Draijus: The Hawk of Darkness

"All wings aren't made in heaven." Corruption has filled the 7 holy lands and caused many countries' downfall. One in particular, Azanara, fell to the minotaurs of Khurak. When this happened, Draijus became a vagabond that would travel amongst the degraded lands in search of answers. His family, his land, and his powers. While marking places to visit for survival, he slowly discovers that the entire world of Saulea has been engulfed in war and bribery. Draijus must fight his way through corruption to gain knowledge of what is happening. He will encounter foes and bosses that test his grit. All to find out Will he be the answer that the world needs in times of chaos? Warning: This book is rated as mature. This book does have gritty content, sexual language, acts, gore, blood, and violence. Read at your own discretion. Thank you.

Cursed_Bear · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

The Runaway

"Stop, please!" Yelled the merchant as Draijus slowly approached him. His eyes lowered at the man. He was disgusted by his dirty robe and his rusted armor. He assumed the merchant could be humbler and wouldn't try anything heinous, but that wasn't the case. The three pocket-knives that were thrown luckily missed him and his horse. But his disrespect would not go unnoticed.

"So, not only did you try to fool me, but you challenged my patience as well," Draijus said with a malevolent smirk. His tall frame towered over the man's body.

His teeth grew exponentially. His canines extended into large hooked fangs. Each bone was coated with a layer of Dalarumite, A white substance that forms a thicker coat on bones for protection. Afterward, the skin on his lower mandible slowly decayed. Revealing a tar-like skin color with a rough surface. Wrinkles covered the outside of it, but they were hardly visible at night. Strings of saliva formed as Draijus held his mouth open.

"You're about to discover why I am separated from the word human." His mandible stretched.

The man witnessing his transformation cowered in awe. He was slithering against the dirt, trying to distance himself. Draijus slowly unsheathed his dual swords, Shubala Debora. Both blades scratched against the inner covering of the sheaths before coming out. The roar of the beast inside the swords echoed. Wyvern scales were marked on the golden blades. They were stretching longer than his arm and almost appeared alive.

"Please! PLEASE! I'm sorry. I won't do it again! I swear! I didn't mean to do it to you. I thought you were some outsider. I swear! That's-"

Draijus lunged forward at an unfathomable speed. He camouflaged his body with each shadow that was present. Seconds later, he swiftly cut the man's neck with his swords. After that, he slowed down by jamming his feet into the dirt. When he turned his head, the man's skull was already missing. Blood was spewing out of his headless body, showering the dirt road. His esophagus coiled around his chest. Bone shards fell on the man's shoulders before his body dropped, making a loud thud.

Soon after, Draijus's horse made a loud shrieking noise that woke the other townsmen. They swiftly came out of their houses. Swarming the scene with haste.

"Hey! Murderer! What do you think you're doing!" Said one of the men.

"Let's round him up!" Another shouted.

Draijus grabbed both of his swords simultaneously. The blades were pointed diagonally toward the ground. Draijus entered a horse stance before lowering his head. After that, Draijus engaged with a swift motion. His body danced with the wind as he turned the blade of the swords sideways and made a clean cut through the men's torsos. The upper half of their bodies floated briefly before falling. Their lower bodies soon followed. Draijus slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He'd notice the entire town was tuned in on what was happening. In a slight panic, Draijus quickly re-sheathed his sword and mounted himself on the saddle of his horse.

"Damn traitors and their families," Draijus said under his breath.

He grabbed the straps of the horse and motioned it to turn around and head out of Cledegar. The hue of the horse glistened before it propelled out of town and toward the road.

The moon waxed its shadows over the night sky as the horse's hooves pounced into the dirt while striding past Wolf's Peak. A large mountain that pillars over the evergreen near Cledegar. Each side of the mountain was coated in dark-red edges that stood out from the rest of the structure. The red color became more iridescent whenever the moonlight shined on it. Tiny red particles floated around it like an aura. Slowly drifting high into oblivion. At the top of the mountain, large sheets of snow covered the peak. At the very tip of the hill was the Ghelvado Wolf Pack. Their coats are said to illuminate best during the third moon (The last moon till sunrise.).

Silhouettes and whispers of clouds brushed the two Elder trees that were like pillars growing on the sides of the mountain. To the left was Signam, the tree of knowledge. And to the right was Bbalv, the tree of Ideals. Signam was colored a dark blue. Its leaves were like tiny needles. They fall off during every breeze but quickly regenerate. At the top of the tree is an apple that glows its color. The apple forms every 100 years. It is said that anyone who eats the apple whole will gain infinite wisdom. The same goes for the tree of knowledge, Bbalv. The only difference is its white color and angelic wings that grow from the lower back of the trunk. Some call it "The Tree of Saulea."

Draijus had pushed for three straight hours without stopping. His horse was panting heavily from the long ride. Soon, he pulled the strap on his horse, slowly coming to a stop. He hopped off and gave his horse some water. While it was drinking, Draijus suddenly grabbed his head and fell to the ground. He covered his head and clenched his teeth.

"No! No! Not now. Please leave me alone! Don't come any closer!" Draijus shouted.

(This is your doing! No one but your doing!)

He dug his fists into the dirt before quietly sitting up. His mouth had built a pool of blood. Slowly, it dripped out in strings. He was staining the symbols on his pants. Some came out in spurts, marking his entire upper body. His muscles increased exponentially. Causing a chunk of his obsidian-coated skin to leak from his arm. Pushing out an apprehensive scream while holding his head.

"Come here, little Draijus. Little gorgeous...I'm going to make you join us. You deserve to be with us..."

Panting heavily, the skin retreated into his body. His bulk had reduced to normal. He leaned up for a moment. Staring at the moon with drowning eyes. He took a final deep breath before getting back up. Returning to his horse.

When he approached her, he patted her head while she was still drinking. The horse rose her head slowly before placing its nose on his chest.

"It's ok, girl. We will find a place to rest."

Draijus then gathered his belongings and galloped down the trail once more. Deep in an ocean of thoughts

"So much for trading in that artifact. It should have added to what I have already. Guess I'm getting too greedy."

Not too long after, his eyes began to pick up a small town that was straight ahead. Draijus pulled up to a large group of naked bushes with a pathway. He slowed his horse down as it neighed slightly. As he hopped off of his horse, his eyes began to glow. The dark circle around his iris had a white-colored aura. Allowing him to see further than average.

"Hm, only a few people out so far. Not many. Hmm, is that a tavern? It seems well lit." He said as he stationed his horse just outside the gate and tied it to a fence with rope.

He rubbed the nose of his horse.

"Thanks, girl. Now you stay here. I'm going to find us something to eat."

He walked up to a sign just a short distance from where he was standing. "Welcome to Grymoore," It wrote. After that, he began to move up toward the middle of the town where he had seen the tavern.

The town was quiet. Each house was well-lit with a bright-yellow light that could be seen from the windows. They were made of Blackstone, a special kind of cement usually used to forge with wood and metal for stable housing, and thick layers of oak. None of the houses were colored differently, but each was spread apart by half a mile. Gardens of flowers filled each backyard with many decorations. But the roads were covered with only thin strips of grass. As the wind traversed, each strip of grass was like a choir of angels hushing the town to sleep.

Light-gray wolves with dark-blue-colored teeth were roaming in the town haphazardly. Noticing this, Draijus stopped for a moment and observed their movements. His long-black hair drooped over his face. Covering it like a cage. Each string of hair was curled at the ends. His eyes were like golden targets. A jet-black circle surrounded his golden hues. His light-bronze skin was covered in illicit markings from his chest to his arms and back. Some are spirits that carry bad omens. His back is covered by a long black coat that has Elden-tribe symbols printed on it. His pants had the same patterns. On the left were two silver chains that drooped down to his knees. Swaying over his black loafers.

"Hmm, they don't seem to be searching for something. It's like they're on guard," Draijus said while observing.

He opened his jaw until it morphed. The tar-like scales covered his original skin tone. His teeth grew in size, resembling thick tusks. And they were colored in black as well. His entire body turned into a transparent shadow. Flocks of black feathers surrounded his apparition like an aura. His eyes were polished, golden gemstones that merged into the shape of a hawk. He slowly squatted down before taking off. With his movements, he glided through the town in one motion. Afterimages of his agility would disappear after 5 seconds. When he stopped, he looked to his left and saw something odd.

Two adult minotaurs with full-grown horns. Both of their bodies covered the rays of light from the moon. Towering over the piece of land they stood on. Their horns & body were coated in red & white fur. Masking their defined appearance. A crimson gemstone occasionally blinked in the center of their chest. Inside it was tiny spheres of light that contained compressed forms of mana.

Draijus moved his right leg back before launching it forward. Due to the excessive force, a strong current of wind coated in dark matter brushed against the nose of the minotaurs. When they looked ahead, they didn't see a body. Only a pair of wings oozing dark feathers and orb-like molecules. Constantly rising.

Both minotaurs were gathering a plethora of energy stored in tiny shards. As they bulked up, both charged at the wings hoping to take out Draijus with one attack. The loud stomping noises tore through the ground, creating small fissures around them. Draijus didn't move as the minotaur phased right through him. Untouched by the attack, Draijus began to move.

The shadows of his afterimages moved so fast that they looked to be sitting in motion. 3 seconds later, one of the minotaur's bodies was cut clean through the bone. The minotaur gave a large whale-like cry before its upper body crashed into the ground. Twitching before it ceased. Blood was pouring out of the neck of the headless minotaur while the other took two steps back before lowering its head.

"That's one," Draijus said as he smirked. His eyes then averted to the other minotaur that was hesitant to move.

Draijus swung Shubala Debora, creating a wave of golden particles forged into a crescent slash. The immense energy grew wide enough to slice the minotaur in half from its torso. Separating limbs, flesh, and bone. When both parts of the minotaur's body fell, a large pack of wolves stormed into the area. All of which were the same wolves that Draijus had seen before.

"Well, well, well. I didn't think I'd ever meet someone who could take down a minotaur so easily." Said an old female voice that grew louder as it approached Draijus.

"You should be careful, now. These wolves are my blessings. Something I know you lack. Not a cross in heart, nor blood in thy faith." The woman said as her appearance became more evident. A tall woman cloaked in a black dress. Her hair and skin were like soot. Her eyes could melt continents covered in ice. A scornful crimson that could never wither.

Draijus took a step back before pointing his sword toward her nose.

"Who are you? And what have you done to this place?" He asked.

The woman sharpened her black 20-inch nails and slapped the golden blade from her range. Making Draijus stumble before regaining his composure.

"Disrespectful men pointing metal in my domain...is something I will not tolerate!" She shouted before continuing.

"I am Divoula, Crest of the Wicked Moon. I am this town's ruler through the night." Divoula's nails extended toward Draijus's chest before slightly moving forward.

"And I should be asking...What are YOU doing in MY town?"

Draijus smirked a bit before answering:

"I see you're a welcoming person." He said before swiftly knocking her claws back with his blade. All of the wolves howled and barked at Draijus's reaction. They circled him before making another move.

"Now, my darlings, I know you all are in a hurry for an early morning meal. But let me assure you, if this one continues to claw at my skin, I will expose the man's flesh. Surely, there will be enough for everyone!" Divoura shouted as the wolves howled at her words.

"Put down your sword if you wish to live," Divoura warned as she lowered her eyes. Resting cold embers on Draijus's shoulders.

Draijus's laugh echoed through the area. His wings had expanded while his silhouette form had faded slowly before revealing his flesh.

"I don't fold my wings to no witch," Draijus said as he unsheathed the second sword of Shubala Debora.

"But I will fold your bones into the dirt."

With agility, Draijus jumped high before placing both of his swords together. Afterward, he rotated his entire body before plunging into many wolves, killing them instantly. When he landed, he began slaughtering the wolves one by one. Him swaying left and right, dodging all possible attacks, consistently cutting into the wolves' flesh and separating their heads.

Divoula began to extend her claws toward Draijus, aiming for his head. While in motion, she thought the attack struck right through him, but it was only an afterimage. After it faded, the entire pack of wolves was dead. A plethora of blood had coated the grass. Divoula quickly looked around, and a white light flashed in her vision for only a second. She then realized she was leaning back farther than she ever could.

"What is this..." She shrieked as she finally realized she was beheaded. Draijus morphed from a cluster of black feathers and pointed his golden sword at her face again.

"Now, I will ask again. Who are you? and WHAT have YOU done to this place!" He said in a demonic tone.

"My, you have much to learn about me," Divoura said as a large shadow peaked over Draijus's body. When he looked up, a large mouth had formed at the belly of the woman's body. The mouth was filled with sharp teeth that were at least 12 inches. The tongue that extended out of the mouth was colored light blue. In the middle of it was a blood symbol that was glowing.

Soon after, her tongue wrapped itself around Draijus. It was constricting him entirely of his movement. The emblem on the tongue lit up as Draijus yelled in agony.

"Yes, perish before me. I will give you many deaths, many quarters that will swallow every breath in your lungs. I will make you...anew." Divoura said as the tongue pulled Draijus into the mouth and swallowed him whole.

While being digested, Draijus's screams became silenced. His mouth was covered by yellow mucus. While he tried to break free, he noticed he couldn't use any of his magic. Soon, his entire body was coated in slime. The sticky strings attached to him were pulling small chunks of his skin and exposing his flesh. The mucus slipped into his body and engulfed his energy. Draijus's vision was fading as he was lowered into an empty pile of chewed organs, and the pulsating walls around him began to close in. Marked with the same mucus that had covered him whole, he severely panicked. His body shook tremendously as the walls started to stick to his limbs and stretch them apart. Making him collapse.

Divoula's body had re-attached her head to her body. She laughed uncontrollably before saying: "I'm sure my sisters would love to see what I will bring them."

Not long after, the minotaur lying on the ground began to rejuvenate. The crimson gems on their chest were glowing as they melded themselves together. After that, large howls of unknown entities surfed through the entire town.