
DragonBall Twin Drive

A dragon ball fan died and he was given a chance to reincarnate into the world of dragon ball as the son of Goku and brother of Gohan. Now he has to find a way to become strong enough to live out his life to the fullest.

Lioleo · Tranh châm biếm
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32 Chs

Chapter 5 Power up

After struggling for more than Six hours of pain and agony.

"His power seems to be rising," Korin said as he looked at the boy.

"He reminds me of you when you were younger. Still what vitality." Yajirobe commented.

Goku smiled as he looked at Ken.

Who slowly stood up.

Gohan looks in fear and anticipation as Ken just stopped screaming.

"Congratulations.Son goken." Korin said.

"So this is power," Ken said as he looked at his hands.

He feels like he was full of power even if he knew that this kind of power was most likely child's play to the Saiyans that are coming right now.

"I can feel that your power jumped up by quite a bit," Goku said as he patted the back to Ken.

After drinking the water he somehow gained the ability to sense the Ki energy of others.

Goku's ki was still stronger than him.

Meaning that Gohan might have bigger potential than him because he knew that if gohan drank the water he would have surpassed Goku immediately.

His previous power level was around 400 and after drinking the water it jumped to 800 doubling his base strength.

Being age three having an 800 power level was already a very high level but ken was not satisfied.

He wanted more.

No, he needed more to survive everything that will be thrown at him.


Gohan looked at Ken who just unlocked his full potential with amazement.

Before drinking the water Ken's appearance was just the carbon copy of him with messy short black hair with a few spikes and pale white skin.

However, after unlocking the full potential of his body ken's appearance changed a bit.

His height appears to grow a bit and his pale white skin started to turn even paler as it started to lean towards pure white as a drop of snow.

The hair remained the same but his eyes started to get a little sharper along with his unibrows which makes his appearance seem angry even if he wasn't.

Ken was starting to look more like a ghost than a normal human.

Gohan looked scared as he looked at Ken who appeared to be different from his previous appearance.

Then Goku's stomach started to growl.

"Hehehe. Korin did you have something to eat." Goku said.

"Ah. I just remembered. We have to get home. Chichi might already be home at this time," Goku said as he looked at the Sun that just set.

The three of them left home in the morning and now the sun has already set.

Meaning that Chichi might have already found out that they aren't at home.

"Ken hurry up and follow me back home. Your mom might be already there." Goku said as he grabbed Gohan and jumped down the tower.

He was able to get on the flying nimbus and flew out of sight in a few seconds.

Although it doesn't seem like it the nimbus was quite fast and currently is faster than Goku's maximum flying speed.

"That goku. He has changed so much since he married that girl. I am glad that I never married." Yajirobe said.

Ken looked at Yajirobe with an expression that said "You can't get married even if you want to." look.

"Ken. Here. Give this pouch to Goku. These are senzu beans. I think he could use them." Korin said as he throws a small pouch towards Kin.

"I see. Thanks. I will be going now. it was nice meeting you." Ken said as he bit farewell to Korin and Yajirobe flew towards the direction that Goku went.

During the mid-flight, he noticed that his flying speed was becoming much faster than before not as fast as the nimbus but it was still quite fast.

And he was starting to get satisfied with the results.


Korin and Yajirobe looked in the direction that the boy went.

"That boy. There is some sort of impure ki within him." Korin said.

"Impure ki?"Yajirobe asked.

"The kind of ki that you can sense from someone like piccolo," Korin said those words shocking Yajirobe.

"Piccolo. That means." Yajirobe said.

"No. Just because someone possesses that kind of ki means that they are evil but no matter what avoid fighting someone like him at all costs." Korin warned.


Back at Goku's house.

"You know Gohan and Goken need rest for their first home school class and here you are messing up all my plans. What if they aren't able to learn from the famous teacher in the west city because of the fatigue from your little trip? And speaking of Goken where exactly is he." Chichi said as goku was forced to kneel and listen like how a boy was being scolded by his mother.

Gohan was not at the scene as chichi make him sleep as he have to get ready for his first home school class.

Ken sees the event happening from outside the house through a small little window.

And he decided that it was not the time to went into the house and wait for Chichi's lecture towards goku to end.