
DragonBall Twin Drive

A dragon ball fan died and he was given a chance to reincarnate into the world of dragon ball as the son of Goku and brother of Gohan. Now he has to find a way to become strong enough to live out his life to the fullest.

Lioleo · Tranh châm biếm
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32 Chs

Chapter 3 A trip to a place above the heavens

In the middle of the night. While gohan was still studying.

"Knock, knock" noise was heard. Near Gohan's desk.

"Who is it?" Gohan opened the window and a small boy that was the same size entered the house.

"Phew. I thought that she was already asleep." it was Ken who spent the whole day outside.

"You know studying is not something that hideous act," Gohan said to Ken.

"One day you realize that if you follow that path you will be studying all your life. And when you have people being able to shoot lasers and fly in the sky that path is not something that you would want to follow." Ken said as he takes off the shoes that he was wearing.

"Mom is pretty mad at you for ditching your studies and she asked me to tell you that if you keep that up you will be grounded," Gohan said with a small squicky voice.

"Yeah. Yeah. I will keep that in mind." Ken said as he lay on his bed.

The house that goku got from Ox's king where they are currently living does not have many rooms so he and Gohan are forced to share a room.

"Mom also said that your meal is on the dinner table and you should eat that before you go to sleep," Gohan said.

"Got it," Ken replied.


At that time in Goku and Chichi's room.

"It seems like he is already back," Goku said as he smiles.

"I just can't believe him. Every time I told him to study or help around the house he always went outside and didn't come back for the whole day. I don't know how to discipline him anymore." Chichi who was reading a novel in her bed said.

"854. I am sure that it will be alright. You know when I was a kid I also didn't like doing chores and only wanted to train to become stronger and stronger." Goku said as he did a push-up.

"That's all because Goku san is so soft with him. That is why he was able to defy my authority." Chichi said to goku.

"Hehehe. Ahhh. Hey, chi chi. What comes after 854?" goku asked.

"And why are you asking for a number anytime you do a push-up? I can not believe that you cannot believe that you cannot count over 7." chichi yelled at goku.

"Forget it. That explains why you didn't do anything when I asked you to kiss me on our honeymoon." Chichi said.

"Kiss? What is a kiss exactly?" Goku asked.

Causing chichi to get mad as she stopped talking to him as covered her whole body with her blanket.

Then Chichi, Goku, Gohan and Goken all fell asleep as the peaceful night passes.


The next morning.

Goku, Gohan and Ken are at the dining table having breakfast while Chichi went for shopping.

Because the location of Goku's house was a little far from the city Chichi was forced to walk towards the nearest city for shopping.

Since she was not able to ride the Flying Nimbus that Goku possess because she didn't have a pure heart she was forced to call a cab from the city to pick her up so it cost more money and time every time she goes to the city.

"Father," Ken said as he looked at Goku who was eating the breakfast that chichi prepared before she leave.

Ken doesn't normally call goku a father.

But when he does call him that a request was soon going to follow after that.

"Ken remember that. Mother told us to study for our entrance exam to a prestigious school in West city." Gohan knew that Ken was trying to ask goku something and warned him but because of his cute voice Ken just ignored him.

"Remember the place where you said you met god," Ken asked.

"Kami's lookout? Why?" Goku asked back.

"Can you introduce the martial art master that taught both of you to me?" Ken asked.

He wanted to use the time chichi was out as an opportunity to go to Kami's lookout to drink the holy water.

"Sure. But you have to promise me that you will keep this a secret from your mother. She was pretty mad at me last night so if she found out about that she is probably going to kill me." Goku said.

"Father. I want to come too." Gohan said as he hold goku pants.

"Okay. Then let's all go and meet Korin. I wonder If Yajirobe was still around." Goku said as he smiles.


At that time on the way to the city.

"I wonder if leaving the Kids with Goku was a good idea," Chichi said.

"I don't know who your husband is but I think that it's probably going to be fine." The taxi driver said.

"You think so?" chichi asked.

"My wife also asked me to look after our children whenever she has something important to do and what is the worst that can happen. It's not like he is going to watch them drink poison without doing anything," he said.

"I hope you are right," Chichi said as she calm down for a bit.