
DragonBall Twin Drive

A dragon ball fan died and he was given a chance to reincarnate into the world of dragon ball as the son of Goku and brother of Gohan. Now he has to find a way to become strong enough to live out his life to the fullest.

Lioleo · Tranh châm biếm
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32 Chs

Chapter 29 Meeting Frieza

"Come on, get over here." One of Frieza's soldiers said as he dragged a small Namekian out of a cone-like building.

A small group of namekian were gathered together in one place surrounded by numerous soldiers armed with some kind of blasters.

Old namekians, Young namekians all kinds of Namekians were gathered in a hostage situation.

Then one of the Namekian who appeared to be the leader noticed two large dragon balls that dodoria was holding. Dodoria was present at the scene along with Frieza and Zabon.

"Grrr." He looked at dodoria with an angry look.

"My name is Frieza. And as you can see I am searching for the dragon balls. " Frieza introduced himself and made his motive clear from the start.

The Namekians that Frieza was holding hostage were not stupid. There is no way that Frieza guy who was accompanied by some soldiers holding weapons got the dragon balls without any conflicts.

"Where is the dragon ball? I believe that there is one here." Frieza said to the leader of the namekian. His name was Moori. And he was the elder of a Namekian village.

"I don't know. We don't have such kinds of things here." Moori lied.

"Ho. Ho. Ho.Dodoria. If I recall correctly the second Namekian that we killed said something interesting. Right?" Frieza asked dodoria.

"Yes, they said they will only give the dragon balls to those who they judge to be Men of Valor." Dodoria said.

"Yes, and he was a very stubborn man too. I simply could not get him to cooperate with me until I killed one of them to serve as an example." Frieza said.

The Namekians looked at Frieza with disbelief.

"Once I did. Well, let's just say he was more eager to talk." Frieza continued.

"He told us how the seven dragon balls were created by the grand Elder of the world and that each of them is in the custody of one of the seven elders. Each one is to engage in a contest of wits, a contest of strength and to ask the reason for one's wish. And once the elder judges you to be a man of Valour. You will be able to obtain their dragon balls or so he told me." Frieza said.

"Of course, I attempted to do as he instructed. But he informed me that he was not going to give me his dragon ball. So I have no other choice left..... But to kill him." Frieza said.

"How could you?" Moori said.

"The next three are more willing to hand over their dragon balls," Frieza said.

"You are lying. There is no way our elders will be so willing." Moori objected to Frieza's statement.

"Oh, no. They weren't initially so willing but once we did this... Ah, Zabon can you please show them what we did to them." Frieza said.

"Yes. Sir." Zarbon replied.

Then he appeared behind one of the Namekian to attack him by kicking him in the blind spot.

But then his kick was blocked by someone.

It was Ken who was observing everything since the beginning.

"What the?" Zabon was shocked.

Ken then grabbed Zarbon's leg and throw it away into the sky.

"Kamehameha." then he finished Zarbon off with a Kamehameha wave.

Obliterating him to dust.

"Who are you?" Frieza said as he looked at Ken.

"A tail. He must be a Saiyan. But how did he beat Zarbon that easily? My scouter didn't even display his power level." Dodoria said as he was also surprised and intrigued by Ken.

To be more honest he was terrified of the unknown force that was in front of him.

[I think I can beat Frieza but I need to take care of his underlings first. I don't want to be sneak-attacked by some random soldier and died.] Ken thought.


Since the beginning, Ken has no plans to make gohan and piccolo fight. He only brings them to Namek for their potential power-ups.

He knew if things go smoothly Nail won't probably fuse with Piccolo. But making they know each other won't be a bad thing. If everything thing goes as planned he can even ask them to fuse in the future if something like a universal tournament is set up.

Of course, he also planned to ask the grand elder to unlock Gohan and piccolo's potential along with his.

Vegeta was more of a fail-safe that Ken expected to go up against Frieza if he somehow lost to Frieza.

Or at least he expects him to buy enough time for bulma to escape.

It was not a flawless plan as both piccolo and bulma dying could mean that everything could be in vain.

So as the final part of the plan he left a note in his room titled to dr brief with the name of the planet cereal and the existence of the dragon balls on that planet that could be used to wish them back to life.