
DragonBall Twin Drive

A dragon ball fan died and he was given a chance to reincarnate into the world of dragon ball as the son of Goku and brother of Gohan. Now he has to find a way to become strong enough to live out his life to the fullest.

Lioleo · Tranh châm biếm
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32 Chs

Chapter 28 Gohan’s first battle

Back on Namek.

"So I will tell the plan one last time. Try to get a dragon ball and hide from Frieza as long as you can. And ask Vegeta to take care of Frieza's underlings. I have to do something first. After that, I will try to take out Frieza myself personally." Ken said.

"Do we have any choice? Fine, but how are we going to persuade Vegeta to help us? Don't forget that not long ago he tried to destroy the earth." piccolo said as he looked at Ken.

"Look who's talking," Bulma said to piccolo.

"Let's do it Mr piccolo," Gohan said to piccolo.

"Is it just me or does gohan seems to like piccolo more than you?" Bulma asked while smiling.

She didn't like how bossy Ken is so she tried to use words to get under his skin.

"And you, you sat down quietly on the spaceship. And if something happens just run away. Take gohan and piccolo if you need to escape the planet and if you could not, just escape alone." Ken said.

"And just for safe measure,s There is another planet named Cereal where another set of dragon balls exists if something happens you know what to do," Ken said to Bulma.

"Another set. We just found out about the existence of dragonballs apart from us just now and you are already telling me there are others." Bulma was not happy to find out about another set of dragon balls.

"And how the hell do you even know that," Bulma asked Ken.

"Ummm. Intern..... I mean through Shenron." Ken replied.

"I knew that you idiots are here." Vegeta who seems to just arrive on the planet said as he walked towards Ken and the company.

"Okay, then I will leave the rest to you piccolo, bulma," Ken said as he flew off.

"Hey, don't ignore me like that." Vegeta tried to call out but Ken was already too far away.

"It seems like he ignored you," Piccolo said to Vegeta while smiling.

"Shut up. He told you, idiots, about Frieza, right? What the hell did he plan to do to take out Frieza anyway?" Vegeta asked Piccolo.

"I think we can catch up later. Now it seems like we got company." Piccolo said as he saw numerous Frieza soldiers heading towards them. They were around 30 soldiers.

"What do we have here?" One of the soldiers said.

"It seems like we have got a jackpot. A woman." The other soldier said as he saw bulma.

"Bulma gets back." piccolo said.

"Right." Bulma agreed with him and try to hide behind a rock.

"That woman. Already bringing us down." Vegeta said as he prepares for combat.

"Hey is that Vegeta." One of the soldiers seems to notice Vegeta.

"Masenko," Gohan Yelled out as he fired a beam toward one of the soldiers.

"Hey. What do you think you are doing?" the other soldier said as he looked at Gohan with rage in his eyes.

"That seriously hurt." The soldier that was hit by Gohan's attack said as he quickly recovered with only a few bruises.

It seems like it didn't lethally wound him.

"Gohan. Be careful all of those people are stronger than Raditz." Piccolo said to Gohan as he removed his weighted clothes.

"Don't drag me down, you lowlifes," Vegeta said to Gohan and piccolo.

Piccolo now with removed clothing appears as he kicked the soldier in the head that Gohan wounded with his attack.

The soldier was knocked out cold as he fell to the ground.

"You will pay for that Namekian." The other soldier said as he tried to attack Piccolo.

"Haaaa." Gohan blocked the punch that the soldier threw at piccolo with a kick.

Both he and the soldier were pushed back by a bit.

"You little." The soldier was able to deliver a gut punch to gohan within a few seconds of opening that was created by the pushback.

"Gaa." Gohan coughed up blood.

"Gohan, dodge," Piccolo said as he extended his hands and punched the soldier that punched Gohan takes the soldier out.

"Thanks, Mr piccolo," Gohan said.

"You idiot don't let your guard down. Or you will be killed." Piccolo warned gohan.

Vegeta however was having no problem taking care of the low-level Frieza soldiers.

He was beating them up left and right and taking down more than half of them with no injuries.

Piccolo struggled a bit but was not very injured but Gohan was bruised up.

He struggled to beat even five soldiers on his own. His lack of battle experience was shown in the fight.

It was a miracle that he didn't suffer any major injury from the fight.

"Gohan are you alright?" Piccolo asked gohan.

"I am sorry Mr piccolo," Gohan said knowing that he didn't do much to help Vegeta and piccolo in that fight.

"You did well for your first fight." piccolo said as he looked at the injured boy.

"I was wrong you seem stronger than I thought. Aren't you gonna celebrate your teammates?" Bulma who got out of hiding said to Vegeta.

"What teammate? I basically have to carry those two burdens on my back in that fight." Vegeta said as he turned his back on Piccolo and Gohan.

"Dick," Bulma said as she walked towards piccolo and Gohan to congratulate them on their battle.