
Chapter Twenty-two

Her stomach lurched as she fell. A cry like a wounded animal sounded from above her. A hand grabbed onto her wrist jerking her to a stop, she gasped as looked down into darkness, she couldn't even see the bottom of the ravine, she looked up and saw Jay, his pale tear stricken face set in determination. He clutched her like she was his only tether to life.

"Jay what are you doing!?" She gasped. Her shoulder screamed at her as it was stretched and pulled.

"I won't let you die, I can't." His voice was strained with the effort of not letting her go.

"Jay please!" Now it was her turn to beg. "Please let me go, it's what I want."

"I can't." He whispered. "I love you, if you fall then I'll jump after you."

"If you truly love me, you would let me go." She looked into his eyes, she had never noticed how beautiful they were, light brown, the kind that would light up in the sun like flames of gold.