
Chapter Sixteen

It had been a week since she'd arrived at the castle pretending to be the ambassador and no one was any wiser that there was an imposter among them. Each day she smiled and curtsied, laughed and flirted with the king all the while imagining slitting his throat. But King Rohnan ate up all her lies.

It was on the eighth night that he invited her to bed with him. She did what she had to and waited until he was asleep before slipping out from under the sheets and drawing the dagger that she had hidden in the folds of her dress that now lay crumpled on the ground. Then she slunk over to the side of the bed where the king slept, she straddled the king and pressed her blade into his throat. His eyes snapped open and she smiled at him.

"Don't you remember me?" She hissed. "Me and my brother? You sent us to a labour camp and then sent your men to kill us!"

"I sent many people to labour camps, my dear. Don't expect me to remember all those wretched good for nothing cowards!"