
Chapter Five

Flynn knew they had to leave, before the man with the dragon returned with more soldiers. He didn't think they would survive that. They gathered supplies from the overseers barracks, then set off on foot, they went the same direction the others had gone in. Nesryns eyes were dead, and when he asked if she wanted to talk about it she'd snapped at him to leave her alone! So they kept walking in silence, some of them carrying the ones who had been wounded on make-shift stretchers. He himself wasn't wounded, just a few nicks and scratches here and there, but he could see Nesryns limp growing worse. He didn't tell her to rest he knew she wouldn't listen to him.

Nesryn kept her eyes on the path ahead, she felt as though part of her had died with Ravi. Without him she was nothing, without him she had no one. Her leg sent a spikes of pain through her every time she put weight on it, but she didn't care, I deserve this pain! She thought to herself. Part of her blamed Flynn for Ravis death, even though she knew it wasn't his fault. She trudged on, the smooth wood of the poles they had used to make the stretchers began to slip from her grasp, she held on tighter ignoring the moans of pain all around her, they were already doing all they could to make this easier for the wounded and dieing. It slowly grew darker and they saw lights ahead, a few of them went to scout it out. When they came back they were grinning. "It's the assassins castle." They said, they all knew that the assassins took in refugees, and they were in a way refugees. They continued forward and when the reached the lowered moat bridge Nesryn heard cries of joy from others, she didn't join in, she wouldn't be staying here long. She would wait until her leg healed the she would leave, she would do what Ravi had asked of her with his dieing breaths. She would kill the King. She didn't care how long it tok but she would end him.


The riders knew Yuana and the other prisoners had escaped and were looking for them.

Grab the elf first then come back for me and the others! Yuana told the demon through their mind link as she crept through the silent halls. They had decided to split up and find different ways to the outside where the demon would get them out. She made a silent prayer to Lin, Goddess of Magic and Shape-shifters, for the safety of Kallos, Falia and the others. She reached a small courtyard, it was deserted except for a woman who was walking across it, Resina. Hate boiled up inside Yuana, she was going to kill that little traitor! Resina was wearing a white shirt and black leather trousers, her hair was coiled into a bun at the base of her neck. She only had a dagger at her waist but other that Yuana couldn't see any weapons. As if Resina had sensed her she stopped walking. She let out a low laugh.

"I should have known you would get out. I tried warned Jay but he wouldn't listen." Yuana remained silent and Resina her back still to Yuana asked after a moment of silence: "Are you going to kill me?

"I don't know, should I?." Yuana angled her head to the side as if she was thinking.

"You can try." Resina said sweetly and the began to change, at first it was only small things her skin grew paler then her ears grew pointy, after that it became more noticeable as she turned to Yuana still smiling Yuana could see that her teeth grew to sharp points and horns sprouted on either side of her head, her cheekbones stood out, her irises had completely vanished, leaving her eyes white except for her pupils which had turned to snake like slits and wings sprouted from her back. She roared and Yuana began to back away, she had had no idea Resina was a drothari. Yuana drew her sword and took up a defensive stance. Resina launched herself at Yuana who barley dodged the attack, Resina wheeled round and attacked again. Yuana stabbed for her chest but Resina caught the sword with one of her taloned hands and ripped it from Yuanas grasp throwing it across the courtyard, ignoring the way it sliced her palm open, Resinas indigo blood trickled down her long spindly fingers. Yuana lunged at her again her daggers now in her hands. Resina roared again and swung one of her sinewy arm into Yuanas side, she went flying and her breath got knocked out of her as she slammed into the stone wall of the courtyard. She rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself up on her hands and knees, a small flash of light and a jaguar stood in her place, its brow crinkled as is let out a deep snarl in Resinas direction. The jaguar had the same bright blue eyes as Yuana, when shifters change their eye colour stays the same. Yuana crouched to the ground the pounced on the drothari, Yuanas teeth clamped around Resinas wrist her tale swishing for balance, Resinas indigo blood filled her mouth and flowed down her chin but she didn't let go, she could hear the bones crunching and splintering the drothari screeched in pain and Yuana leapt back as it tried to bite her. Just then the wind picked up and thunderous wing beats shook the air, they both looked up, the demon swooped down from the sky claws extended and set down for half a second before it took off again, a scream rang out and brought Yuana back to the present, she spun back to Resina, she had been watching the demon too. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the demon fly south, a figure with long white-blond dangling in his claws. Resina stalked closer, her wings spread slightly to make her seem bigger. Yuana launched herself at her former allie one more time, this time going for her throat, this time going for the kill.

Resina seamed to embrace her as she leapt onto her. Yuanas teeth grazed Resinas neck but she felt Resinas talons claw her side leaving five gaping, stinging slashes.

They drew apart again and began to circle each other. The sound of wing beats returned, the demon ha come back for her. She roared and through the mind-link told the demon to follow the sound. Just then someone ran into the courtyard and flung themselves onto her pinning her to the ground, she struggled, snarled and clawed at them but they didn't budge.

"Go get Jay and Samael!" They shouted at Resina who had returned to her human form, she was clutching her mangled wrist, purple blood oozing through her fingers.

And Yuana recognized the voice, it was Robin, she struggled harder but in this form she was so much smaller then him, she shifted back into a human and arm was instantly twisted behind her back by Robin. She could see a figure stand atop one of the walkways that opened to the sky, they held something in their hands that glowed a purplish-black, it was a spear, a black magic spear if the glow told her anything. The figure drew back their arm with holding the spear getting ready to throw it. The shadow of the demon loomed over them through the low hanging clouds. Yuanas eyes widened and she screamed a warning.


He had taken the elf to safety and was trying to find the young female, he heard a yowl and headed toward the sound, he ignored the arrows the guards shot at him, they couldn't pierce his scales. He dove upward into the clouds, they couldn't see him now but he could still smell them, and hear them. One of the ran into the building, there in the middle of the courtyard two figures were struggling, there she was! As he watched she shifted back into a human.

He dove down he's claws outstretched ready to grad her and flee. As he broke through the clouds he heard the female scream something and then without warning a burning pain ripped though him and his world went dark.


"NO!" Yuana screamed her voice breaking. A glowing spear had torn through the demons neck, he had died almost instantly, he crashed into the forest where the ice river lay, with a THUMP that Yuana felt in her bones. The dark magic must have pushed the demons body away from the castle as it fell otherwise it would have cursed them all. Robin just laughed and pulled her roughly to her feet. Just then Jay ran out of a near by doorway, Resina in tow, her wrist still oozed blood.

"Who killed the demon?" Robin demanded.

Jay looked sick."It was Péter, sir."

"Péter?" Robin looked confused. "Samael said he was supposed to come next week."

"I know, sir." Jay said. "He said it was something to do with the Hunt."

"Where is he?" Robin asked.

"The silver courtyard sir."

"Let's go."

"Sir, what about her?" Jay asked.

"Bring her with you!" Robin said shoving Yuana towards him, she stumbled and Jay caught her, her cheeks reddened slightly as his muscular arms held her up.

Honestly! She told herself. Your injured and bleeding, but your blushing? She nearly rolled hey eyes at herself had the wounds Resina inflicted not stung so much, had her shirt not been in shreds and barely covering her, she felt very vulnerable, especially after what had happened with Ben.

A while later Yuana didn't know exactly how long, she stood in a circular courtyard bound to a wooden stake in the ground, there were cells all around and in the middle was a torture table. As much as she hated to admit it to herself she was terrified. Robin was talking to a cloaked figure who's face she couldn't see, she could see a second figure out the corner of her eye but they were silent and stayed leaning onto the courtyard wall. Robin pointed on her direction and the cloaked figure turned toward her. Resinas words rang in her head when she beheld the newcomers face. The scarred one. And the newcomer was certainly scarred, two thick scars ran down the left side of his face. His eves widened slightly when he saw her and recognition flashed over his face before he schooled his expression into neutrality. His icy-blue eyes seemed to stare into her soul and he looked strangely familiar, he stalked closer until he was face to face with her, their eyes met, icy-blue and ocean blue. She glared back at him her eyes narrowed.


Samael gasped, the young woman bound to the stake looked so similar to Nesryn. Yes, her skin was lighter and so was hair, but those bright blue eyes, the shape of her eyebrows and the shape of her face... there was no mistaking it.

Samael hurried toward the silver courtyard, he and his friends called it the courtyard of screams. Just as its nickname had predicted he heard a blood chilling scream coming from the round courtyard. He burst through the door and saw a young woman strapped to the table in the middle. Despite her pained expression and blood covered body she was the most beautiful woman he'd seen, she had long wavy brown hair that splayed out and hung off the edge of the table, he deep blue eyes filled with pain and fear. One of the younger students stood watching in horror, the young boys eyes were wide. Samael had always found that the young student were shown the silver courtyard too soon, the boy couldn't have been much older then ten.

"What's going on here?" Samael demanded angrily as he stalked over to the man and towered over him. "Who authorized this?"

The man who stood over the young woman looked up at him.

"None of your gods damned business." The man snared in his face, his voice filled with venom.

Samael narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you?" He snapped at the young boy, the boys eyes widened even more at being addressed directly by a high ranking rider.

"My name is Jay, sir." He said, his face was pale and he looked like he might be sick.

"And who is that?" He asked nodding his head at the woman.

"That's Nesryn Greygol, sir." The boy, Jay, said.

Even her name is beautiful! Samael thought to himself. He walked over to her and unbound her, she was too weak to even stand, he pulled her into his arms not caring that blood stained his white shirt. The man tried to stop him but backed away when Samael glared at him, if looks could kill the mans heart would be beating its last beats.

"You are so lucky that the Master isn't here!" Hissed Samael at the man who had been torturing the woman. The man watched stunned as Samael strode out of the courtyard taking Nesryn with him. A few days later he had to leave on a mission, he forbade Nesryn from leaving his quarters convince she would be safe there. But when he got back she was gone there was no trace of her left except for claw marks on the door frame as if someone had tried to hold on to it and was ripped away. He stormed into the masters throne room, the guards knew better then to stop him.

"Where is she?" He demanded, the master didn't need to ask who, he knew exactly who Samael meant.

"I had her moved to Verdnosa, she had information we needed and she was a distraction to you and you know it." Samaels eyes prickle but he didn't let a single tear fall in front of the Master who would punish him if he did, as if the Master could read his mind he cocked his head. Samael held his head high and spat at the Masters feet before he turned and strode out the room, snarling at the guards on his way out.

After that he sealed his heart, he turned it into stone and bound it in iron so it could never be broken again, he swore he would never love another woman again and he hadn't. He saw the girls eyes narrow as he met them, he knew she was scared even if she tried to hide it, he knew that Robin was watching, he knew Jay was searching his face looking for a sign, an emotion, anything, but Samael kept his face emotionless and cold.

"Who is she?" He asked even though he could guess.

"Yuana Greygol." Jay said carefully, he clearly remembered Nesryn, in his eyes Samael saw something flicker, he cared about the girl, at least a little. He would have to talk some sense into the boy when they were done here.


Yuana was terrified of the man before her, she tried to keep the terror out her face but she knew the man knew she was scared.

"Who is she?" The man asked, his voice was low and dangerous, Yuana felt she had seen him before but she did not know when or where. He pushed back the dark hood of his cloak revealing his white-blond hair that was tied back with a strip of black fabric.

"Yuana Greygol." Jay said answering the man's question.

"Nesryn Greygols sister?" Robin asked.

"No it's her daughter."

Yuanas heart beat faster and sank down to her stomach, how did they know who her mother was? How did they know who she was? She had never told them her name, maybe it had been Resina? But even Resina didn't know who her mother was. Why did Jay look so worried? Why did Robin have that awful smile on his face? He was trying to hide it but Yuana saw him smile briefly as the man turned to her. The man with the scars continued to stare into her eyes, she felt like he was staring into her soul. Yuana would have backed away if she could, he blinked. Suddenly he grabbed her by the neck and began to squeeze. She gasped for air but he squeezes harder.

Just as Yuanas vision started to fade and flicker, a guard burst into the courtyard.

"Ben's dead!" He said his voice panicked. There was a deathly silence as the scarred man spun round letting Yuana go, air filled her lungs, she coughed and wheezed, hanging there held up by the ropes.

"What happened?" The man growled. The guard swallowed.

"We found him outside her cell." The guard said nodding at Yuana. "There were bruises in the shape of hand prints around his neck and his knives are missing." Robin held up the knife Yuana had stolen from Ben's body.

"This knife?" Robin asked looking the guard dead in the eyes, holding up Bens knife he had picked up in the courtyard, the guard nodded. The remaining colour vanished from Yuanas face and the freckles that sprinkled her face stood out. The scarred man turned slowly to look at her again.

"Samael." Robin warned. "Don't damage her too much we need her for the Hunt, if you catch her in the Hunt you can do whatever you want with her, I promise."

The scarred man, Samael, raised his fist. "How dare you kill the Masters son, the Master may be dead but now so is his heir, you wiped out one of the oldest, most noble families." Yuana wondered if Samael would kill her. She didn't think Robin would stop him, she didn't mind, better to die now then in whatever the Hunt was. She didn't regret killing Ben, if she hadn't killed him someone would have eventually. She hope the others had gotten out. Samaels fist slammed into her gut and she grunted as the air swooshed out her lungs. She didn't even have time to recover before Samael backhanded her, her head snapped to the side, her vision swam. Samaels fist connected with her face and she felt her nose break, the pain came a second later, so did the next punch, this time to her ribs. He grabbed her hair and forced her head back so she had to look at his face, his teeth were bared. She forced a smile as blood trickled out her nose, into her mouth staining her teeth red, then down her chin.

"Are you going to kill me?" She laughed then winced as pain shot through her ribs. "Samael." She spat his name like a curse.

He smiled at her, if one could call the look on his face a smile, it would have sent many a man or woman running. "Not today." Then his fist made contact with her temple and her head lolled onto her chest, unconscious.

The courtyard was silent, the only sound was a steady drip, drip, drip of Yuanas blood that still ran out her nose. A door banged open and two riders dragged a struggling Kallos into the courtyard, Kallos stopped struggling as she beheld Yuanas unconscious form and Samael standing next to her with blood smeared fists looking right at her.