
Chapter Fifteen

Jay awoke a few hours later, the campsite was quite and there were few riders, he sat up and pulled his shirt that he had discarded the night before over his head, Samael was sitting by the smouldering fire as if he hadn't moved all night, Jay stood up, stretched and walked over to him, he sat down on the ground near Samael and watched as Samael absent-mindedly roasted a small creature over the fire, Jays mind was still spinning from the argument the night before, a plan began to form in his mind.

"I-" He began to say but he fell silent, the words wouldn't come to him. They sat in silence while the fire popped and crackled, the rodent Samael was roasting began to blacken. "You were right." His voice was low and gravely so early in the morning. Samael turned to him an eyebrow raised in question.

"I wont stand by while the magicians lord over us. I will fight for our freedom."

Samael smiled a small smile. "Good, we'll need every soldier and warrior we can find."