
Chapter Eleven

It was late at night when Nesryn awoke to the sound of horses hooves drumming on the road they had left. She stood and watched from the tree line as a group of riders on horseback thundered along the hard packed earth of the path they had ridden along in the day, some of the riders carried torches, the light flickering through the trees along the path. She couldn't be sure that they were after her but she was better safe then sorry, she turned her back on them as they rode on and headed back to her sleeping roll. It was dark enough that she could just make out Flynns form laying on his own sleeping roll beside hers, she thought he was asleep until his deep voice rumbled through the darkness.

"Were they looking for us?"

"I can't be sure, it was too dark to see if they were in uniform. But if it was them then Hugo must have paid an early visit, I just hope Rosita is alright, Hugo can be... harsh if he doesn't get what he wants."

Flynn reached out in the dark to stroke her face.