
Dragon Princess: Can She Survive in Her Own Book?

Yang Xianyi ends her life to give payback to her 'Fiance', and her parents. With many regrets, Old Nana, the soul caretaker, sends her to the reincarnation cycle, but... Something went wrong, and she ended up in a cultivation world... A strange cultivation world. She becomes Long Mei Ling, and now she is a newborn baby. Certain Beast, the Realm's Overlord, notices her existence, and... Even though she finds the family love that she lacked in her previous life, the concerns of her new inheritance are heavy. Despite this new start in life, she wants to find genuine love. But what she didn't expect is that... *** Extract: "Oh, why is everything so familiar? Their names, the places, and even the way they behave?" "NO! I know where I'm... this is my book!!" "Then, can I find him? I made a carbon copy of him. I need to find him!" A twelve years old Xiao Ling: "Daddy, Brothers, I'm going to find my love! And Mommy, wait for me to bring your son-in-law. You will definitely love him!" With no time to speak, she left, leaving her family stunned for a long time. When they returned to their senses, she was already outside the city. Her brothers join the adventure to search for her... Let's join the journey of an author that reincarnates into her own book. What waits for her? Will she crash her own creation, her best-unfinished masterpiece? Or will she follow the normal route? **** Check out my other books: > Flame of Power > Our First Love is Everlasting! **** - Author notes: Hope you can enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing! The names of each character do not have an important meaning. While it's true that this is a book based on cultivation, the methods of cultivation are not normal. Disclaimer: The picture on the cover is not mine! If you're the artist, let me know, and I'll put it down. Until then, please let me enjoy it.

BlueFlame_Mecc · Kỳ huyễn
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170 Chs



Xiao Ling let Jin sleep, then remembered the words that the ancient voice said at the moment it enters her body.

"Shall thou accept the contract with this almighty one, thou can share a soul contract, making us equal to each other."

She said nothing, but at that moment, because she had not come back to herself, and when she did, it was too late. Her soul felt something warm around her, and the ancient voice resounded once again.

"Master, from now on I will be asleep inside you. However, if your life is in danger, I will be like your talisman. Nonetheless, try not to seek so much risk, I am in a place where I cannot use all my magic... Besides, you can use the same light to bless the subordinates that will accompany you in your journey, that will make them completely loyal to you, and if they decide to betray you the light on their foreheads will kill them..."

After that, the ancient voice fell silent. Everything went back to stillness in her mind. She didn't even have time to react, but her eyes lit up, and she looked at the shadow guards kneeling and tried what the ancient voice told her.

As she thought about it, her mind not always able to keep pace with her body, within seconds of falling asleep, her breathing evened. A projection appeared in front of her crib.

We could not see the projection's appearance. The darkness of the room prevented us from seeing beyond normal eyes. It can only show magnificent purple eyes. "So she's the person from the prophecy? Interesting..." the projection faded away, leaving a creepy laugh behind.

>>> The next morning.


A scream woke everyone in the pavilion.

Looking around for where it came from, they realized it was from the room next to the Masters' room: Xiao Ling's new room.

The servants, butlers and several maids rushed to where they heard the scream, uniformly and urgently entering the room, all struck a posture, ready to fight.

What greeted them, however, Madam Long, holding Xiao Ling in her arms as she pointed towards the cradle.

The servants swallowed, wanting to see what's hidden. Thinking it was something from some enemy against Master Long and his family.

Just as the hand of one of them is about to touch the sheet, Master Long abruptly entered the room.

"WHAT HAPPENED? XIAO LING!!!" The frustrated man, sweat showing on his forehead, he was not close by when he heard the scream, rushed back, not caring about his affairs outside the Clan.

The servants jumped when he entered and shouted. Making them lose their concentration, and the hand holding the sheet rose abruptly.

What greeted them was a huge rodent in the cradle, soundly sleeping...

When the normal maids saw it, they screamed while covering their eyes, which so much screaming made the rodent open its eyes.

But all this commotion was happening. While Xiao Ling was asleep in her mother's arms, it was as if nothing could wake her up.

The moment the commotion ended, Xiao Ling slowly opened her eyelids. The beautiful gradual colors gold and green awaken the desire to look directly into her eyes and get lost in the brightness of both of them.

Blinking her eyes, Xiao Ling stroked her face, trying to wake up completely. Everyone who saw her felt their hearts melt.

And when she opened her eyes, the guinea pig also opened her eyes because of the commotion, opening his mouth so big to take in air. The normal maids swallowed their intention to scream and, closing their eyes, turned away, waiting for the rodent to disappear.

Madam Long, who did not want a huge rodent like that near her baby, ordered her husband.

"My Lord, get that meat ball out of here, that's dangerous for Xiao Ling..."

Master Long, who heard the call from his wife, came back to his senses and just laughed out loud.

"HAHA-HAHA... it is not regrettable that my daughter is not afraid of danger, but embraces him and rests with him!"

Master Long's happiness could not be expressed with a simple laugh. Moreover, from the excitement, he hit the ground, leaving it with his footprint, and all around with cracks, showing the strength he used.

It dumbfounded madam Long to see her husband, thrilled that Xiao Ling slept peacefully with a rodent that could have taken her life, being a helpless baby before the terrifying claws of a rodent.

"MY LORD!" Madam Long could stand it no longer and called out to him.

"Oh, my dear wife, look at Xiao Ling's expression. She is fine, indeed. Look at her eyes full of eagerness, full of curiosity and awe! Worthy of being my daughter, worthy of being a Long!"

And to think that Master Long was watching his daughter's changing expressions.

Yes, Xiao Ling showed all those expressions, but those only appeared when Master Long left cracked the ground with his foot. And no one knows what Xiao Ling was thinking at that time.

'Wow, my father is powerful! But wait, he has special skills to be able to make that hole in the ground? Amazing, will I be able to do that myself, when I grow up?'

Question after question popped up in her mind, the little girl excited for what the future holds for her, a family full of love, the one she always longed for, a pet, and apparently she has a beast with a soul contract within her, that makes her feel that this world is not simple.

But how simple or how complicated it will be, only she will know.

And we who are witnesses of her legendary journey.

Remembering that the rodent is in her cradle, Xiao Ling gestured with her hands to take her closer to it, hoping to be understood.

"Oh, what's wrong, Xiao Ling? Did we scare you? Don't worry, we'll get rid of that hairball in your crib..."

But before she went on, Xiao Ling shook her head hard, so much that she felt dizzy.

Her mother understood little, but something told her she shakes her head refusing to get rid of the hairball... Although she feels she is imagining it too much, she decided to ask.

"Xiao Ling, do you want us to get rid of the rodent?" asked Madam Long tentatively.

Xiao Ling shook her head once again.

"Daughter, do you want to keep the guinea pig with you?" This time Master Long was the one who asked, having an idea of what's going on.

Xiao Ling nodded several times, to make herself understood. And it filled her mind with excitement that her father was understanding what she wants.

'Yay! Daddy understood me! Mommy doubted what I want, but Daddy understood.'

At this point, the current situation dumbfounded everyone in the room.

Madam Long, Master Long, and the servants said nothing, feeling a strange moment of ignorance.

'Are babies born with ideas and opinions? Or is it just my imagination?' Was the thought that flooded the minds of those present.

But Master Long had a different thought. 'Ah, it's going to be hard to take care of her. She will be a butterfly flying around the world freely and lightly. I just hope that this intellect she's displaying won't be a curse for her future...'

Oh, we have a long journey to go with Xiao Ling... Can she grow up faster? Or do you think it will be more interesting to know more about her childhood?

The ML had made his screen time? Or not? Can the second ML show up to?

Or they will come later?

There are a lot of things Xiao Ling needs to do being small... lol

BlueFlame_Mecccreators' thoughts