
Dragon Overlord system

"Congratulations on dying and coming back my dear husband " Hearing a beautiful voice say that Clay opened his eyes. What greeted him was not the usual white ceiling of his hospital room. Instead it a vast blue sky.

Black_knight12 · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs

Chapter 29

After fainting in the library, Clay suddenly found himself in a vast sea of earth. In each of the four directions, he saw different types of mountain ranges. To the north, there was a tundra. On the eastern side, it had forest mountains. Meanwhile, the south had smoking volcanos emitting intense heat, and the west mountains were bare. Stationed in the center of these varied biodomes was a confused Clay.

"Seriously, what is it lately with me being brought into random dreamscapes?" Clay complained.

"It is naturally easier for spirits to interact with you this way," a voice clarified.

Clay, hearing the voice out of nowhere, jumped backward and got into a combat stance. He stood before Clay, a handsome middle-aged man with earthen blonde hair. He was wearing a set of luxurious earthen yellow robes. Plastered on his face was an amused smile that seemed to annoy Clay. Sensing the young Dragon's annoyance, the man spoke up again.

"Sorry about that. It's just a few years since such an interesting person has come to visit," the man apologized.

"It's fine, but can you tell me who you are and what is happening?" Clay questioned.

"I will explain in a moment, but first, you need a crash course in history. The dragon race's hierarchy from lowest to highest is Wyvern, Wyrm, dragon, true dragon, dragon king, and then dragon Monarch. As you can imagine, each stage comes with its strengths and weaknesses. There are, of course, also their defining traits—for example, the true dragons, which you call Imperial and royal dragons. A true dragon can use any element as they wish, even without the affinity. Now, as for monarchs, they have complete dominion over their elemental affinity," the man paused.

To demonstrate what he meant, the man waved a hand. When he did, the ground rippled like a pool of water as an elaborate dragon statue appeared. Clay was shocked because not even Sapphire could manipulate her lightning to such a perfect degree. Clay knew better than anyone that creating life-like copies using any element was hard.

"When a being reaches their sixth evolution, or so, they will create something called a domine in which they have near God levels of control. However, by having your race reach the Monarch level, you can do it sooner. Unfortunately, you have an incomplete bloodline that stops you from reaching this stage; however, there is a workaround for this tiny flaw. As an earth dragon, you learn to set formations with your mana and aura," the man explained.

Seeing Clay's look of suspicion, the man decided to give a demonstration. As he held out a hand, mana poured out of his hand, forming a miniature magic circle.

"Forms use the power around you rather than your mana to perform tasks. One of the main benefits is filling an area with only one element rejecting all others," the man explained.

Clay's heartbeat accelerated as he imagined the future possibilities. Before dying, Wuxia stories from China were some of Clay's favorite to read. It was expected to see formations being used to trap people, kill them, or create barriers.

"Alright, I will learn it, but is there anything else you can give me?" Clay questioned.

"No need to beg child. There will be several other things as well," the man assured.

"Thank you very much, senior," Clay thanked.

The man then started to explain more about formations and arrays. The first thing he had to learn was the ancient draconic language. When creating a formation, he must use the proper character to match his intentions. For example, if he wanted to create a killing array, he would need to arrange the characters. After getting the basics down, Clay was told by the man to leave for now.

Waking up in reality, Clay was lying on the floor of the library. They had worried looks as they squatted around him. Tears even threatened to fall from their eyes, causing Clay's heart to break.

"Alright, there is no need for you to cry. I'm fine; just learned a few things, is all," Clay comforted.

Seeing he was sitting up and smiling, the girls visibly relaxed. Standing up, Clay took another look at the book before sighing and leaving. Everyone wondered what happened, but they remained silent to want him to say something. While walking, Clay accessed the information from before to better understand what happened. As it turns out, that book is something sent to this world by an extremely powerful dragon to bless that world's leader. The title given to these dragons is Dragon Monarch.

Unfortunately, this world hasn't had a Dragon Monarch in several years. As a matter of fact, the last one to be chosen as a candidate was Laddon. The most crucial piece of information was he needed the Primordial Dragon bloodline. As for all of the benefits this bloodline brings, Clay was not entirely sure. However, if he had to guess, Clay would assume it would be a combination of his current bloodline and the Imperial. Still, Clay had first to figure out how to get his hands on the Imperial part of his future bloodline.

"Marie, be honest with me. Do you think I can end the hatred between the two clans?" Clay questioned.

"If you do not mind me speaking my mind," Marie paused then continued, "I think to get rid of the hatred, then there must be something to unite us."

Clay considered her words while walking back to the manor assigned to him. When Clay arrived, an interesting guest was waiting for him. The girl he had met previously at the entrance was standing at his door with a beautiful woman. As he got closer, Clay noticed the woman looked like an older version of the. Both of his guests detected his approach smiling as he grew near.

"Good evening Lord Clay u hope you still remember me from earlier " the girl greeted.

"You were the girl that stopped me from killing off that leech from before" Clay remarked sarcastically.

"That's right mischievous succubus Lilith at your service" the girl joked.

"I apologize for my younger sister your Lordship she was spoiled as a child." The woman hurriedly apologized.

"Don't worry about it when to beautiful woman I prefer a bit of informal conversation" Clay comforted

"I thank you for understanding and before I forget again my name is Lilian" the woman responded.

Clay smiled at the sisters as he invited them into his residence. Lilith entered without much thought or worry as if the place was hers to begin with. Lilian on the other hand walked with grace as well as elegance. Her every movement felt like it was purposely done to make people like her. Clay led them to the living room where Maria served them tea.

"So I imagine that you two are here for more than tea right" Clay straight forward asked.

"It is as you have said Lord Clay my sister and I came to see if you would form an alliance with our domain" Lilian explained.