
Dragon of Absolute Sovereignty (DXD)

Sharon Savant, a boy meant to be the next chief of a clan filled with Dragonkin: Humans with the muddled bloodline of the proud dragons. What would you expect to happen to such a clan? Decimation. In less than a day, the entire clan was wiped out, except for .... You guessed it, Sharon Savant. Join him as he journeys to the peak of the world with his Harem. ‐------------------------------------------------------ Yeah, it's a Harem fanfic. Personally, I enjoy Harem stories, so all my fanfics (old and new) will most likely be Harem. It is R-18, so I will have lemons in the story. I'll try to space them out, but if you don't want to read them, you're welcome to skip them, as it won't affect the flow of the story. ‐------------------------------------------------------ I don't own any of the pictures (including cover art), High School DXD or the characters. My OC character design is Ookurikara from Touken Ranbu.

Legaro · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
32 Chs

Ch 12: Another?

Days quickly went by as Sharon laid motionless in a small bed. Suzaku and Akeno sat beside him for as long as they could, only taking breaks for food or something important.

"Suzaku-nee, isn't it about time for you to leave? The others might be curious where you keep disappearing every day." Akeno said with a smirk as she looked at Suzaku.

"Hmm … and leave you alone with Sharon, who is asleep? It's not happening. What if you do something to him?" Suzaku said as her cheeks slightly reddened.

"Ara? Whatever could you mean, Suzaku-nee? I'm just taking good care of my dear Sharon-nii." Akeno said with a devilish smile as she looked at Suzaku.

Suzaku, unable to explain what she meant, just humphed as she turned and left the room.

On the way out, she saw Shuri, whom she bowed a bit to before leaving.

"He's one hell of a kid." Baraqiel muttered as Shuri just chuckled.

"I'm sure they can deal with him." Shuri says as she looks at Akeno, who laid herself beside him and hugged him, drifting to sleep.

"Ara, will I have grandchildren soon?" Shuri whispered as Baraqiel almost roared in anger.

"Shuri! They're only 11!!" Baraqiel whisper-yelled as he glances at the two of them.

"He better not break her heart, or I'll break him." Baraqiel muttered before leaving with Shuri.

*Time Skip*

It had been around a week since Sharon passed out after the spar. Suzaku and Akeno, as usual, were sitting beside him as they heard a slight groan coming from Sharon.

"Ugh …" Sharon groaned as he gradually got up.

Akeno rushed to get Shuri and Baraqiel. Meanwhile, Suzaku leaped into Sharon's arms with a few tears.

Sharon, who had just woke up from a 7-day coma, looked at her and immediately caught her.

"Suzaku! I'm still tired, I'm gonna die!" He yelled as Suzaku jumped off and took a seat, her face as red as a tomato.

She glanced at Sharon before focusing on Shuri and Baraqiel, who followed behind Akeno.

"You sure took your time, eh brat?" Baraqiel commented as he looked at Sharon with a faint frown.

"Hmm? Was I out for long?" Sharon asked as he had an inquisitive expression on his face.

"Seven days." Baraqiel replied as Shuri decided to continue, "And these two stayed with you the entire time, helping you do anything you needed."

Sharon's eyebrows raised as he glanced at the blushing faces of Akeno and Suzaku.

"Wait, why are they blushing? What did you do to me?" Sharon asked as he threw the blanket off, seeing clothes he didn't own draped over him.

"By anything … you mean …" Sharon started as Shuri just chuckled.

"Well, Baraqiel here took care of bathing you. Though he mostly just threw you into the nearby river and left it to those two to save you." Shuri said as Sharon could see a slight smirk on Baraqiel's face.

'I'll get you for this, you old man.' Sharon internally promised as he turned to Akeno and Suzaku.

"Thank you for watching over me and helping me." Sharon said with a bright smile.

Seeing the two blush made him smile a bit more as he turned to Baraqiel.

"Baraqiel … spar with me." Sharon says as he glares at him.

"You should rest for a bit longer, I don't wanna accidently send you into another coma." Baraqiel said with a smirk as Sharon just chuckled.

"You're welcome to try, old man." Sharon said with a grin as the thought of a fight with someone stronger filled him with energy.

"Why are you so adamant about fighting already? You just woke up!" Suzaku exclaimed as Baraqiel just had a knowing smile.

"You've done it, eh kid?" He asked as Sharon grinned widely.

"You know it. It happened a lot sooner than I expected, though." Sharon said as he felt the aura in his body.

It was multiple times larger than before he had collapsed.

"Daddy, what're you talking about?" Akeno asked curiously as Baraqiel shot out a small bolt of lightning aimed at Sharon's head.

The lightning zapped towards Sharon before vanishing the moment it made contact with, having done no damage.

"He's gained the lightning element. However, it's still a bit weak, and he can only absorb small bolts of pure lightning." Baraqiel explained as Sharon had a triumphant expression as he listened to Baraqiel explain while seeing the reactions of Akeno and Suzaku.

"He … gained another element?" Suzaku asked in shock as Akeno turned to her mother.

"Mother, can I get another element too? She asked as Shuri just looked at her and shook her head.

"Elemental affinities are something decided at birth. They are an innate aspect of a being and aren't just … gained. This kid is some kind of anomaly." Baraqiel said as Sharon just smirked at him.

"It's my bloodline. As a descendant of the original dragons, I have the ability to adapt and gain elemental affinities." Sharon explained as Suzaku squinted her eyes a little.

"Sharon, fight me. Don't hold back, but I want a one-on-one." Suzaku said as he glanced at her.

A faint fiery phoenix appeared behind her as it glared at Sharon.

"Sure, let's fight right now." Sharon replied as he internally felt annoyed by the phoenix.

'Does it think its flames are stronger than mine?' Sharon wondered as he glanced at Suzaku, who was not the slightest bit different.

A smirk appeared on his face as the two moved to the forest and stared each other down.

Flames spread from Suzaku's body as a fiery-red cloak draped over her body. The cloak was made of seemingly intricately placed phoenix feathers, adorning her as if she was a Phoenix herself.

'That's a Sacred Gear! How interesting.' Sharon thought as he was reminded of a young boy whom he was told possessed the Vanishing Dragon's Sacred Gear.

'I'll go look for him. Maybe he'll fight me.' Sharon thought as he covered himself in pale-blue flames.

The two stared each other down, and the next moment launched towards each other.

Wings made of fire emerged from Suzaku's back as she flew into the sky and started chucking fireballs at Sharon.

"Interesting, that's a move I haven't seen before." Sharon muttered as he spread his arms wide and took the hit directly.

His shirt had completely disintegrated, leaving behind his bare body.

"Oof, that packed quite the punch." Sharon commented as he coughed a bit.

'My fire affinity should be very high.' Sharon judged for himself as he saw Suzaku's surprised expression.

'Now, let's see how you deal with my fire.' He thought as he grew dragon wings on his back and flapped them, rocketing him towards Suzaku.

He spread his wings at the last moment, bringing him to a stop right before her.

"It's my turn now." He said with a smile as hundreds of pale-blue fireballs the size of marbles appeared and blasted towards Suzaku faster than she could react.

Each one makes contact with her body while staying away from any fatal points.

Pain coursed through her body as she just grit her teeth and looked at Sharon.

"Why are you not using your lightning? Are you looking down on me?" She asked as he noticed her unwavering expression.

"No, I can't use it. I can't control the power output just yet. I might blast you into pieces." He said as she looked at him with a sad expression.

'Am I not worthy to stand by your side? Why do you keep getting stronger every time I see you?' She wondered as she looked at him.

His dark brown hair floated with the wind blowing against him. His body had a few small scars and numerous burn marks, which was odd considering his strength and fire control.

"What is all that? Why do you have so many injuries?" Suzaku asked as they both landed beside the others.

"Hmm? Oh, I got most of these from when I couldn't control my fire. The small scars … are there to remind me of what I need to do." Sharon said as he remembered Kokabiel and how his clan was slaughtered by that freak.

Suzaku and Akeno understood what he meant as they slightly nodded their heads, remembering what Shuri had told them, with Sharon's permission, of course.

"Baraqiel, when is your next meeting with the Grigori?" Sharon asked as he looked at him.

"Three days from now." Baraqiel said as he looked at Sharon.

"I'll come with you." Sharon replied as the others were confused.

"Are you sure about this? You might not like it coming from me, but you don't have to do this. I can help you deal with Kokabiel. There's no need to do it yourself. Is there?" Baraqiel said as Sharon looked at him with confusion.

"Hah? Why should I leave my revenge with you? I made a promise to my dead clans-people. I will pluck his wings and kill him. Why would I let someone else do that?" Sharon asked as he felt anger rising.

"You misunderstand, kid. You've lost your family once. You know how that feels. Do you want us to feel the same pain for you?" Baraqiel asked Sharon as he stood before him.

"I won't die to some bastard like Kokabiel. That's a promise from me, and I keep my promises." Sharon says with a proud tone as he looks Baraqiel in the eyes.

"Fine. Pack your stuff, we'll leave in 2 days. It'll take an hour or two to reach the Grigori." Baraqiel said as a smile appeared on Sharon's face.

"You're not so bad, old man." Sharon said as he made his way back home, leaving Akeno and Suzaku to think.

'He's doing everything to achieve his dream. What do I do to achieve mine?' They thought as they looked at each other and nodded.

"Let's spar." The two said to each other, as Shuri and Baraqiel stayed behind to watch, while Sharon was already on his way home.


It has definitely been a while, and I apologize for that.

The vacation wasn't a planned one, but yeah.

I'll be uploading chapters more frequently this week and the next as an apology, and the third week, it will go back to three times a week.

If you enjoyed what you read, make sure to add it to your library, and if you want to, give the story some stones! (The stones really motivate me!)

Do leave comments, as I'll read each one and take it to heart on how I can improve my writing.

If you enjoyed what you read, make sure to add it to your library, and if you want to, give the story some stones! (The stones really motivate me!)

Do leave comments, as I'll read each one and take it to heart on how I can improve my writing.

Legarocreators' thoughts