
Chapter 833:- Arrival of an Angel

"Hey, is it me, or did the battlefield temperature drop? I mean, why am I feeling so cold?" Asked one of the soldiers. 

The one who he asked was also shivering from cold. "You're not the only one." 

"But, the temperature is supposed to be high since we are in the central region of the Beast Continent."

"Yeah!! This does not make sense!!" 

"Instead of worrying about that, you two should worry about the outcome of this battle." A third soldier commented. He was fighting a powerful undead. 

The Istarin Empire had a powerful undead cultivator. 

"Did you notice this?"

"Notice what?"

"Ever since the Dragon Monarch joined the battlefield, the enemy side seems to have become more dangerous. They were very dangerous before, but now, as soon as their Emperor arrived, their whole way of fighting became more aggressive." 

"Now that you mention it, our numbers are rapidly decreasing. Most are either being killed or surrendering."