
Chapter 607:- Changes

"We are about to reach Lionrock City. We guys better get excited because we are about to earn a ton of profits." A famous merchant named Elden Bramblewood and a few of his loyal men were heading toward Lionrock City on a commercial desert ship. 

Elden Bramblewood business majorly operated in the nearby Golden Dune City. But the size of the Golden Dune was small. The Golden Dune City was half the city of the Lionrock City. In terms of population, the City had only 1/4th of the Lionrock City's entire population. 

Seeing the size and population of the two cities, one might ask Elden why not run his business in Lionrock City instead of Golden Dunes City. After all, a bigger population meant more potential customers which meant more profits for him. However, things are more complicated than that.