
Dragon King's Legacy

1000 years ago, Earth Land was subject to the appearance of the True source and the world completely changed. Mana awakened in the world, magic beasts awakened and people started to awaken their mana cores. As they awaken their core, they unlock the ability to use mana and their magic which mimic a certain element such as wind, earth etc and some even unlock unique magic such as gravity and space magic. These mana users are called mages. And within this myriad of abilities, Kai awakened the 'Fire Magic', a elemental attribute which allows the user to manipulate and generate fire at will. At first, he was excited, thinking about intense battles and gaining great power, but the reality was quick to shoot him down. He awakened a faulty mana core which will break if he used his magic intensity. Thus, leaving him tired after using his ability a couple of times. Disillusioned by his weakness, Kai lived a quiet life doing anything he could to meet ends meet, until one day, everything changed. (Add to Library if you like what you've read And don't forget to give your opinion concerning the novel). A/N- I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel.

NinjaKilla · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Sun Village?

Kai thought that taking a carriage to the Sun village would take too much time to reach his destination.

So he decided to get there using one of the oldest forms of teleportation known to man: trekking.

Normally, walking there will take longer than travelling with the carriage. But Kai wasn't just walking, he was using burst step to get there faster.

Of course, using a spell repeatedly will surely drain his magic power reserves but after his rampage in the forest of Hulda, his magic power had increased to new heights.

Therefore, he could use multiple times without draining his magic power that much and thanks to that he got to his destination quicker than expected.

As he appeared at his destination, he was greeted by a strange scene. What stood in his field of vision was the sun village but the entire village was surrounded by a strange mist.

"What the hell." Kai voiced out as he walked closer to analyze it.

"I don't think this is the work of someone who lives here." Coming to this conclusion, Kai frowned. This could only mean one thing.

"Someone outside the village must have created this mist barrier." Kai had bad feeling about this.

Mist magic is known for its ability to create illusions but it is naturally weak to other magic that can blow away or otherwise disrupt its mists, like Wind Magic.

Sadly Kai wasn't a Wind magic user and if he entered through the front, he probably won't reach his destination.

"I will just have to force my way though" Mumbling so, Kai took a step forward. He then engulfed both of his hands in flames and swiped them in a circular fashion, sending forth a powerful and highly destructive, torrent of flames towards the mist barrier.

This is one of Kai's Fire magic spells: Crimson Exploding Blade.

The spell broke through the barrier and opened up a path for him. Without wasting time, Kai dashed forward.

As Kai moved through the sun village, he saw a very gruesome event about to take place. He saw a group of villagers were gathered into a single spot and they were currently knelling on the floor, likely the sun village residents. They were about to be killed by Crystal lances which was floating and aimed towards them in the air.


With that simple command, the lances rained down towards the villagers with blinding speeds. The villagers accepted their fate and bought their heads down, steeling themselves to receive the blow.

Kai quickly reacted by kicking the ground for a forward leap, thanks to his strong body, he was able to approach there in an instant and destroyed the crystal lances with multiple fireball.


-"Did we survive?"

-"A mage have come to rescue us."

The villagers said amongst themselves as they stared at the young man before them.

"Hey, what's going on here." Kai asked with a frown.

"Ugh.. your prayers came to, pops." A young boy said to a man laying on the floor with tears in his eyes.

Kai took a closer look at the man and saw that the man was impaled through the chest and his eyes were currently shut. In order words, he was dead.

A life was taken so easily and the scene made Kai remember a unpleasant memory.

"Is this your doing?!" Kai shouted out to the group responsible.

The group contained four mages. Three of them were wearing tattered long black hooded cloaks so Kai couldn't see their faces but the last one didn't cover his face and was just sitting on a small rock.

He was a muscular man around his early thirties with spiky light blue hair and matching eyes. He was wearing the same long black cloaks that covered his attire as his subordinates. He is the likely the boss of this group

"I can't believe you gave them more time." The blue haired man stated calmly while looking at the stopwatch in his left hand.

"Your appearance here won't make a difference, they'll still be executed." He said so while extending his hand forward and then shot out a huge crystal lances towards Kai's direction.

The villagers were behind him so he couldn't dodge the attack, therefore, he had to face it head on. Thinking so, Kai dashed towards the attack.

He engulfed his fist in flames and slammed it into the huge crystal lance, smashing it into pieces.

"He's strong." The blue haired man thought.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Kai shouted out.

But the group of mages ignored Kai's question.

-"I got no word that a mage would be coming."

-"Then these must be an unsanctioned expedition on their part."

-"What I want to know is how did he broke through our fog barrier and get inside the villagers."

The hooded mages chatted amongst themselves as they wondered why a mage suddenly made an appearance.

"5 minutes. In 5 minutes I will wipe out this useless village and then resume my search." The blue haired man mumbled.

"Don't ignore me, you sons of bitches to!" Kai shouted as he dashed towards the blue haired man with incredible speed.

But before he could attack him, Kai suddenly got surrounded by mist. Apparently, one of the hooded mages used his fog magic to attack Kai before he got close to their leader.

"Did you think we'd let you get close to master Lars? Fool. Now get lost in the fo..." Before the hooded mage could finish, Kai broke out of the magic spell using his fire magic.

"Hmm, from his style of fighting, he seems to be more of a fighter than a mage." The hooded mages leader known as Lars silently analyzed Kai.

"Why the hell are guys trying to kill everybody here." Kai asked shortly.

Lars was silent for a few moments before saying, "The kingdom of Fiona is divided into three regions: the outer ring, the middle ring and the royal city. This place is one of the villages within the outer ring." He explained

"Some of the villagers here are just low level mages who use their magic to improve the quality of their own lives. So I'm just cleaning up trash that are taking up space, a noble course don't you think? I'm guessing that you're either from the middle ring or the royal city. Don't these guys look like worthless trash to you?" He added.

Kai's forehead twitched in anger upon hearing the blue haired man words.

"You Bastards!" Kai shouted in anger as he prepared himself to attack the mages using a fireball.

However, before he could use his magic, Lars and the other hooded mages used their magic at the same time and what happened next, deeply shocked Kai.