
Dragon King's Legacy

1000 years ago, Earth Land was subject to the appearance of the True source and the world completely changed. Mana awakened in the world, magic beasts awakened and people started to awaken their mana cores. As they awaken their core, they unlock the ability to use mana and their magic which mimic a certain element such as wind, earth etc and some even unlock unique magic such as gravity and space magic. These mana users are called mages. And within this myriad of abilities, Kai awakened the 'Fire Magic', a elemental attribute which allows the user to manipulate and generate fire at will. At first, he was excited, thinking about intense battles and gaining great power, but the reality was quick to shoot him down. He awakened a faulty mana core which will break if he used his magic intensity. Thus, leaving him tired after using his ability a couple of times. Disillusioned by his weakness, Kai lived a quiet life doing anything he could to meet ends meet, until one day, everything changed. (Add to Library if you like what you've read And don't forget to give your opinion concerning the novel). A/N- I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel.

NinjaKilla · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
40 Chs

Reunion [2]

Eventually, they all managed to calm down. After the night owls received their payment, Elsie pulled Kai to a nearby tavern with the others following them.

They sat down on a free table and placed their orders. And then it started, they started asking Kai questions upon questions.

"How did do survive? how did fix your core? when did you come back? why are you coming back now?" these were the kind of questions they were asking Kai.

Kai calmly answered everyone of their questions. Of course, he omitted some important parts like how he met Igneal and how he went berserk and rampaged in the forest.

It took Kai an hour before he could answer all of their questions. Currently, they have just finished eating their lunch. They conversed over their plates of scrambled eggs, fried meat, hashed potatoes and beer.

"So who is it going to be?" Lyon said as he took a sip of his deer and placed it on the wooden table they were all seated around.

Apparently, Kai had requested that one of them should accompany him on a mission.

They had just finished a AA monster subjugation quest, so they had some free time before their next quest.

It wasn't really a matter of them having time, Therefore; the question was whether any of them wanted to take on the mission.

Kelvin was the first to step, "Sorry Kai but babysitting doesn't fit my style. Besides with my personality, I feel you will kill me in my sleep." He said so with a playful voice.

Despite the joke, Kai responded with a solemn nod. He knew what kind of temperament kelvin had, and knew that they weren't going to get along.

"I would have loved to help but I have something important to do, you see. So sorry." Lyon spoke out.

"I understand, so there is no need to talk to like that, Lyon. we're family here, am I right?" Kai said with a bright smile

"I will help." Elsie suddenly voiced out. "But i have a condition."

"Yeah, what is it?" Kai asked with one of his eyebrows raised. He was wondering what the condition was.

"Spar with me." Elsie said shortly.

"What, you're seeing him for the first time in 5 months and you want to fight him?" Lyon voiced out in shock, the others were also shocked as well.

"What? I just want to see how strong he is, it's not problem, right Kai." Elsie said while facing Kai.

This was good news for Kai, ever since he left the forest of Hulda, he wanted a punching b.. he wanted to test out his strength, those mages in the sun village were no help, so he was eager for a fight.

"Sure." Kai said so nonchalantly.

"Are you sure?" Lyon asked with a worried look.

"It's fine, I don't mind." Kai said.

"Great, how about we head outside, we can't spar here, hehe." Elsie said with a laugh as she stood up from the table they were sitting and left the tavern with Kai. The others sighed as they followed them as well.

They had appeared at the streets of Silver city, with Kai and Elsie standing on the road, doing a few stretches. The others were watching from the side, wondering how strong Kai had gotten.

"You can come at me anytime you like." Elsie said while pulling out her sword.

"Is it okay for you to be so carefree." Kai said with a smirk.

"Don't worry, I will take this fight seriously." She stated

Kai then smiles and says, "Is that so, I won't hold back either."

"Alright, fight!" Lyon shouted out.

Upon that, Kai dashed forward and appeared Infront of Elsie in an instant and sent his right fist which was covered in flames towards her chest.

Elsie was shocked by Kai's speed but was still fast enough to react by using her sword to block the blow.

Although she blocked the attack, it still sent her sliding several feet's backwards and her hands were shaking from the impact of Kai's punch.

"What the hell is with this insane strength." Elsie thought as she was shocked by Kai's strength. She felt she was attacked with the force of a cannon.

The others were also shocked by Kai's strength and wondered how he got that strong under five months.

Without giving her time to breathe, Kai dashed towards Elsie with his fist covered in flames but this time she was prepared and slashed her sword towards Kai.

Then Kai suddenly vanished from her sights. Elsie was confused by this but suddenly received an attack to her face.

Apparently, when Elsie slashed her sword towards Kai, Kai not only unlocked his knees but his hips and shoulders as well, allowing him to quickly get below Elsie field of view and delivered a powerful kick to her face.

Although he didn't use his fire magic, but with his superhuman strength, his kick caused a bruise to appear on her face and even drew blood upon impact.

The impact sent her sliding several feet's backwards again before she regained her composure.

The others were dumbfounded by what just happened and their jaws nearly dropped to the ground.

"I see, so he combines his magic with martial arts to increase the destructive power of his attacks." Lyon thought as he held his chin.

"Not bad, you won the first round." After saying so, a white light enveloped Elsie's body before she started to heal.

"Time for the second round." After saying so, Elsie then kicked the floor for a forward leap and slashed her sword towards Kai. Kai dodged her sword but was kicked by the side, sending him sliding backwards.

Kai then shot several fireballs towards Elsie but she dodges it with ease. She then dashed towards Kai and swung her sword at him and Kai tried to punch her with his fist enveloped in flames, but just as they are about to clash.


They were both interrupted by a loud scream.