
Dragon King's Legacy

1000 years ago, Earth Land was subject to the appearance of the True source and the world completely changed. Mana awakened in the world, magic beasts awakened and people started to awaken their mana cores. As they awaken their core, they unlock the ability to use mana and their magic which mimic a certain element such as wind, earth etc and some even unlock unique magic such as gravity and space magic. These mana users are called mages. And within this myriad of abilities, Kai awakened the 'Fire Magic', a elemental attribute which allows the user to manipulate and generate fire at will. At first, he was excited, thinking about intense battles and gaining great power, but the reality was quick to shoot him down. He awakened a faulty mana core which will break if he used his magic intensity. Thus, leaving him tired after using his ability a couple of times. Disillusioned by his weakness, Kai lived a quiet life doing anything he could to meet ends meet, until one day, everything changed. (Add to Library if you like what you've read And don't forget to give your opinion concerning the novel). A/N- I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel.

NinjaKilla · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
40 Chs

Reunion [1]

In the sun village, a young man with spiky black hair and charcoal grey eyes wearing a white scarf around his neck could be seen walking towards two children who were standing in front of the grave of the chief of the sun village.

This young man was naturally Kai.

He had finished his original objective which was to hunt down 20 terminate boars. Since he was far stronger than them, it wasn't a problem. If one was present who he was hunting down the boars, they will say he was bullying them.

He was currently on his way to the grave of the village chief so he could pay his respects until he spotted two children who were already there and he recognized one of the children to be the grandson of the village chief, Henry.

"Grandpa." Henry mumbled with tears in his eyes.

"Henry, let's go home." The girl pleaded

"Uh." She looked behind and saw that a young man was approaching them. She quickly him as the young man who saved them from the evil mages, how could she forget the face of their hero?.

Kai halted his steps as he got close enough and said,

"I heard from the other villagers that your grandfather was the only one who stood up to those guys." Kai paused before continuing. "Your grandfather was an amazing."

Henry was silent for a while before he spoke out.

"You know, a few days ago he came back grinning ear to ear and telling me about how he won a bet over someone from silver city.

His biggest regret was stopping his journey as a mage, saying he should've tried harder when he was younger. Now I..." Henry stood up and turned to face Kai before continuing,

"Do you think someone from the slums like me can become a strong mage like you?" He asked.

Upon hearing the boy's question, Kai smiled and said, "Totally, however you will need to work hard if you wish to do so."

"But during your journey, he shouldn't lose sight of what's important. I know your grandfather is no longer with you but you have other people in your life that cares about you like your friend over here and the villagers. Never forget that." Kai added.

Kai then raised his hand for a fist bump and said, "Work hard, train hard and become strong, I will be waiting for you at the top."

"Yeah." Henry said so as he fist bumped with Kai.


Two days had passed since then and Kai had already at Silver city, he is currently at the guild association.

He gave the receptionist his proof of his job completed which was the boar's ears and explained what happened in the Sun village.

Since the dark mages committed suicide, there wasn't a valuable information, however, she said that the magic knights will since investigate this incident.

Kai was wondering what those mages were looking for in the Sun village, that will make them want to kill all the residents.

Kai thought that they were looking for a magic artifact but that was unlikely. There is no way, a magic artifact will be in that small village but it's still a possibility.

He let out a high sigh, he had no leads so he will have to let the magic knights investigate this incident, it was their duty after all.

After receiving his payment, Kai turned back to leave the guild hall. Upon leaving the guild hall, he spotted a group of five adventurers approaching the guild.

Seeing them, a large smile appeared on Kai's face.

"It looks like they're finally back." Kai said as he recognized the adventurers approaching. Although it has been five months since he last saw them, but he was able to recognize them.

These adventurers were obviously the night owls, of course. They had just finished their job and they were heading to the guild to receive their payment.

"That monster was tougher than expected, it took us hours before we could kill it." A young man with jet black hair who was carrying a scythe grumbled. This was Kelvin, of course.

"That's because you rushed and attacked it like an idiot, if you didn't, we wouldn't have a hard time dealing with it." A young man with snow-white hair and icy blue eyes voiced out, obviously annoyed.

He was wearing a black turtleneck long sleeve paired with black pants and boots. He also wears a loose, pale, argyle shirt beneath a hooded, navy blue jacket with grey markings across the sleeves.

This young man was naturally Lyon.

"Will you guys knock it off, you're been arguing ever since we got..." A young woman with long scarlet hair and blue eyes stopped in mid-sentence as she saw Kai.

She was wearing a sleeveless, turtle-neck, black shirt underneath a large cape attached by two pins on each side. The shirt tucked into a large brown belt with a gold buckle, tied around the waste of tight black pants.

The others wondered why Elsie stopped mid sentence and traced her line of sight and soon found their answer. What stood in their line of sight was someone they believed to have died. Needless to say, they were all shocked to see Kai standing nonchalantly before them.

"Yo, I'm back." Kai gave a small awkward wave, not knowing what to do if they didn't recognize him.

But his fears were unfounded, Elsie hold in her emotions and dashed towards Kai at speeds that seemed faster the black wolf.

(Reminder: The black wolf is the magic beast that almost killed Kai when he was in the forest of Hulda).

"Oh, Kai!" Elsie appeared in front of Kai and put her soft hands around his neck. She gripped him with all her strength, as if scared that he might disappear again if she let go.

"You're alive! The voice... I knew it was you." Elsie broke into tears as she said so.


Kai looked towards the person who called him and saw the sprinting figure of Lyon. He didn't stop until he hugged them, causing them to nearly toppled over.

"Kai! oh my god, you're alive. I knew you were alive, you little rascal." After saying so, Lyon broke into tears. Then, the others joined in as well.

It was quite a scene: Elsie was sobbing uncontrollably and others looking at each other with tears in their eyes.

All of them were indescribably glad that we were finally back together.