
Dragon King's Legacy

1000 years ago, Earth Land was subject to the appearance of the True source and the world completely changed. Mana awakened in the world, magic beasts awakened and people started to awaken their mana cores. As they awaken their core, they unlock the ability to use mana and their magic which mimic a certain element such as wind, earth etc and some even unlock unique magic such as gravity and space magic. These mana users are called mages. And within this myriad of abilities, Kai awakened the 'Fire Magic', a elemental attribute which allows the user to manipulate and generate fire at will. At first, he was excited, thinking about intense battles and gaining great power, but the reality was quick to shoot him down. He awakened a faulty mana core which will break if he used his magic intensity. Thus, leaving him tired after using his ability a couple of times. Disillusioned by his weakness, Kai lived a quiet life doing anything he could to meet ends meet, until one day, everything changed. (Add to Library if you like what you've read And don't forget to give your opinion concerning the novel). A/N- I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel.

NinjaKilla · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Mirror Magic's True Power

The atmosphere was undeniable tense as a young man with spiky black hair, dark grey eyes and was wearing a black v neck t-shirt and a baggy white coloured trousers with noticable black details on both sides glared at the giant mud monster before him.

He also saw the creepy young woman standing on top of the mud monster's shoulder as she looked down on them with a smug look.

Although she was standing there nonchalantly, there was no openings and the situation was not in their favour.

The mud monster and Sassy wielded both mud magic and water magic respectively, with Kai and sister Teresa both wielding the fire magic.

Needless to say, they were at a magical disadvantage against them because fire magic was weak to both mud and water magic.

Even so, Kai wasn't afraid and his body could move, thus, he could fight. Therefore,

Without wasting time, Kai quickly engulfed his hand in flames and dashed forward. He immediately appeared Infront of the right leg of the mud monster and used his signature move;

"Fire Magic: Explosive Fist"

A technique where Kai engulfs his fist in flames and punches his opponent. Not only the enemies receive sheer blunt damage from Kai's inhuman strength, they also receive burn damage as well.

It's a simple but powerful attack that can significantly damage any foe but this particular enemy was different.

Not only did Kai's attack do no damage upon the mud monster, his hand also got struck in it's leg.

"Shit!" Kai grumbled as he tried to free his right hand. Thanks to his current situation, he was left vulnerable and the monster didn't miss this chance and sent it's mud right fist towards the defenseless Kai.

However, before it's fist could land on Kai, someone suddenly kicked him out of the way.


It's fist slammed into the ground with force where Kai was and created a huge hollow on the ground.

"Why are you so careless, you Fool! Do you want to die?" James voiced out.

"Uh, you're back already?" Kai voiced out, surprised seeing that James arrived earlier than he expected.

"The kids?" Kai asked.

"Don't worry, they are safe." James said before he dashed the mud monster.

"Haha! It didn't matter how many of you there are, you aren't going to win!" Sassy said with a chuckle.

"I'll take you on myself" James declared before he summoned his mirror doppelganger and manifested several mirrors around the mud monster.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several light beams shot out from the mirrors and pierced through the mud monster's body like a laser while Sassy simply refracted the light beams using her water salamander spell.

However, the holes on the mud monster's body suddenly started healing as mud slowly covered up the holes.

"Damnit, this monster simply regenerates itself because of its crazy mana!! A half assed attack isn't going to beat it. And my attacks don't work on this girl as well. I haven't faced such odds since I faced the boss." James thought as he continued to dodge Sassy's and the monster's ruthless assault.

"Should I use my trump card? No, strengthening my magic isn't going to help me now." James thought as he held his left eye which was covered by his hair.

Suddenly, he and his double jumped to the right, dodging the mud monster's massive fist.

Although, they managed to dodge the attack, the shockwave from it's fist impact on the ground sent them flying like a ragdoll before both of them crashed hard the ground.

"NGH!!!" James groaned as he slowly tried to get up, his double on the other hand, was down for the count.

But the monster was ruthless and sent it's massive fist towards James direction.

"Tsk, I knew I should've have come back!" James thought as he saw the massive fist heading towards him. He knew that upon impact he wasn't going to survive and there's no time to dodge either.

James suddenly heard the roaring sound of an explosion as Kai jumped and unleashed a huge fireball on the monster's fist, causing it's hand to explode.

"Why are you so careless, you Fool! Do you want to die? He says and he goes on and does the exact same thing! What are you doing jumping In by yourself?" Kai said as he made a wryly smile.

"Although, I don't like it, I suggest that we team up and fight together! I got your back and you got mine. A great plan if I say so myself!! " He added

"What kind of shitty plan is that? This guy is an idiot but that guy was outrageous as well." James thought as he made a wryly smile and remembered a certain certain that occurred in the past.

"Fine! If you guys die then May will be sad so I GOT YOUR BACK!!" James said before he manifest a mirror once again.

"To think a day will come when James will say something like that..." Teresa thought upon witnessing the scene before her in disbelief.

"Alright!! I'm all fired up NOW!!" Kai stated before he kicked the ground for a forward leap and lunged forwards.

While running, he charges a ball of flames in his palms before halting and unleashing the ball of flames forward, causing it to fire akin to a meteor.

"Fire Magic: Brilliant Flames"



The thundering sound of an explosion was soon replaced by the monster's scream when Kai's spell slammed into its chest, damaging it greatly. But the monster started regenerating once again.

"Not even that worked!" Kai said as he gritted his teeth. If they don't find a way to bypass the monster's regenerative power, they will surely lose. Therefore,

"Damnit... The only way to beat this thing is to damage it faster than it can regenerate! The best attack is what Kai just hit it with, but it doesn't look like he can do it on rapid fire." James thought with a sour expression but his eyes widened as he suddenly came up with an brilliant idea.

"Wait... I've always made a double of myself using my mirror to attack. What would happen if I use this on someone else." James thought

Because he had always been alone and never trusted anyone, the thought of using his magic on someone else never occurred to him.

However, his current situation had opened his eyes, allowing him to think of the limitless potential of his mirror magic. As a result, he theorized a spell that will be fundamentally similar but completely different.

"But, I don't have enough mana to pull this off." He thought before he shifted his gaze towards the elderly sister.

"Hey.. Old hag! I need you to buy me time!" James voiced out.

Sister Teresa was annoyed by James rude words but still decided to help anyways.

"You're asking for help and that's how you refer to me!? I can only buy you a minute so make it quick!" Leaving those words, she immediately unleashed several fireballs onto the monster before her.

"I didn't think I will use my trump car here, but oh well.." James thought before looking towards Kai direction.

"KAI!!" James called out and Kai responded with a "Yeah!"

"LOOK INTO MY EYE!!" James spoke out as he raised his hair up, revealing the small mirror that replaced his left eye which shocked Kai as he looked back at James.

Using the mirror in his left eye, James will be able to create a new spell.

"Mirror Magic: Maximum Double"

Shortly after, several duplicates of Kai suddenly manifested and all of them charged up a small ball of flames in their palms as they lunged forward.

Both Teresa and Sassy were dumbfounded upon witnessing the scene before them as Kai and his doubles unleashed their magic towards the mud monster.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The thundering sound of several explosions echoed throughout the cave as Kai and his doubles fire balls slammed in the mud monster without giving chance to defend itself.