
Dragon King's Legacy

1000 years ago, Earth Land was subject to the appearance of the True source and the world completely changed. Mana awakened in the world, magic beasts awakened and people started to awaken their mana cores. As they awaken their core, they unlock the ability to use mana and their magic which mimic a certain element such as wind, earth etc and some even unlock unique magic such as gravity and space magic. These mana users are called mages. And within this myriad of abilities, Kai awakened the 'Fire Magic', a elemental attribute which allows the user to manipulate and generate fire at will. At first, he was excited, thinking about intense battles and gaining great power, but the reality was quick to shoot him down. He awakened a faulty mana core which will break if he used his magic intensity. Thus, leaving him tired after using his ability a couple of times. Disillusioned by his weakness, Kai lived a quiet life doing anything he could to meet ends meet, until one day, everything changed. (Add to Library if you like what you've read And don't forget to give your opinion concerning the novel). A/N- I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel.

NinjaKilla · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Meeting Friends

After 30 minutes, Kai had finally arrived at his destination, The Guild Association. A place where mages of great strength and valor gather.

Kai stopped in front of the guild and stared for a few moments before proceeding to advance.

"Yo, Kai"

Kai looked behind him and saw a young man around 17. He had a height of 5"9" ft, snow-white hair, icy blue eyes and a body that had been refined over the years for combat. This was his best friend, Lyon

"Geez, why do you look so depressed first thing in the morning. You didn't even notice me waving at you. you must've been overthinking things again. You really need to get out of that habit." Lyon said with a slight smile.

"Anyway, What happened to get you so excited?" Kai asked shortly then Lyon cleared his throat before saying,

"Well, the guild found out about a dungeon, it appeared out between the border between the Kingdom of Fiora and Heart Kingdom. So the guild is sending a raiding party to raid it And since I'll be going this time, I can be sure that you're safe if you come too! So, what do you think?" Hearing his words, Kai nodded with gratitude.

A dungeon is a landmark of unknown origin that could emerge at multiple locations without any forewarning.

It has been described by mages as an ancient tomb that was established a long time ago. Dungeons usually house countless treasures, which were left by the people who built them. These treasures could range from a powerful magic tool to an ancient magic.

Conquering a dungeon is of a significant matter because of the valuable artifacts inside, which a mage or a kingdom would try to secure from the other countries.

Additionally, it also prevents any of the powerful magic and magic tools from falling into the hands of those who would use them for unjust reasons. Due to this, kingdoms will send their mages to explore a dungeon the moment it has emerged.

"Alright, I'll be there. Anyway, that's probably not why you're so happy though, right?" Kai responded. Hearing Kai's words, Lyon smiled.

"Huh, you didn't know? The night owls are back from their quest and are aiming to join the raid." Lyon said with a smile

"They are back?" Kai asked in surprise. He didn't expect them to be back so soon. The night owls are a group of veteran adventurers consisting of four members excluding Lyon and he has a good relationship with them as well.

"We will be meeting tomorrow but right now how about we get anything, I'm starving." Lyon said so shortly.

"Fine, let's go— it's not like I have anything better to do." As they began to walk, he thought back to when they first awakened.

Although he was stuck with the short end of the stick, Lyon had massive potential from the very beginning. Lyon awakened the ice magic, is a magic attribute that allows the user to generate and manipulate ice. It is derived from the Water Magic attribute.

And he also possesses great amounts of magic power as well. He was someone who had the potential to reach even S rank with enough work, so he was always favored by the guild.

As he was lost in thought once again, Kai and Lyon arrived at a tavern. After they ordered and sat down, Kai suddenly realized something.

"Hey, if they are raiding the dungeon tomorrow, why are you asking someone as weak as me to come along?"

Dungeons don't only possess great rewards but also great dangers as well so he was confused why Lyon would invite him.

"Because if you come with me, I can at least look after you. Do you think I don't know that you've been getting injured all the time?" Lyon said so nonchalantly.

Kai averted his eyes, knowing he was right. "Well, I guess it can't be helped." He was just recently losing his mind over trying to find a new job so he could make some money, so he would be stupid to reject his offer. Besides, he had never been afraid to go any job, no matter its difficulty.

Time passed swiftly as Kai spent his day with Lyon. They finished eating and left the tavern to roam around the streets of Fiora. They spent the entire day doing so.

Sometimes he wonders if he can spend the rest of his days like this, free of worries but he quickly shook off the thought. He had to make sure his life was still livable first and foremost.

Besides, with his potential, he'd become a huge figure in the near future; he can't let himself be a burden to him for much longer.

Walking back home, Kai looked at Lyon, who was jogging ahead of him and laughing like an retard. He found this kind of scene refreshing since he only acted like this around him and the night owls.

That's why he enjoys spending time like this, thinking that maybe he needs days where he can act like an ordinary boy instead of the guild's most promising fighter.

Watching him, he thought back to their days in school once again. He was naturally an outgoing person, but he was never able to make any friends. Even with his looks that should have made him popular he still had no luck.

He was even bullied at one point in time by one of the other guys in the class. Perhaps it was jealousy or maybe it was something else, Kai didn't know.

After thinking so, he said goodbye to Lyon and headed back to his apartment and started preparing for the raid tomorrow.

The following day, Kai grabbed his supplies and headed to the meeting spot in front of the guild. It was relatively early, but he decided it'd be better than being late.

As he continued walking, Kai felt his chest constricting as an ominous feeling rose within him. But he ignored and continued moving forward.

After all, he's too weak to do anything about it even if things go wrong, and his most prided expertise is in fleeing. All he can do is hope that he's just imagining things and trust those on the front line.

As he reached the guild, he was greeted by Lyon who seemed to have been waiting for him.

"I had a hunch you'd come early." Lyon said as he walked towards him. Kai smiled lightly and made idle chatter with him as they walked to the wagon Infront of the guild.

Upon entering, he was greeted by four familiar faces who looked at him and smiled.