
Dragon King's Legacy

1000 years ago, Earth Land was subject to the appearance of the True source and the world completely changed. Mana awakened in the world, magic beasts awakened and people started to awaken their mana cores. As they awaken their core, they unlock the ability to use mana and their magic which mimic a certain element such as wind, earth etc and some even unlock unique magic such as gravity and space magic. These mana users are called mages. And within this myriad of abilities, Kai awakened the 'Fire Magic', a elemental attribute which allows the user to manipulate and generate fire at will. At first, he was excited, thinking about intense battles and gaining great power, but the reality was quick to shoot him down. He awakened a faulty mana core which will break if he used his magic intensity. Thus, leaving him tired after using his ability a couple of times. Disillusioned by his weakness, Kai lived a quiet life doing anything he could to meet ends meet, until one day, everything changed. (Add to Library if you like what you've read And don't forget to give your opinion concerning the novel). A/N- I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel.

NinjaKilla · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

Kelvin vs the Witch

Somewhere within the Sliver city, the wind and ground trembles as Mana was bringing gathered in one spot. Kelvin faces off against the witch who steals another's youth.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN OLD HAG!!?" The witch yelled as he manifests several spheres composed of ash around her and launches them at Kelvin.

Seeing the incoming attacking, Kelvin uses his wind magic to dodge the ash attack, moving in a zig zag manner.

"TODAY'S GAME IS MYSTERY BALL, GET HIT BY MY ATTACK AND SEE WHAT CURSE BEFALLS YOU." The Witch yelled out with a crazed smiled as she kept launching ash spheres towards Kelvin.

He responded quickly and ran across the surrounding building walls to evade the witch's fierce attacks.

"Who are you guys? And why did you attack this city." Kelvin asked while running across the building's walls.

"OH, YOU'RE GOOD ENOUGH TO FIGHT ME AND TALK. OK, SINCE YOU'RE SO HANDSOME I WILL ANSWER." She paused before continuing, "WE'RE HERE TO KILL A CERTAIN SOMEONE. WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS? WELL, I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU THAT!" After saying so, she slammed an ash sphere onto Kelvin, sending him upwards in the air while launching several ash spheres towards him.


The Royal Palace, the residence of the King of the Fiona Kingdom. The throne hall was decorated majestically with the carpets and decorations that lined its interior seemed to all focus on accentuating a single location.

That was, of course, the throne located at the end of the hall. On the throne sat a lone man with blonde hair and blue eyes with his guards standing by both his left and right sides.

His cold gaze fixed on the individual kneeling before him.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE THE MAGIC SAINTS AND THE COMMANDER OF THE 1ST DIVISION!?" The king said with a cold voice as he scanned the man before him.

The young man knelling before the king had fair skin, a soft facial structure, and long black hair that is pulled up into a high ponytail.

He was wearing his magic knight uniform which consists of an aqua, fur mantle with a rounded collar. It is split in the middle of the front and held at the neck by a diamond-shaped pendant. The division insignia is displayed on the left-hand side.

This man's name was Logan Faust and he is the current vice captain of the 1st Division, therefore, the reason why the king is questioning him about his Captain's whereabouts.

The Magic Saints is a rank reserved for anomalies within the Kingdom of Fiona. It is reserved for wizards with such immense strength that their destructive potential is immeasurable, making them very exclusive and unique cases, hence the title "Saint". As a testament to its rarity, there are only four registered mages with the Magic Saint rank.

There are so powerful that they are not even be considered human and are famously referred to as the Four Gods of Ishgar. The location of the magic saints are unknown since they can do want ever they desire. it is said that one of the magic saints residue within Silver city but his location is unknown as well.

The commander of the 1st division of the magic knights squad, although he's not a magic saint, he is said to be the most powerful S rank mage in the kingdom of Fiona. Therefore,

"Did he let his position go to his head because he almost holds the same authority as me in military affairs?" The king asked while resting his arm on his chin.

"Rest assured, Your majesty. We, the closest to the emperor, will be on your guard." Logan said while facing the ground with his eyes closed.

He recalled his captain word's before he left, "Yo, I'm stepping out for a bit. If anything happens, take care of it." Is what he said.

"Where the hell did he go now? You can't keep doing this." As Logan thought so, he slightly frowned.


Within Silver city, several clashes sounds can be heard as two individuals kept fighting while traveling through the air.

Who else would it be if it wasn't Kelvin and the Witch.

As the fight progressed, Kelvin had been on the receiving end of the Witch's fierce attacks.

In the beginning, he was holding up just fine but after receiving a few hits from the Witch's ash magic, his senses started deteriorating at a considerable pace and his attacks began to miss their mark.

"Damn it, how huge is her magic power." Kelvin thought before three ash spheres slammed into his body.


He groaned in pain as the magic spells slammed into him with force.

"Oh my, you're getting slower by the second!" The witch voiced out while smiling.

"I see, so this is her power." Kelvin thought as he figured out the witch's power.

"Oh, did you like my ash magic sensation deflation. Fall into despair as you slowly lose all your senses and face the punishment for calling me a hag!!" The witch said while licking her lips with a look of delight.

"Curses, I can't go down like this, I haven't gotten a girlfriend yet. Geez, I guess I have to use that spell after all." Kelvin thought as he prepared himself to use his trump card. The only reason he refused to use it earlier was because the spell completely drains him of his magic power.

Kelvin then spins his scythe in an circular manner, causing the surrounding wind to spin around him until he was covered by an armor of wind. This armor does not only increase his defenses, but also augments his destructive power as well.

This was his trump card: Wind Mail

"What the hell is that?!" The witch thought in shock as she stared at the black silhouette within the armor of wind.

Without wasting time, he extended his hands and creates an enormous bullet of concentrated wind streams infront of him and launches it towards the witch.


The witch let out a loud scream as the spell slammed into her with the force of a cannon without allowing her any chance to retaliate nor escape, as she is being thrusted by it.


The spell carried the witch and slammed her into a nearby tower, causing her to pass out immediately.

Wanting to confirm her defeat, he used his wind magic to fly towards the location where she landed. Upon arriving inside the tower through the destroyed wall, he saw the unconscious body of the witch laying on the ground motionless within the tower.

"Haha, that's what you get Bitch!" Upon saying so, Kelvin's body fell on the ground like a lodge as he lost consciousness.