
Naruto: Side Stories (II).

Shinobi World: Earth-Y007H

The Universe of Earth-Y007H was different from its multiversal counterparts. From the moment of its inception, it knew it was different. It cared about progress, life, and the hearts of the inhabitants that lived in it, contrary to the unfeeling nature of its counterparts.

This universe enjoyed seeing the little forms of life progress and fight for survival. It loved witnessing how they overcame obstacles on their own, even if, to it, these obstacles seemed minuscule.

The clash of desire with struggle, the collision of wanting with obstacles, and the battle between dreams and reality—it loved it all. There was always a path out of the quagmire, a way to achieve dreams, and these little specks of life fought hard to make it through, reaching for those dreams.

This universe spent eons observing civilizations rise and fall, from adversity to prosperity, followed by decline and collapse, only to be reborn in new adversity. It was endearing and entertaining to it.

It always wondered how new civilizations would differ from their predecessors. Would they follow the same path? Which heroes would rise? Which villains would oppose them? Would they trailblaze a new way? Would they leave the gravity well of their cosmic dust aggregation? Conquer other worlds? Encounter other civilizations and clash? Unite as one? Enslave one another? Become sibling civilizations? Fall to another civilization? Or perhaps fall to a cosmic event?

All these questions filled its heart as it watched the little ones struggle. It was always neutral, never taking sides. Its insight into everything made it that way.

There were no problems with this; it simply needed to exist, and the cycle would never stop.

Or so it believed...

Then came a civilization that grew to dominate 5% of its total space. They called themselves the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

They became a problem. They broke the cycle in a bad way. There was nothing wrong with breaking the cycle, or so the Universe thought, but the way they disrupted the cycle of the other little ones filled the Universe with repulsion. Instinctual repulsion.

The Universe tolerated the clashes of civilizations—that was part of the cycle.

But with the Ōtsutsuki Clan, there was no clash, no conflict, only inevitable devastation for any civilization that encountered them. It wasn't that the Universe wanted them to struggle and suffer, but the outcome had become a certainty.

The Ōtsutsuki Clan met the Fluxirnynes, who perished under the God Tree and the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

They met the Vuxials. They perished.

They met the Evycts. They perished.

The Merdinasis. They perished.

The Klytpons. They perished.

The Amklotaps. They perished.

Everything became... certain. There was no cycle, and whatever new thing any civilization brought to the Universe's eyes, it became dull, as the Ōtsutsuki Clan would destroy it.

There was no progress, for even if there was, it meant nothing.

There was no life, for even if it flourished, it was destined to be crushed under the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Everything became dull, and when you are everything, you become dull with it.

The Universe felt despair—impotent, useless, inert... dull.

And just when it was about to give up and destroy itself to prevent the cancer of the Ōtsutsuki Clan from further marring its existence, something new happened.

Kaguya Ōtsutsuki happened. For the first time, an Ōtsutsuki chose a different path.

The cosmic bliss Kaguya brought to it was immeasurable. Stars were born, black holes turned to white holes, supernovas exploded, creating more cosmic dust, and nebulae began forming planetary systems. It was blissful. Kaguya brought what the Universe needed to stop its universal suicide.

But then she was sealed... and with her, the chance to oppose the Ōtsutsuki was sealed as well.

The Universe despaired, and in its despair, it took a drastic measure.

It took its consciousness and fused it with the neonatal mind of a little-one species that called themselves "Humans."

It gave up its sense of self and became like its multiversal siblings. It stopped being "IT" and became the same as the others.

This sacrifice ended its suffering while also giving the little ones a glimmer of hope. It merged with the newborn and blessed the baby with everything it could.

And thus, Guy Senjurama was born.

A few hours after his birth, Guy Senjurama gained sapience. He understood that he was himself. He recognized his existence and the first thing he felt was not the temperature of the room, the warm breasts of his mother, the calming voice of his father, nor the boundless vitality of his body. No, the first thing he felt was a pull— a pull for something more, a pull he named: YOUTH!

Youth guided Guy throughout his infancy. It taught him to speak within a month, introduced him to the wonders of calisthenics in the second month, taught his mother the best diet to maximize gains from her breast milk, instructed his father on how to please his mother so her breast milk would be filled with endorphins, and even guided his parents on how to master the economy and market to sponsor Guy's future gains. Youth led his entire family to the path of unending YOUTH!

Youth became the driving force of his family. His family took control of their village, and with it, Youth became the driving force of the village.

But not everything was youthful...

At the tender age of three, Guy Senjurama stood on the shoulder of his swole father as they observed the feared Uchiha clan marching toward their youthful but small village.

"Son, why are there wars?"- Purotein Senjurama asked his chiseled son.

"Father... it is because they lack YOUTH!"-Guy Senjurama replied with not a single unhealthy fat of doubt in his visage.

"Father, they fight wars, lose their young ones—ergo, they lack YOUTH!"- He explained, certain of his logic.

"Son... the path of YOUTH! is boundless and more profound than a deep squat."- Purotein Senjurama said in response to his son's youthful teachings.

"Father, let's show them the right path. Let's teach them the way of YOUTH!"

"It is as you say, son. We must hurry— your mother's protein isn't going to hunt itself, and these lanky Uchiha are in the way of our village's gains."- Purotein's eyes burned with the fires of YOUTH!

Purotein Senjurama crunched and all of his trained muscles tensed in explosive power, and his Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus, Gastrocnemius and Soleus, Hip Flexors, Abdominals and Obliques, Erector Spinae released all of the accumulated potential energy and jumped toward the Uchiha who were three kilometers (~1 mile) away, readying to storm his village.

*BOOM*- The force of the jump obliterated the hill they stood on.

Guy squatted on his father's ample back as Purotein flew horizontally toward the Uchiha, using his father as a surfboard through the air.

Sensing the imposing aura, the Uchiha saw a child riding on a bull-like man, and the sight broke the cardio-deficient hearts of a few.

"Attack!"- The commander cried, refusing to believe his eyes.

They flashed hand signs and each of them blew a fireball at the incoming disaster of heavy-weight class proportions.

"Father, show them the might of your Breaststroke Swimming Style!"- The chiseled son suggested confidently.

The fireballs fused in the air and created a wall of fire, ready to burn to cinders what it dared to oppose its path. 

But this didn't deter the muscles of the father-son pair.

"HAH!"- Purotein Senjurama assumed a diving form and his calloused hands broke through the first layer of the massive conflagration, he parted his hands and made a powerful breaststroke move and following the flow of his move the fireball was split in two.

The lanky Uchiha dropped their jaws when they saw the child surfing on the man's back come out of the fireball after it was cleaved. 

The resulting fireballs fell behind the father-son pair and—just as Purotein Senjurama landed in a lunge and Guy Senjurama in a handstand atop his father's head—they exploded behind them.

*BOOOOM*- The explosion framed their gloriousness.

"Gainsless Uchiha, state your purpose in disturbing our training!"- Guy demanded from atop his father's head.

The Uchiha hesitated. What were they even witnessing? What did he mean by 'training'? Many unanswered questions about the significance of life passed through their minds.

"*Ahem* We apologize, we attacked on instinct. We came to offer the Senjurama clan a place in the Ninja Village we are founding with the Senju and Uzumaki: Konohagakure."- The squad leader presented a scroll bearing the signatures of Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju.

"This matter shall be considered seriously during our time of nutrition consumption. You're welcome to join us if you help us gather some protein."- Guy said.

That day, after the Uchiha helped hunt a small herd of bison, they dined with the Senjurama clan. The Senjurama village was prosperous, its people joyful and too healthy.

Though strange, the Uchiha recognized their potential value to Konohagakure, and coincidentally, they had never clashed before. Despite their odd ways, the Senjurama were seen in a positive light.

And that is how the third and final Hokage of Konohagakure joined the village.



No chapter this week, I'm still writing it, and an interlude about what's going on back in Marvel. So I leave you with this gag side story. The next chapter will cover up until the point of the time skip so it's massive, please bear with me. 
