
dragon heart

syonas is the slave bastard son of a powerful noble, but his father still loved him and his mother, nonetheless love could do very little in the face of their enemies and the odds set against them. Join syonas and his journey to power as he fights for the freedom of his family and his people.

lightbringer_22 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Einstein of the future

"The celestial titan physique is an extremely high-level spell model that grants the user a plethora of abilities, including unimaginable physical might.

But as with all spell models of such power, it is very complex, and it usually is utterly impossible for a beginner even to understand it, much less build it. But as a successor of the Tellus bloodline, you will not only receive a partially built spell model, you will also receive the knowledge to complete it and some power that comes along with the model, without having to meditate at all." Lina said, and at this point, I could almost see the stars shooting out of Candy and Sandy's eyes.

I was once again seated on papa's shoulders, watching all this unfold. After a reading session with Papa that was very helpful, I now have a decent grasp of the verbal aspect of Nalon. So, I was able to keep pace and barely understand what was being said by mama Lina , as for how I was able to hear her from such a distance away I assume she was using some form of magic.

But all of this sounded so fantastical, I don't really have a framework on how the world or reality should work, but something deep inside me is telling me all of this is crazy. Anyways, what do I know?

I am a baby, after all.

"but life is fair and to awaken such a powerful bloodline to its greatest extent requires hard work and sacrifice, starting with the initial ceremony where we will be activating the hidden knowledge in your body and forcefully opening your mind space where your spell models will come into existence.

The mind space is essentially the area within your body (your brain specifically) that contains your soul, and this meeting between your soul and your body is what creates the mind space. It is also where all your soul power and mana is stored.

Awakening your bloodline will cause the automatic construction of your spell models. Still, it will also force open your mind space, which is the equivalent of using a battering ram to rip open your skull and it will be excruciating.

But the longer you hold on, the more powerful the model you build will be and the easier it will be to complete the model in the future" mama Lina said but paused because sandy had raised her hand.

"Yes, Sandy" Mama Lina asked.

"you said it would require hard work, what kind of hard work?" Sandy asked with some trepidation.

"first of all, it will require a great deal of physical training to start with, because even though mana can make you much stronger, the amount of mana that you can withstand is a byproduct of how strong your body is. You will also have to gain in-depth knowledge on how your mana affects reality and bends the rules of the world and to do that you will have to learn the laws of the world.

For example, the first set of models built on my path of ascension required in-depth knowledge of speed and on how it is gained maintained and lost.

Lady Rachel's three laws of motion were a great help, but I also had to study a..."


Three laws of motion that sounds familiar.....

"..... Book written by Lord victor on how light moves and how speed, or even time, is relative to the environment."

Oh! That one sounded familiar for sure.....


Where have I heard that?....

I know! The laws of relativity by-




....my name...

My name is Einstein.


It felt like I woke up from a thousand-year sleep.

What happened? Oh! Yeah, I remember.

I died, my mom died too.

Something went wrong, the experiment failed, and the containment field exploded.

Now she's dead.

I feel so scared.

I need my mommy!

I am so alone.

At least that was what I thought

Until I felt big rough palm come in contact with my small back.

"Are you okay son?" papa asked

I looked down at the mop of blue hair on his head that was almost bigger than my torso, the broad shoulders that supported my weight like it was nothing and all my memories came flooding back. My mother's voice, my sisters' care, my father's and all my family's affection overwhelmed me.

On a subconscious level, I had always known. So, in a way, I spent the first two years of my life grieving the loss of my mother and my premature death.

But even then, my young mind should have probably shattered from the sadness alone if not for the love of my family, that acted as a healing balm to my wounded soul.

I have received more love in the short two years of my life than most people get in their whole lives. Enough love to fill the hole in my heart so that all that was left from my past life was a dull ache and the beautiful memory of my parents.

As for how I reincarnated, I'm not sure; there could be many answers. My mother was experimenting with high-level concepts like time disturbance and gravity vectors, concepts that humans still grappled with in the twenty-fifth century.

Having regained all my memories, I had also recovered the thinking capacity of a super genius from the twenty-fifth century. So, all these thoughts took place in the short time frame of four seconds, before I was interrupted.

"son? Are you okay?" papa asked again, this time, his tone more worried.

"oh, I'm fine I was just wondering if we have those books mama Lina was talking about maybe we could read them." I said, lying with ease since it wasn't really a lie anyway.

"No we don't, but it's easy enough for me to order them" papa replied, sounding relieved and as indulgent as ever.

Now that I had my memories of earth to relate to, I had to say I was supremely spoilt beyond compare. From what I can put together, my father was nobility and not just any nobility, but one at the highest strata of society and my other mother's where accomplished warriors if not nobility themselves.

Another point of contention, my father has three wives! What is going on? Are we Mormon or something? How is this allowed.

But everyone seems to be happy, though. So, whatever, I'm seven this is too much for me. Oh! No wait I'm two years old now, not much of a difference though.

Just thinking of the news report makes me sad.

Acclaimed scientist and her seven-year-old son died in an accident, leaving a widower behind.


Stop it; Einstein focus on the present. Magic is being taught right before your eyes, and your head is in the clouds.

"... Now lets begin the ceremony"


"The ceremony is quite simple. All you have to do is memorise these words, and your bloodline should naturally awaken."

At this point, I could not hear what was being said any more, probably for my protection. Nobody expects a two-year-old to be able to withstand the pain of a bloodline awakening.

I didn't notice anything at first, but as the time elapsed, I realised that at some point during mama Lina's speech, both girls had stopped moving and closed their eyes.


The wind around them was displaced and chunks of dirt and grass flew everywhere as though escaping from the beasts in the centre of the commotion.

And the I saw them.

Both Sandy and Candy were floating in the air, enveloped by two glowing silhouettes, it looked like copies of them, but larger.

"Those are... Those are....." I stammer trying to find the right words, but papa beat me to it.

"those are Titans" he said his voice filled with pride.

Another chapter mwhahahahaha I grow stronger once more.

I noticed that someone gave me a power stone, thank you very much. there is no motivation like people's appreciation so shout out to

daoist 663307

Jason_morris and

sword astral thank you very much for you support

this chapter is for you

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