
Training for the Dragon Realm Tournament

For the next days Long Lao Er had been training the

Supreme Ascending Rozan Dragon art under the waterfall inside Long Fuxi's courtyard.

Right now Long Lao Er was absently minded looking at the waterfall, remembering his past training with Long Fuxi and everything that happened. A fire turned on in his dantian every time memories appeared on his mind.

Far away from him a voluptuous figure observed him. It was Long Fuxi who had been training him.

She was sighing. Long Fuxi had recently noticed how Long Lao Er much like any other male had developed a small crush on her.

"And just a few years ago he was just an immature brat who knew nothing about girls or romance.

But now that I look at him, he has become a teen with a crush on me. Should I be worried for my daughter?"

Long Fuxi lamented, she couldn't allow him to develop his crush on her or he might end up hurting her own daughter.

She had to stop this, even if she didn't mind been ogled and peeked by him. She even looked forward playing with Long Lao Er.

Wait, what was she thinking?, Long Fuxi circulated her Qi essence and calmed down. Seeing that Long Lao Er was not concentrating because of his daydreams with her, Long Fuxi decided to play a prank on him.

A Dragon made out of water with practically no Qi essence emerged and went towards Long Lao Er.

Long Lao Er who was still daydreaming didn't see it come. He had been splash with cold water and therefore he had been awoken from his day dreams.

"Lao Er have you already read the manual I gave you?"

Long Fuxi asked him.

"Yes auntie."

"What did you learn from it?"

"Flying Lushan Dragon Art: It consists on circulating the Qi essence through the right accupoints and using the power of the art to cover yourself inside a Dragon made of Qi essence while punching your opponent using Bajiquan attacks."

"Very good Lao Er, now show me."

Long Lao Er nodded.

He started circulating his Qi essence through the right accupoints. Suddenly a Dragon made of Qi essence surrounded him and tried to break free from Long Lao Er's control.

Long Lao Er's body moved without control as was he was pulled over all over the place by this dragon until it vanished.

Long Fuxi gently giggle as she approached him.

"Lao Er, why do you think you failed?"

"I am not sure but I felt like I didn't have control, it was like the Dragon was pulling me over."

"Do you know why that happened?"

"I am not sure, I followed what the manual said. Why was I pulled around all over auntie?"

"What were you were you thinking when you were circulating your Qi essence?"

Long Lao Er answered that he was focused on imagining that Flying Dragon with a red face as he couldn't avoid gazing at Long Fuxi's amazing peaks which firmly stood out amongst layers of clothes.

Long Fuxi sigh and told him how he needed to focus on a target from the beginning and let the Flying Dragon go towards the target.

"Let's try again. This time try focus on me.

The rules are simple, you have to use the Flying Dragon Lushan art and try to touch me.

If you can touch me before the art finishes you win."

Long Lao Er nodded and started circulating his Qi essence. With his mind focused on the most over standing feature on Long Fuxi, her towering peaks.

"Flying Lushan Dragon."

A Dragon made of Qi essence surrounded Long Lao Er, then a sonic boom was produced as the dragon chased after Long Fuxi's peaks.

Long Fuxi could feel a certain danger been emitted by Long Lao Er's hands as he tried to squash her bountiful peaks.

Using beautiful Bajiquan forms, Long Fuxi was able to escape from the wantonly Long Lao Er's grasp.

Long Fuxi was now thinking that it may have been a mistake to tell him to focus on a particular target, especially now that she had sealed her cultivation on the tenth level of the Qi Condensation Realm.

From up, down, left and right. A dragon followed Long Fuxi everywhere she went. Thanks to her Bajiquan, she had been able to avoid Long Lao Er, but who knew how long she had until he could caught her.

Long Lao Er could only see those bountiful peeks hypnotically moving, making his concentration get even stronger than Long Fuxi thought he would get.

Suddenly everything calmed. Long Fuxi couldn't feel the dragon with her spiritual sense, when out of nowhere an invigorated dragon appeared. Using her Bajiquan Long Fuxi moved left, closely avoiding the dragon.

After the dragon missed, he managed to stop. The dragon turned around and went towards Long Fuxi again.

Seen that the dragon was almost out of power, Long Fuxi started running from the dragon. But she didn't count on the dragon being faster than her. As the dragon dissolved, the propulsion energy ejected Long Lao Er towards Long Fuxi. Long Lao Er was out of control as he couldn't do anything to stop himself, his face ended up impacting her soft perky buttocks.


Long Fuxi yelled.

"That doesn't count, how come you always target weird places eh?"

"I am sorry auntie, it wasn't my intention to do that."

Answered an apologetic Long Lao Er to the embarrassed Long Fuxi, his master.

"It seems that you've mastered the new art. I need to go back with Suanni to check her cultivation."

And so the embarrassed Long Fuxi left Long Lao Er to train for himself.

In the next days Long Lao Er kept training with Long Fuxi, trying to set strong bases instead of trying to increase his cultivation, because of that he stayed on the seventh level of the Qi Condensation Realm.

After working with Long Lao Er; Long Fuxi would go to help her own daughter, Long Suanni.

At the same time, Long ZhangLang and his big brother Long Qiong were training together, while their father Long Qiuniu was in close cultivation both kids were training.

A senior elder from Long Qiuniu's side came to visit Long Qiong.

"Young master, I finally got the pill that master ordered for you. Here it's the Dragon Lightning Lotus pill."

"Good, now with this I can have 100 percent confidence on winning the tournament, becoming the Dragon Warrior and finally making Suanni mine"

Said Long Qiong as he wantonly laughed.

Next chapter, the tournament starts.

Gohghcreators' thoughts