
Returning to the future

Having fended off the invading trio, Gochi mentally prepared himself for what is to come.

"Hello everybody I can sense you hiding over there those three have been taken care of it's safe to come out now." Gochi yells

"Who the hell are you? As far as I am aware there's only 3 sayains left so explain yourself." Well the short man with a receding hair line says

" I'm afraid that's a secret however big green guy if you could come with me I need to talk with you and if you all will hang out Goku should be landing shortly" Gochi explains

Having pulled Piccolo to the side, he begins explaining it all to him just as he had planned with Bulma

"And this is the medicine he needs to take. I would stay and wait for him with you but I'm honestly afraid if I meet him it could mess things up so do not let him forget to take his medicine so as to keep him from dyeing. I do really want to meet my dad but if time travel works one of the ways that we think me meeting him could cause me to not be born so I appreciate you helping me. Once we get back to the main group I have one last thing to explain" Gochi says as the two flies back to the group

"So I am sure you are curious as to who I am but like I said before I can not tell you due to personal reasons, however just know I am a ally. My main purpose here is to warn you of a coming threat in 3 years. 2 androids will appear at Amenbo island and they are stronger than any enemy you have faced so far. Individually they could each kill Frieza with ease if that gives you a good guess. As much as I would like to stay I will be taking my leave but should fate allow I will try and come back in 3 years to help you fight, if I do not come back just know I wish you the best of luck" Gochi explains before vanishing hoping to avoid messing with the timeline too much more than he already had.

While he really wanted to meet his father if what he did succeeded and he was as strong as Bulma bragged on about he would meet him again once he went back to the future. And if time travel did not work that way he would meet him again in 3 years as long as Piccolo have him the medicine.

Preparing himself for the that feeling again, Gochi finds himself at the launch pad Bulma had created for him when he took off.


"You don't have to yell I'm right here, and that question is so vague that it isn't even funny. But I regret to let you know that everything is the same as when you left, so that lets us know that time travel just makes a parallel timeline. So Gochi let me know everything that happened" Bulma says

After explaining everything that happened Bulma looked confused.

"Cooler who is that?" Bulma asks

"According to Cold, it was his other son" Gochi answers

"I do not remember anyone else appearing when the 2 came to earth" Bulma says

"Hopefully the 3 year time we told them holds true but in the mean time I will train extra hard before I return just in case there are some more unknowns.

Flying towards the wilderness, Gochi prepares himself for 3 years of intense training to try and prepare for whatever will happen when he goes back to the past to assist with the androids.

I know this is a shorter chapter than the usual 1k words I like to do but this is a in between the sagas chapter if you will and I didnt want to start going into the next saga at like half a chapter so I do apologize for the shorter length.

As always let me know if I have messed up anywhere

Phoenixrdcreators' thoughts