
Ch. 97: Jeice Returns to Ginyu

"Alright, men! Line up!" Ginyu shouted at the Frieza Force soldiers in front of him. There were quite a few who'd had such an ego that they actually believed themselves good enough to try out for the incredible Ginyu Force. Captain Ginyu had decided to pass the time until Lord Frieza came back by beating those egos right out of them. But first, he'd see if any of them actually had hidden potential when it came to posing. If they couldn't pose, Ginyu would send them flying. If they could, he'd find some other use for them. It was a rather fun game to Ginyu.

But just before he started whipping these sorry 'recruits' into shape, his scouter beeped. A power level was on its way to the ship. It was far too low to be Lord Frieza, but too high to be Vegeta and his pals... probably. Seemed like Jeice's power level, but a bit lower than his usual, like he'd been through some sort of stress or workout. 

"It is Jeice. And he's alone." Ginyu noted as Jeice came into sight. The Ginyu Force member was shouting something incomprehensible, but Ginyu didn't care. "Where are the others?" Ginyu asked the other member of his team.

"Cap'n! Cap'n! It's horrible. Burter and the others... One of the Saiyans used the 'False Moon' technique! They're way too powerful for us to deal with! Burter got swatted down like a fly, right in front of me!" Jeice shouted, panicked and scared. He'd seen Nappa's ape form just kill Burter without a fight, and it'd scared him even more than Goku had in the canon. He now saw Nappa's ape form as a monster that he'd never be capable of even touching. 

Captain Ginyu, on the other hand, wasn't exactly dazzled by an artificial power growth like that. He saw the Saiyan's Great Ape form as something closer to a diversionary tactic, or something meant for turning a small-scale power into something capable of causing widespread destruction, but he didn't see it as having any use in real battle. It simply gave the Saiyan too many weak points to use against them.

"You didn't even try, did you? You didn't attack the energy orb... you didn't cut off the ape's tail while it was attacking your teammate... YOU JUST LEFT YOUR TEAM TO DIE!" Ginyu couldn't help but shout at Jeice, but he couldn't lose his head yet. He'd slaughter those apes. Torture Vegeta until he got down on his knees and begged Lord Frieza for mercy, then ask his Lord for the pleasure of killing the man himself. But first...

"Do you even know if they were still alive when you ran away?" Ginyu asked Jeice, grabbing the front of his last remaining teammate's armor and hoisting him into the air. Jeice just looked away, unable to respond. He'd lost his cool, and his team was probably dead because of it. He couldn't look Ginyu in the eye anymore. "mmm... I see." Ginyu let go of Jeice.

The Captain was torn. Jeice was the reason that his crew was dead. You could blame it on the Saiyans and their allies, sure, but in Ginyu's mind, they were just fighting with everything that they had, in a desperate but ultimately futile attempt at survival. He couldn't fault them for that, but Jeice losing his head against a common monkey was another matter. The punishment for something that grave was death. No two ways about it, but Ginyu just couldn't kill the old teammate in front of him. He had too much history with Jeice. 

"I'll decide how to deal with you later." He eventually decided. He couldn't kill Jeice, especially not right now. He had other priorities. He'd punish Jeice by exiling him to some backwoods rock for the rest of his life after Lord Frieza becomes immortal. Ginyu couldn't stomach someone who would get their allies killed being in the same Frieza Force as him any longer, even if he couldn't kill him. 

"Alright. Men, change of plans. Grab a shovel." Ginyu ordered his 'recruits.' Apparently, he needed a new Ginyu Force, so he'd use these men he'd gathered just to have fun with as temporary replacements, though only until he could find real soldiers.

It gave Ginyu a headache just thinking about it. He'd been discovered by Lord Frieza at a young age, because he'd just been that strong. In his mercy, his lord had deigned to grant him status as second only to him, and given him the idea to create his own squad of elite soldiers to do special missions that others couldn't. (Frieza had only given him the idea to get him away, because Ginyu had been far too annoying to keep by his side constantly like he'd done with Zarbon and Dodoria, but Ginyu didn't know that.)

After starting his crew, Ginyu had found Jeice and Burter first. He'd plucked them straight from Lord Frieza's armies. They were both mutant variations of their own races, and their ability to pose was excellent. Jeice's power was almost as good as Ginyu's at the time, and Burter's speed was insane.

Fast-forward a year or two, and the Ginyu Force was already feared throughout the part of the universe that Lord Frieza controlled, but as a trio, they weren't really a squad. Ginyu wanted at least five in his squad. Five, incredible talents.

Eventually, scouring the universe, Ginyu came across a 'wandering dancer' named Recoome. Apparently, he'd been kicked out of his dance school for 'excessively violent conduct,' and then decided to wander the galaxy, making a living off of his dance skills, but he'd been repeatedly told that he had no talent. Getting desperate, Recoome had taken to a life of crime, when his dance career inevitably failed. Seeing Recoome's incredible natural posing ability, Ginyu just hadn't been able to pass him up as the fourth member of his squad, only later realizing that Recoome was a mutant, just like him, Jeice, and Burter, with incredible power and resiliency. The man was basically a walking tank.

On Recoome's first ever assignment with the Ginyu Force, they'd gone to subjugate a planet of short, green men with extra eyes on the sides of their heads. Lord Frieza himself had come to watch the newbie in action. They'd found Guldo on that planet. After helping them destroy the race that had apparently treated Guldo like an outsider, and a creepy weirdo, Guldo had won his own place as the fifth member of the Ginyu Force, completing Captain Ginyu's dream squad of powerful fighters with incredible posing skills. Now, they were gone.