
Ch. 178: Trunks' Timeline: Aftermath

"Bye bye everyone!" Zenny waved from the time machine as it whizzed off. The mysterious girl who had so easily solved their problem had already vanished, after dropping the Omni-King off and advising the group from the past to leave immediately, a warning that they didn't dare ignore, no matter how much they wanted to see what had become of Trunks' world, which had transformed unrecognizably. 

"What just..." Mai started, but faltered, unable to comprehend what had just happened, despite the irrefutable evidence surrounding them. What had been ruins since as far back as Trunks could remember, had been razed to the ground completely and replaced with a vibrant forest full of life and...

"Wait, is that really... No, it can't be?!" As Trunks' senses began exploring the new forest, it locked onto something nearby. Not willing to believe it without seeing it, Trunks started running towards it desperately, leaving a confused Mai in the dust. "Mom? MOM!" As soon as he laid eyes on her, Trunks rushed into her arms, crying. "Mom, I saw you die...!" He didn't want to let go. He couldn't believe that it was real, and he was scared that she'd simply vanish once more, but she was real. 

"Trunks!" Bulma hugged him back at first, but quickly went blue in the face. "Trunks, honey, I can't breathe." She gasped, tapping him on the back. 

"Oh, sorry mom. I just can't believe you're alive! And you look so young!" It was true. The Bulma in front of Trunks right now seemed to be about twenty years younger than the Bulma that Goku Black had killed. Essentially, she looked like a carbon copy of the Bulma that had just left for the past.

Unbeknownst to Trunks, there was a reason for this. Essentially, Hanna had decided to do her a favor, so instead of recreating her body to the specifications of her own memories, like she'd done with most of the rest of the lost souls she'd revived with Zamasu's power, she'd simply recreated the body of the Bulma right beside her and shoved the future Bulma's soul inside it. And Bulma wasn't the only one who Hanna had given special attention to. 

"I know it's been a while, Trunks, but I thought you'd be happy to see me, too..." A voice from behind Trunks made him stop in place. The world's entire energy had changed drastically thanks to Hanna. Honestly, it'd been a miracle that Trunks had been able to shuffle through all of the unfamiliar energies to find his mother, yet alone any other people who had been resurrected, but even if Trunks hadn't been able to sense his energy through the mess, Trunks would never forget this voice. 

After all, it belonged to the person who had taught him most everything he knew about battle.

Turning around, Trunks found himself face to face with the person he respected most in this world. 


Over the course of the next year, Trunks' future once again changed drastically, and all credit for that went to the mysterious woman who had destroyed Zamasu. 

She'd not only resurrected Bulma and Gohan in their prime forms (Gohan now had both arms), but also important Z-fighters who had died far earlier. Vegeta, Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo and Kami, and even Korin were all alive and well. As it turned out, Goku, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and Piccolo had been allowed to keep their bodies in otherworld and had been training under King Kai ever since the Androids had originally killed them. Suddenly finding themselves back on Earth, alive and well, had shocked them at first, but now they were pulling their weight and more, with their abilities on full display to the public. 

With Kami back, the Dragon Balls were back as well, so they could technically have used a wish to bring the cities back, but the Z-fighters had unanimously scrapped that idea almost immediately. The world that the mysterious girl had created wasn't the same one that they'd lived in before. Using a wish to change it, they'd all decided, wouldn't be right.

Zamasu had power almost equivalent to a Destroyer. Had Hanna intended to, she could have used that energy to create several galaxies, but she'd spent it all on one single planet instead. The excess of energy ended up with some strange side-effects. 

For example, though Korin Tower and the Lookout had been fixed by Hanna's power, the Land of Korin was now home to a rampant species of beans with effects similar to, yet nowhere near as powerful, as Senzu Beans. 

New East City was another example of strange side effects. The old East City's location was now home to a species of tree known as 'Immortal Oak.' When cut down, it'd regenerate straight from the stump in under 24 hours. There were common sightings of Gryphons, previously mythical birds, in the general vicinity of Orange City, and in the north, there was a mountain that was said to be covered in 'living snow' that would never thaw, and would naturally gather to itself to create barely sentient snowmen when left alone. 

Strange things like that were now commonplace in this new world, and more oddities were being discovered every day. New species of plants and animals, old species that had simply disappeared, even some of the humans that had been brought back found their bodies warped in unexpected ways. Entirely due to Hanna's laziness.

But to the people in Trunks' future, it was a new beginning, and the people given this new chance collectively balked at the idea of destroying it the way that they had in the past. Instead, they created new cities that coexisted with nature, protected by Trunks and the Z-fighters. One day in the distant future, the descendants of the people that Hanna had resurrected would join the ranks of the Z-fighters, creating another organization in its place similar to Hanna's Legacies.

All (Definitely not) as Hanna had planned (She had no clue what she was doing. She was just lazy and lucky).