
Ch. 103: Vegeta's Betrayal

"Ha! Ahahahahaha!" Vegeta began laughing maniacally as Piccolo moved to leave, causing the green man to look back at him warily.

"Why are you laughing?" Piccolo asked.

"Oh, isn't this just great?! Frieza's gone to interrogate a few Nameks, Ginyu's coming here, and the Dragon Balls are all alone at Frieza's ship, unusable without a Namek's help. That means that all I need to do to get my own immortality, is steal the Dragon Balls while Ginyu's busy with you lot, then take them to that Namek village and tell them to grant me immortality in order to avenge Nappa's death! It's perfect!" Vegeta said gleefully.

"And what makes you think that I'll let you do that!?" Piccolo asked, realizing that Vegeta was right.

"You've used up all of your energy, Namek! I'll bet that you can barely fly!" Vegeta bluffed, knowing full well that his situation was just as bad as Piccolo's, if not worse because of how bad his injuries were. "Bye-bye!" Vegeta blasted off into the sky, having gathered all the energy he needed for it while speaking to Piccolo.

Unfortunately for the Saiyan Prince, Piccolo had been gathering energy in an attempt to fly, too. He'd only gathered enough for a strong, energy-boosted jump, but since he was still at full power, that was all he needed to catch up to Vegeta and pound him in the back, causing the deceitful Saiyan to fall to the ground with an "Urk!"

"I don't have time to scuffle here! If Frieza finishes torturing that Namek that you say created the Dragon Balls, he'll almost certainly kill him, turning them into useless rocks! Get off of me!" Vegeta pounded Piccolo in the gut with his one still-unbroken elbow, causing the Namekian's grip to falter for a moment. He attempted to use that moment to get away from Piccolo, but Piccolo's superior physical condition allowed the Namekian to catch up to Vegeta again, his agility on the ground a great advantage against the Saiyan.

The two only scuffled for a few minutes, but in that time, Ginyu had already met up with the other Z-Fighters. What made them realize that the fight... no, slaughter was happening was when Gohan turned up the heat with his Kaio-ken.

"Damn it! We're too late! Get off of me, Namekian! Ginyu's already killed the girl!" Vegeta realized, punching Piccolo in the face weakly.

The punch didn't have enough power behind it to really hurt Piccolo, but the realization that Hanna was already dying had him so much off guard that it still blew him back about ten feet, causing him to land with his back against the dirt. After Piccolo was off of him, Vegeta immediately started to gather his energy to fly away again, but instead, Jeice's voice resounded.

"That's right, Cap'n! You gave em' the what for, all right!" 

"Jeice. If you say another word or do anything at all that I didn't specifically tell you to do, you won't like the result." Ginyu's voice answered Jeice immediately. The Squad Captain, on another island, turned his scouter back on, just as Vegeta's feet left the ground. "Trying to run, huh, Vegeta?!" Ginyu realized. In an instant, Ginyu was in front of Vegeta. He pounded him in the gut, causing the already-injured Saiyan to cough up blood, his momentum instantly halted. Barely conscious, Vegeta started to fall to the ground, unable to muster the energy to keep himself in the air anymore. 

"Oh, dying? Can't have that, now can we?" Ginyu grabbed Vegeta by the neck of his clothes as the Saiyan began to fall, stopping him from hitting the ground. "Now, as for you..." Ginyu's eyes met with Piccolo's on the ground.

The Namekian had picked himself up from Vegeta's attack, but he was still lightheaded from the attack he'd used to kill Recoome. He knew in an instant that he didn't stand a chance against Ginyu, but he still readied himself into a fighting stance. 'If I'm going to die, I'll die fighting!' He thought resolutely.

"What did you do to the others?!" Piccolo shouted at Ginyu in the sky.

Before answering the Namekian, Ginyu dropped slowly to the ground, leaving Vegeta's mostly unconscious body in the dirt where he believed the Saiyan belonged. 

"Did you do that?" Ginyu gestured to Recoome's body nearby. Even from here, you could see the dead fighter's blackened back, where Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon had gouged his spine right out. 

"Yeah. Nothing personal, but he was a threat." Piccolo answered, not bothering to lie or hide it.

"A threat, huh? I can respect that. But you need to understand... He was a part of my team!" Ginyu closed the gap between him and Piccolo in an instant, delivering a painful blow to Piccolo with his knee. "A real fight? I can understand. Any fighter who doesn't fight with the possibility that they can lose and die, isn't a real fighter! But a sneak attack!? How dare you kill a proud member of the Ginyu Force in such an underhanded manner!?" As he ranted, Ginyu hit Piccolo with devastating blow after devastating blow, forcing the Z-Fighter back without allowing him to get any real distance. "I was going to take you to Frieza, so that you could tell him the password that would allow him to use the Dragon Balls, in case his current endeavor wasn't successful... but..." Ginyu raised his hand, placing it against the beaten Namekian's forehead. "You deserve to die right here, knowing that all of your friends are already dead, and that you've failed."

"You're going to fail, too." Piccolo couldn't help but prophesize. If he was going to die here, he'd pin his hopes on Goku and Raditz to finish this monster. They could do it. He knew it. Then, they'd use the Dragon Balls to wish everyone back to life.

"Maybe... But you'll die, knowing that you weren't even a challenge to me. Scream with regret in the afterlife while Lord Frieza spends the rest of eternity ruling over the universe as an immortal god! Death Cannon!" Ginyu let loose one of his most powerful attacks point blank at Piccolo. When the blast cleared, there was nothing in front of him at all. Just a crater carved right into the landscape, spreading miles and miles in the same direction, reducing everything in its path to naught but ash.