
Cell's Perfect Form Final Part: Wow... Bench Press Much.

[5 Minutes Later]

Cell: "Serves up!" One of my clones shouted hitting vegeta to the other one a few meters from him. Then that one hit him towards me. "Let see if he can bounce!" I spoke out loud raising my leg in the air preparing to kick him towards the ground.

"Yeah!" I shouted kicking vegeta to the ground hearing his agonizing screams. Teleporting quickly to the spot he will fall at, i then cross my arms holding up two peace signs and said out loud. "Dramatic finish!"

Hearing vegeta's body hit the ground behind me, i then turned around snapping my two fingers together making the three clones in the air disappear. Looking at vegeta's unconscious body i said. "Looks like i was a little too generous with him." 

Bending down to vegeta's unconscious body, i then took his hand and shook it. "You where a good ball vegeta. I think i respect you now. But only a little bit." I said with a little respect, until i sensed someone's ki rising.

Letting go of vegeta's hand i looked up and saw trunks powering up. 'well, well i guess it's that time.' i thought to myself. Looking at trunks muscles get bulkier and bulkier, i then stood up and cross my arms with a smile on my face waiting for him to finish transforming.

Seeing trunks body start to relax, he then ascended down not that far from me. "I will stop you at any cost." Trunks declared, looking at me with a fierce expression. "Oh really." Unfolding my arms and standing in my fighting pose now, i continued speaking. "Let's see if you can stop me with that arnold schwarzenegger body."

Standing still for a while trunks decided to make the first move. Seeing trunks punch aiming for my face i then tilt my head to the side and kick him in the stomach. Seeing him stagger back a little, i then raised my arm and fired a ki wave from the palm of my hand that made him flew backwards and crash in the a steep rock face.

Looking at the rocks and rubble fall on top of him, i then waited for him to come out. Then a few seconds later he burst out the rubble with his fist caulked backwards ready to strike. Connecting my fist to his, a huge shockwave shook the area. "I won't let you leave here a live!" Trunks shouted

"So determined aren't we." I responded, and then we both vanished out of everyone's sight, reappearing and disappearing creating shock waves everywhere we go.