
Dragon Ball Z: Earth's new hope

Goku's heart virus returns rendering him weak. Unfortunately, during this time a threat has arrived and forced Goku to once again rise to the challenge. Goku defeated this enemy using the little strength he had left. This cost him the ultimate price of his life. Now the Z Fighters must band together to protect Earth in Goku's place. This usher in a lot of new talent and strength while paving a new way for evil. I DO NOT OWN ANY RIGHTS TO DRAGON BALL Z OR ITS CHARACTERS, ONLY MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS.

D_Cole_oNeal · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Enter The Saiyan Hunter! New and Powerful Foe!

After the unexpected crash on Earth, Goten and Trunks confronted the new foe on their own. They flew at lightning speed to meet this unknown threat. The two flew above the crater. Sitting in the middle was a Saiyan space pod. They descended onto the ground near the crater expecting something to come out.

"What would a Saiyan come to Earth for, this doesn't make sense." Trunks uttered out of shock.

"I don't care what it wants if it causes trouble, we'll take it down," Goten replied preparing himself for battle.

Abruptly, the space pod opened, and a male Saiyan emerged from the crater. Tall, long-haired, with a fairly muscular body frame, the man stood before them immediately asserting his dominance with a mere look. His serious yet calm demeanor made itself known as he stared at the two boys with the eyes of an eagle.

Trunks and Goten did not sense any murderous intent in the man. Despite that, they were still on edge, not dropping their guard for a second.

"I will only ask this once, where is Son Goku?" The man finally broke his silence.

This question alone made Trunks and Goten uncomfortable. They felt almost helpless as they quickly began reading his power level. The Saiyan was strong, outclassing them by a wide margin. The two had trouble uttering words, they were in an unimaginable state of fear and disbelief.

The man pressed a button on his counter. The tiny mechanism began processing their power levels. They impressed him. He expected less of Earth.

"I can already tell you're both part Saiyan. I have encountered this Ki so many times before." The unknown Saiyan said, grinning a bit.

"What do you want Earth?!" Goten screamed, attempting to overcome his fear.

The Saiyan chuckled a bit. "I'm here for one man, Son Goku, killing you two would be both displeasing and a waste of time." The Saiyan said, glaring at them. "I'll offer you an ultimatum, show me to Son Goku and I will spare both of your lives. I rarely show mercy to Saiyans, so this is a golden opportunity for you both."

"What do you want with Goku?!" Goten asked furiously.

"I have a score to settle." The Saiyan said calmly.

Goten clutched his fist angrily, Trunks put his hand on Goten's shoulder trying to calm him down.

"Look we-"

"On behalf of my father I'll gladly settle the score," Goten said angrily

Goten immediately ascended to Super Saiyan and assumed his fighting stance.

"Goten are you sure about this?" Trunks asked uncertain of his friend.

"Yes, he's after my dad, and if he's after him than he's after all of his, right?!" Goten says intensely.

Trunks ascends to Saiyan Saiyan.

"Right." Trunks nods, giving confirmation he will fight.

"So it appears I'm presented with the option to eliminate Goku's child." The Saiyan sighs. "It disappoints me you didn't accept my ultimatum, that makes me unsure if you are brave or stupid." The Saiyan said as he prepares for battle.

The Saiyan walks towards them slowly. Goten and Trunks dash to opposite sides. They begin a flank on both the right and the left simultaneously. They both throw a hard punch at the Saiyan. He easily blocked both punches.

He quickly got the offensive by delivering a swift punch to trunks knocking him back. Goten attempted another blow on the Saiyan. A hard kick countered Goten's attack, hitting him in the chest. The kick stunned Goten. The force of the attack surprised him. The Saiyan grabbed Goten's head and immediately drove him into the ground.

The Saiyan looked back at Trunks, emotionless.

"Goten!" Trunks screamed out to his friend then charged at the Saiyan fueled with anger.

"Anger has clouded your judgment." The Saiyan says under his breath.

Trunks throws a flurry of punches and kicks, the Saiyan evaded all of which. He punched Trunks in the abdomen, knocking the wind out of him. Promptly following up after the punch the Saiyan grabbed Trunks and kneed him in the face.

Trunks devolved back into his base form and collapsed, exhausted. Goten staggered back to his feet, not ready to give up. He threw a weak punch at the Saiyan. The Saiyan caught the punch with ease, then the Saiyan began squeezing his fist. Goten screamed out in pain.

"You two are weak." The Saiyan said plain and emotionless.

The Saiyan pulled Goten close, then blasted him in the stomach with a powerful Ki attack. The Saiyan began walking towards Goten. He had also devolved from his Super Saiyan Transformation.

"As I stated earlier, it would've been wise to accept my offer, but I suppose that forever ignorant Saiyan pride cannot be suppressed." He said pitying them. "I still would not enjoy killing you both, I didn't come here to shed unnecessary blood. I came in search of Son Goku and I now fully expect you two to cooperate." The Saiyan said, still feeling uneasy about killing them.

Goten spits at the man.

"I'm not telling you anything," Goten said, hyperventilating.

"So, you have made your decision. Stubborn will be your downfall." The Saiyan exhaled.

He grabbed Goten and laid him on his stomach, keeping his head against the ground. He immediately planted his knee on his back, kneeling with his full weight. He picked up his head with one hand and grabbed his arm with the other. His eyes darted over to the exhausted Trunks watching the unfolding harm on his friend.

"You call yourself his friend, then end this suffering for his sake. He is too stubborn for his own good, I will stop and spare your lives if you just answer my question." The Saiyan said calmly.

"Trunks, I don't care what he says or does, don't tell this monster anything at all!" Goten yells out desperately.

"I guess I will have to show you the extent of my will." The Saiyan says, slightly frustrated.

He bends Goten's arm back, applying intense pressure on his arm. Goten screams in agony as his arm is bending. Trunks looks on terrified, he is unsure what to do. The Saiyan reliefs some of the pressure.

"If I do not get my information, I will break his arm with no hesitation. His screams discomfort me as well, but it will not hold me up. I have a goal to reach and will do anything to get there." The Saiyan says intensely, looking at Trunks. "With that being said, I'll stop with one answer to my simple question. Where is Goku?" The Saiyan asks harshly.

"I won't tell you." Trunks hesitates, then mutters out.

"Still resistant, well then I have no choice." The Saiyan says.

He bends Goten's arm back again, this time not holding back. Trunks becomes conflicted and doesn't want to betray his friends. He looks into Goten's eyes and watches tears of agony fall from his eyes. His screams get louder and louder as his arm draws closer to breaking.

"HE'S DEAD." Trunks screams out, punching the ground.

The shame of uttering those words and giving into his opponent fills his head and heart. The Saiyan didn't expect the words he shouted. He got off of Goten and advanced over to Trunks. Goten laid there in agony, holding his arm.

"I see, well you've chosen wisely Saiyan. Unfortunately, those aren't the words I needed to hear. If he is dead, then I suppose I no longer have a use for the both of you." The Saiyan began charging a Ki attack and aimed it at Trunks.

Goten looked on, unable to utter a word. Trunks couldn't say anything either, frozen with fear this looked to be the end of both of them.

"WAIT!" Uub shouted, turning up unexpectedly.

"You must be a native of this planet." The Saiyan said confidently.

"I am a native, these two have lied to you. Son Goku is alive, they were just trying to foolishly save his life. If you spare these two lowly Saiyans, I will lead you to Goku right now." Uub offered.

"Why do you wish for me to spare these two?" The Saiyan asked.

"They are my friends although they are scum I believe they are kind men," Uub said kindly

"I suppose, I will spare them then it goes against my morals to kill anyone other than Saiyans. So I will accept your offer." The Saiyan said

Uub began leading the Saiyan far away from Goten and Trunks. He flew with the Saiyan nervous. It surprised him. His plan worked so well that he could save both of them. Once at a suitable distance away from them he stopped.

"I do not sense Goku, I hope you have not deceived me." The Saiyan said, sighing.

"Why have you come here and what business do you have with Goku? Why attack Earth?" Uub asked, turning around to face the man.

"Throughout the Galaxy, I am known as Aikon The Saiyan Hunter. I have encountered Son Goku before, and he defeated me. I have come back to settle the score and claim his life." He explained.

Uub looked at him in silence.

"I can tell by the look you're giving me that Goku is dead." Aikon stared at Uub with a faint smile.

"If he's dead, then you should have no business here anymore," Uub said desperately scared.

"Now that he is gone, I suppose I will cleanse this planet of its Saiyan infestation before I leave." Aikon began leaving, turning his back on Uub.


"I do not despise you nor will I take your life, but I will return to your friends and eliminate them. I cannot leave any Saiyan alive here. I will remove the blemish left on this planet by those lowly Saiyans. Besides, I cannot leave a trace of Son Goku left." Aikon said intensely.

"I can't let you do that!" Uub shouted at the Saiyan.

"Why not?" Aikon asked.

"The Saiyans on the Earth are principled people, they are the guardians of this planet and I will not let you take the life of my comrades," Uub said clenching his fist.

"I would not advice you getting in my way, you will only bring pain to yourself," Aikon said.

"Goku taught me, 'power comes in response to a need, not a desire,' I will create that need right here!" Uub screamed out.

Aikon sighed, then cracked his knuckles.

"KAIOKEN!" Uub bellowed out, charging at Aikon desperately. He became engulfed in the vibrant red aura.

Uub threw a vicious punch with all of his strength at Aikon. Aikon sidestepped the attack and punched Uub in the stomach, making him cough blood. Aikon quickly caught Uub and kneed him in the face, forcing his nose and lip to bleed. Uub became delirious and stunned. He panted and gasped for air.

"Goku forgot to mention, power does not come in response to a miracle, it comes with the will to become stronger. My will far outweighs yours." Aikon said serenely.

Aikon sighing in disgust and disappointment dropped Uub in the ocean below and flew away searching for his next victim. Defeating three of the most powerful fighters on Earth, it is becoming clear no one will stop The Saiyan Hunter.

Thank you for everyone that's been keeping up with the story I appreciate it so much. Remember I'll release an extra chapter this week if you guys can get 10 votes on this story by Saturday. Please comment and share this story. I appreciate all my readers a lot and hope you enjoy this chapter.

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