
chapter 5

???- 'What is all that roaring I hear? And all this shaking around? Is my mother in a fight, she is fighting this close to giving birth? I know saiyans love fighting but this is insane.'


Going back to the two saiyans, after they found out what kind of planet they are on they decided they would kill all the beasts in a 100km range of their space pod. But to do that they would first have to adapt to the gravity on this planet, which while tough was not a problem for these two saiyans. In one week they could already move normally, now here comes the hard part defeating those beasts with high power, and the only way for them to do that is to use the space pods projection ability which projects a moon in the atmosphere which will allow them to turn into an ozaroo.

After they got used to the gravity they decided it was time and started hunting the few beasts that they could defeat without turning into an ozaroo. Which wasn't even 10 before they had to stop.

Zucci-"Ok Onon I'm about to turn on the projection so get ready."

Onon-"Yeah just do it already."

Saying that Zucci pressed the button and made sure to look towards the ground, making sure she didn't transform. Onon looked up to see that there was a false moon, and after looking at it for a few seconds his heart started beating loudly. So loudly in fact it sounded like a small explosion with each heartbeat. While this was taking place Onon's body started heating up, his eyes turned red and he started growing hair all over his body. Slowly his body started to grow from the original 2 meters..4 meters..7meters..9…..12…..15…..19….. And it finally stopped after reaching 20 meters in height.


Onons roar was so powerful that huge blasts of wind shot out from the center. Below you could see Zucci grabbing her ears from how loud that roar was.

Zucci-"SHUT UP!! Your loud ass roar has made me hear nothing but ringing."

When Onon hears he looks down at his wife and realizes he might have gone a bit over the top with his transformation.

Onon-"Sorry about that dear it has just been a few years since the last time I have transformed."

Just when he was about to continue talking he heard several roars in the distance. And while none of them could compare to his earlier roar there were several of them, and they sounded angry.

Zucci-"Good going dear you just let everyone know where we are. So hurry up and take care of them or I will transform too."

Onon-"Ok I will be back soon."

After saying that Onon left in the direction where he heard the roars to go and defeat them. Minutes later he walks into a small clearing to come face to face with 4 beasts about half his size. There is one wolf-like creature except he has two tails and a horn on his head. Another one is a dark black crow with 3 legs instead of 2. The third beast is a bull with 3 large horns, two horns on each side of his head and the other in the middle of his skull pointing straight at me. And the last beast is another slime-like creature except far, far bigger than the one he and Zucci came across last time.

Onon-'these must be the 4 beasts in the scan earlier that had a power level above 100,000 this could get tricky, seeing how they teamed up against me they must have some form of intelligence but not much seeing how they look like they want to fight each other.'

After Standing there for several seconds the bull must've gotten irritated, as he started charging towards Onon. Onon seeing this started running towards the bull and reached out his arms and grabbed his horns, effectively stopping his charge. Seeing this as a chance the 3 legged crow swooped down from above on top of

Onon. Seeing the charge made by the crow he opened his mouth and fired a highly condensed ki blast right toward the crow. The crow barely manages to dodge out of the way leaving only some of his feathers to get singed off. Onon seeing this did a spin while still holding onto the bull and threw the bull toward the crow. The crow who was flustered from barely managing to dodge an attack that could have put him out of the fight, noticed the bull flying towards him but couldn't dodge in time and both of them ended up colliding and skidding across the ground.

Onon looks to the other two beasts but only seeing the slime made him realize he lost track of the wolf. Looking around he doesn't see anything until his instincts that he has achieved from many deadly battles flares up, and he hurriedly turns around and puts his guard up barely managing to block the claw swipe from the wolf. The wolf seeing this quickly backs away before getting caught and slowly vanishes into the dark forest. While it may seem as if the wolf left, Onon can sense he is still waiting for the right time to attack again, he also realizes that he can't use his full strength against those 3 other beasts if he is constantly worrying about getting sneak attacked.

Onon seeing how the bull and the crow are still trying to get off each other, runs to the slime and doesn't attack him physically like he did with the other slime, instead he charges up a massive ki wave in his mouth and when fully charged he unleashes it on the slime at point blank range. The Slime now engulfed in the massive ki wave releases a loud shriek that continued for a while and slowly died down along with the ki wave Onon released. Onon looking down sees no trace of the slime, along with anything his ki wave touched in the distance.

Onon turns around and sees how the bull and crow are now more cautious around him and realizes it will be harder to get the wolf to attack now that they saw how he took down one of them in one attack.

Onon-'hmm. They have become wary of me, this will make the battle longer than it needs to be. How about I just fake exhaustion? These beasts may not be the smartest but they should be able to tell when a creature is weakened.'

Onon then suddenly starts panting heavily and walks towards the bull and the crow and they start another round of battle. The two, seeing how the big beast is now slower than before and is heavily panting, get more confident and start fighting harder. As the fighting continues it looks like Onon is getting pushed back slowly as it is only a matter of time before he is defeated by the crow and bull combo.

Onon-'it has already been 2 minutes and the wolf still hasn't made a move, it seems this wolf is more cautious than the other two. I will probably have to take a hit and fake an injury for the wolf to attack again.'

Onon deciding on a plan suddenly misses to block a claw strike from the crow and is hit and pushed back a little. Onon following along with his plan gets on one knee and starts heavily panting like he is purposely showing weakness.


The wolf in the shadows actually did not leave but was instead watching from the shadows and looking for another chance to strike when he saw the big beast miss a block from the crow resulting in the beast starting to bleed from the wound. Seeing the beast get on one knee and start heavily panting decided the perfect chance to attack was now and dashes from the shadows to the beast as fast as he can, the wolf right behind him brings his paw up and gets ready to strike when the beast suddenly turns around.


Onon, sensing the best right behind him, immediately turns around and wraps his arms around the wolf and brings him close. The wolf panicking seeing as he was now trapped tried to claw to get away but it didn't work. Onon seeing this laughs in his mind, then he uses all the power and muscle in his arms to squeeze and all you can hear is snapping noises and the wolf whimpering when suddenly a loud crack happens and the wolf becomes silent. Seeing how the wolf is now dead Onon lets go of the body and lets it drop to the floor causing dirt to move away. Turning around all he sees is two scared beasts looking at him like he is some kind of monster. 5 minutes later it has gone all quiet. Onon seeing the dead bodies decides to carry them back to the pods where Zucci is staying currently.


there were two things I wanted to ask.

1.should I include Brolly, there is only supposed to be one legendary saiyan every 1,000 years and he is non canon.

2. I am thinking of the MC fighting king cold but I don't know what a good estimate for his full power is. I was thinking putting his Full power at about perfect cell.

yolo thxs for the chicken you mailed it was great.

thxs for any feedback :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts