
Chapter 49

Piccolo POV

Opening my eyes, I'm assaulted with bright light which enhanced my already pounding headache. Groaning, I grab my head in pain, trying to remember what happened to me.

Piccolo-"Ughhh, my head, what happened to me?"

Nala-"Ahh, Piccolo you're awake that's great."

Hearing someone so close to me yet I couldn't sense them made me tense up, but when I realized whose voice it was I relaxed. I was in the process of getting up, but Nala stopped me.

Nala-"You should lay down for a while and wait until you feel better to move again. I'll be close by so when you feel better call me

Figuring I should listen to somebody who probably knows what happened to me, I lay back down with a terrible headache. A few hours later when my headache finally receded, I sat up with some difficulty and called Nala.

Piccolo-"So can you tell me what happened, because the last thing I remember is Sage taking me to your base and everything is blurry after that."

Nala-"All you probably need is a little information to jump-start your memories. You went through a procedure to have two different DNA embedded in your genetic code."

Listening to her speak, I slowly start remembering what happened to me. Everything becomes clear now, but the pain I felt during the procedure was by far the worst I have ever felt.

Piccolo-"Ugh, yeah I remember now. Seeing as how I'm alive and I feel fine, I'm going to assume that it was a success?"

Nala-"Yes it was. And I truly wish to thank you for agreeing to my request, If you ever need anything in the future just come and ask me."

Piccolo-"Ok, But can you take off these bracers? I can barely use any of my strength."

Slithering closer to me, she taps the metal bracers and they release a pink glow before they drop off my arms. The moment they are released, I suddenly feel a huge increase in my strength, but controlling my ki is extremely difficult now.

Piccolo-'My power has increased by about 5 times than before. But controlling my ki is far harder than before and it feels weird as well.'

Hurriedly containing my ki in my body before it destroys this place, I ask Nala for more details about my situation.

Piccolo-"So could you tell me why my ki is difficult to control, as well as how long I've been unconscious for?"

Nala-"Well the reason why your ki is difficult to control is most likely because that your ki is the combination of 3 different ki's now, so controlling brand new ki will naturally be more difficult. But this new ki is your own, so mastering it shouldn't take long for you, especially with your new potential, and You've been asleep for about 2 days."

Piccolo-"Is there anything else I should know?"

Nala-"Firstly, your appearance did have some changes but they were minor. Secondly, as I said before since you have a Saiyans and Frost demon's DNA inside of you, you will have taken on some of their personality. Luckily they are minor, you'll at most enjoy fighting a little bit more than you used to and you will be a little bit more colder to strangers than usual."

While she was talking she slithered around the base before she came back with a mirror, taking the mirror I check my face and I'm slightly surprised by the new appearance.

Piccolo-'My antennas were replaced by black horns. They're about 8 inches or 20 centimeters, and they point to the sky. Not bad, I quite like them.'

Nala-"Also on the side the machine you're laying on is a tablet that explains all the abilities you acquired."

Setting the mirror down, I make sure to stand up carefully to not damage anything. Walking around the machine, I start reading the benefits I have.

Piccolo-'Zenkai, far stronger physique, able to adapt to harsher environments, survive in the vacuum of space, and most importantly limitless potential!'

When I'm finished I conjured some clothes for myself, making sure to put two holes in my turban for my new horns. Then thanking Nala before leaving and finding a place to train my powers.

Piccolo-"Thank you, I'll be leaving to control my new strength."

Nala-"That's fine, be careful though. Also, make sure you talk to Sage, he was quite concerned about you."

Hearing her say Sage was worried for me put a smirk on my face, walking out of the portal, I fly out the space ship and the moment I do I sense a beings ki that feels like Goku, Vegeta, Freiza, the humans, and my old ki all mixed together. But the worst of all his ki is the highest I've sensed except for Sage's and the women he fought with.

Piccolo-'Let me go to the lookout and get more information.'



It's been 2 days since I've left Nala with Piccolo, currently Kakarot is almost fully healed and Cell has finally made his appearance. Krillin, Tein, Gohan, Trunks, and Yamcha are currently looking for traces of the androids and Vegeta is doing something else, probably training.

I'm meditating and waiting for anything that shouldn't happen, to happen. While meditating, I suddenly sense Piccolo's ki flying straight to us and he is far faster than before. Smiling, I get up from my position and walk outside waiting for him to arrive.

Once I'm outside, I spot Kami and Popo, but Kami looks extremely surprised.

Sage-'It must be the increase in strength Piccolo got.'

Walking closer, I stop and stand right next to them, both of them look over at me before Kami gathers enough courage to ask me what happened to Piccolo.

Kami-"Sir Sage, Do you know what happened to Piccolo?"

Sage-"He went through a little experiment, but the increase in power isn't what the experiment was about."

Looking at his face he seemed confused but before he could ask another question, Piccolo landed right on the lookout, destroying the floor and causing a huge gust of wind to erupt from the impact. Smirking, I walk closer to him until I'm standing right infront of him, throwing a punch at him he catches it and answers me with his own smirk.

Sage-"You've finally awakened, but it seems like you have terrible control over your power now, and the horns make you look more menacing."

Piccolo-"It's fine, I'll learn to control it soon, and the horns aren't too bad. Though I heard from Nala that you were worried for me?"

Looking at his expression, I can tell he's trying to tease me.

Sage-"Hmph, why would I be worried about you? I knew you would be fine with your insane healing."

Sage-"Anyways, Your other half seems a little concerned about your change."

Leaving the area to give those two some privacy, but also because I'm not interested in their talk. I go back to meditating and waiting for 21 to make her appearance again.

yolo give me all the money!

Thxs for any feedback! :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts