
The Next Upcoming Tournament

Age 750, May 7.

"The Winner. Challenger Jackie Chan is the Winner." With a loud announcement, an old man stood in the middle of the stage.

People applauded him and cheer for him. After all, you may gain respect for the loser but the winner is the only one that matters in the history.

"Let us all give our winner Jackie another round of applause." A blonde hair man said as he raised the hand of the old man named Jackie into the air.

"Now then here is the prize money of 500,000 zeni." The blond hair man said as he handed the envelope to Jackie.

"Thanks," Jackie said as he slowly walked down the stage.

Where Goku and a short bald boy were waiting for him.

Both of them are wearing a gi with the kanji logo of the Turle printed on it. A gi was a martial arts uniform that was usually worn by practitioners who walked the path of karate, judo and other similar martial arts like that.

"Congratulations." The bald boy named Krillin said as he congratulated Jackie.

"You are really strong, Grandpa." Goku also said to Jackie.

"You both did very well. If you continue to practice you will be able to surpass me in the future." Jackie said to the two boys.

"See ya." He said as he walked away leaving the two boys behind.

The old man named Jackie was someone known as the turtle hermit also known as Master Roshi who is the martial art teacher of Goku and Krillin.

He disguised himself and participated in the tournament so that he can prevent Goku and Krillin from winning.

He doesn't want them to achieve greatness too soon and become arrogant and stray away from the path of the true martial artist.


In Aru village, a boy was looking at the television in disbelief.

"So Goku lost after all." A small girl with twin tails said as the Television displays the video of Goku losing to Master Roshi who was disguised as Jackie Chan.

"Hmm. He is very strong but there are always people stronger than you somewhere in the world." The man with the moustache said.

"So a tournament where you can fight against every strong people in the world exists and I never knew about it," Dai said in shock.

"Yes. I heard they held the tournament every five years but I heard that they are changing it to three years for the next one." The man said to Dai.

"Amazing. Kamehameha. Is it?" Dai said in awe.

Normally someone would hate it if the one that defeated them lost to another person but Dai didn't have any knowledge of people that are stronger than him apart from Goku so he become excited.

It's one more opponent that he has to beat.

And he was also interested in the Kamehameha wave that the participants such as Goku, and Master Roshi used in the video.

It was something that he has never seen before.

"Is it like this?" Dai said as he put two of his hand together a blueish bright light orb surrounded by white flashes appeared within his hand.

He then put both of his hands out as a small blue Kamehameha with white outlines appeared and cracked a small part in the wall of the house that he was in.

He smiled as he realised that he was still not that behind.

"Amazing." The little girl said to Dai as she clapped her hands.

"Wow. You can do that too. I thought they were just using effects." The man said to Dai as he looked shocked.

"Three years? Do you know where the tournament is going to take place the next time?"Dai asked.

"I believe it's at Papaya Island." The man said to Dai.

"But do you want to go and participate in the tournament? I mean since you learned basic education that took many years to learn for a normal child like hers within a year you might be more suited as a man of education. You know you could become a well-known scholar if you want to." The man said to Dai as he rubbed the girl's head.

"A scholar? Isn't that a job where you have to spend your entire life reading books? That sounds lame. Well, I am leaving tomorrow for training for the tournament." Dai said.

Even if one received basic education and manner their core personality traits don't change. It's just that it becomes easier to hide them because of your newfound knowledge.

Dai was the same. He knew that he liked fighting and adventure. And he couldn't spend his whole life as anything other than a martial artist or a fighter.

"Thanks for looking after me for a year," Dai said as he gives a charming smile which is more cute than charming because of his small body.

During this one-year stay at Aru Village, he learned common sense and basic education.

He keeps up his basic training so he grew a bit stronger than he used to be when he fought Goku but he knows that he needs more training to fight against Goku and Jackie Chan.

"I think we might need to fix our house." The man said as he looked at the wall which was accidentally cracked by Dai.

"What makes you sad that?" The girl replied as she smiled at her dad.