I want to go to the world of Dragon ball as a Saiyan. Wait what do you mean I am the younger son of Son Goku. That Bastard didn't even become super saiyan 2.Wait why is this body so gifted.
"You know I am willing to overlook this one time. But next time if you try to do something like that again I will destroy you." Beerus said to Bulma.
"Right. Right. Here is the Pizza that I promised." Bulma said as she put Cheese Pizza in front of Beerus.
"Hey Whis, don't cheat. We have to share this." Beerus said when he realized that a slice of Pizza was missing at that time.
"I have no idea what you are talking about lord Beerus," Whis replied.
But Beerus could see a drop of the tomato sauce from the pizza on his chin.
Beerus stared at him while Whis continued to play dumb.
"Remember. You cannot use attacks that would threaten the life of each other." Goku said to the two.
"Are you seriously going to do this kind of thing? Trunks just returned." Bulma said to Vegeta.
Just like Bulma, Vegeta was worried about either of them getting seriously injured but he was more worried about his daughter.
But he still can't go against her wishes. Since she was the one who asked for this match.
The two nodded in agreement to Goku's rule . Goku flew back to the sidelines.
"I am jealous. I wanted to fight Trunks." Goku said after he landed near Goten.
"It would have been a one-sided fight unless you hold yourself back," Goten replied.
"I doubt he could even beat Marron," Goten added.
"I am strong." Marron replied.
"So, Who do you think will win?" Goku asked.
"Trunks from another timeline," Goten replied. He was not very impressed by Future Trunks's power but he distrusted Bra's process even more.
"Bra would win. But it will be a close match." Marron said.
"!" Bra heard what Goten and Marron said. And she was angry at the lack of trust from one among the two.
Vegeta was a little confused when he saw his daughter's fighting stance. It's not his but he felt like he had seen it before.
"I know really tough girl. So am not going easy on you." Trunks said as he transformed into Super Saiyan 2.
Although it was a Super Saiyan 2 form it was more of a Super Saiyan 3 form with the appearance of Super Saiyan 2.
"Then I will show you what I got." She said as she transformed into Legendary Super Saiyan form. Only to become weaker as she regained control.
"Ready." She said as she looked at Trunks.
The two started to attack each other at a speed that cannot be seen by normal human eyes.
But everyone apart from Bulma and Capsule cooperation employees can easily observe the fight.
Her speed is not that fast but her form is a little strange. It's stronger than a Super Saiyan 2 without being one. Is it another form that was beyond grade 4? Trunks thought as he blocked attacks from Bra.
Their base power is not much different.
So the main difference comes from how much power boost their transformation gives them. And Bra's Controlled form can't consistently give her power equal to Super Saiyan 3. Goten thought as he looked at their fight.
"Trunks Super Saiyan 2 is a little strange. It does not seem to drain as much power as a normal Super Saiyan 3," Vegeta said.
Even his and Goku's ki was drained at a very fast rate when they were using Super Saiyan 3.
However, that is mainly because they abandoned Super Saiyan 3 as soon as they got God and Blue which became their default forms.
".... Hey, did you see that?" Goten asked Marron as he saw that a light bolt appeared around Bra.
"Wait. It can't be." Vegeta said while looking confused.
Currently, Trunks was fighting evenly with her despite holding back but it seemed like he couldn't do that anymore.
"Finish Buster." He said as he launched a powerful ki blast at Bra.
At that moment Bra transformed into a new form that is above her control form.
Her hair becomes more spiky and her aura gains lighting constantly appearing and disappearing around her body like a Super Saiyan2 form.
"It's like a state further beyond her control form, and it doesn't seem like she is losing control," Vegeta said.
She got stronger than her controlled form but she didn't become that much stronger than her uncontrolled form.
It seems like she was able to control the power given by her transformation without having to weaken herself anymore.
"Kamehameha." She said as she used a Kamehameha to overwhelm Trunks's Finish Buster.
The attacks cancelled each other.
But as Bra and Future Trunks prepared to continue their sparring they were stopped by Goku in God form.
"That's enough," Goku said.
The main purpose of the fight is to figure out how strong Future Trunks has gotten and from the way he fights Bra, Goku got a rough idea.
He could not overpower her but it seemed like he still had a chance of beating her even after her new form.
But that isn't very great for him as he is supposed to have at least four years of training time over her.
And more importantly, he is supposed to be the strongest warrior on earth in his timeline.
Goku concluded that it's not Black that was strong. But it's Future Trunks that was weak.
"Hey. Did you see Uncle Vegeta's face when Bra used Kamehameha?" Marron whispered to Goten.
"When did she even learn that?" Goten asked.
As a Saiyan, he knew that she could pick up a technique as simple as Kamehameha with just a glance but he wondered why she put it in her arsenal.
"She learned it from Uncle Goku. While we are training for the Universe 6 tournament." Marron replied.
"She said it suited her fighting style more now that she has to control her ki to prevent from going berserk." She continued.
"That bastard. Kakarrot. How dare he teach his inferior technique to Bulla." Vegeta said while frowning.
Bulma patted Vegeta's back to help him calm down.
What power? As expected of Goku. If he was there instead of me Mom would not have died. Trunks was shocked when he saw Super Saiyan God form.
But he also admired Goku's strength. He knew that Goku also got stronger but it was to a point that he couldn't even imagine, even in his dreams.
It seems like I am getting closer. Bra was happy. Her new form was just unlocked recently.
So she believed that if she continued to train she would be able to match Super Saiyan God Goku and Vegeta.
Her Ultimate Ssj is still stronger than her current Lssj2. But complete Lssj2 would be equal to God form(Not Blue)