
Dragon Ball Super Duper

An attempt at not only connecting the arcs of Dragon Ball Super together, but also explaining certain aspects, as well as adding new threaths and fixing story lines. From the spirit of the late Super Saiyan God, to the old guards of the Cold Force, to Super Saiyan God Kaioken, into a more sadistic time-morphing Goku Black, new additions will be made to the story. Any repeated sections from the anime or movies, I will try speed through. Feel free to add to the comments any ideas you may have and they might get added in the chapters.

WriterSaint · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Frieza the Destroyer - Part 6

A few moments ago, a God of Destruction and its angel travelled across space, searching for a chance to fulfill their dreams, searching for the Super Dragon Balls. It was said that a Grand Supreme Kai from the past, one who stood besides Zeno, made them, and that they were capable of granting any one wish, with no limitations, and the God of Destruction already had one in mind. The angel however wasn't too fond of the idea.

"I beg you, my lord Champa, please don't wish for food. At the rate you're going you will have a heart attack just from running after the Super Dragon Balls."

"Don't mock me, Vados. You know I would never wish for something like that.", Vados observes him, judging him with her look. "Ok, maybe I would, but it's not your duty to judge me for it. Now are you sure the last balls are in my brother's universe?"

"Last they were heard of, they were distributed across Universe 6 and 7."

"Then let's be quick. I don't want my brother to catch on to my God ki.", Something struck Champa here. A surge of divine energy coming from a planet not too far from them. "Vados, am...am I the only God of Destruction in this universe besides my brother?"

"That was an odd surge of ki, but from what I'm sensing it's like a weaker replica of Beerus' ki. It's like he offered part of his energy."

"Did that bastard abandon his postion without telling me? Vados, bring me right to him."

"As you wish, my lord, but are you sure it wouldn't be healthier to just jog there?", Champa grunted.

"Just get me there already!", Champa held on to Vados shoulder, as they moved at speeds greater than light towards Earth.

Meanwhile Piccolo charged at Ginyu. Seeing him distracted by Vegeta's transformation, he took his chance to free Gohan from his torture. He successfully got him out of the ki spears, and was about to hit Ginyu with a jab to the neck, however Ginyu was clearly still too powerful. He blocked it easily, and asked:

"Who are you?"

"I'm a namekian who has long forgotten his name."

"Then you're nobody. That makes this easier.", Ginyu charged up a blast.

Blue and purple ki joined together in his hand, however as he was about to fire it, another blast hit him instead, and blazed through his chest. Ginyu spit blood as he tried to cover his wound. Seeing it as hopeless he looked forward.

Super Saiyan God Vegeta shot a Final Impact through him, ending him in one blow. Ginyu glanced at Frieza before dying, saying:

"I'm sorry...", He then fell down, lifeless.

Frieza dropped the defeated Goku on the river beneath him, firing a ki blast as he was falling. He then glanced Vegeta with a malicious smile.

"And here I was thinking only one pathetic monkey was stupid enough to call himself a god.", Vegeta answered with a laugh.

"From the way you look, it almost seems like you worship us. Golden like a Super Saiyan. You clearly have something wrong in your head."

"It just makes this all the more cathartic. Come on Vegeta, we don't need to fight. There's no point in throwing your life away."

"You're just too scared to face me."

"I simply recognize your worth. I would appoint as the general of my forces. I would still outrank you of course, but you would have access to the full might of my forces. They may not be too powerful now, but we will rebuild and become greater than ever. It's a better offer than what that bastard Frut gave me."

"I might actually regret this now.", Vegeta dashed at Frieza, catching him off guard. Vegeta's hand was already charging an attack at his chest from pointblank, before he could react. "But this prince would never yield against an emperor.", Vegeta blasted Frieza away and readied to start pummeling.

Similar to how the Ressurection F movie went Vegeta starts beating Frieza up, and the only difference here being that Vegeta is in a Powered Super Saiyan God state, and Frieza is losing control of the power given to him by Beerus, instead of the one he achieved by training in four months. It ends with Frieza kneeling on the ground as Vegeta readies a Big Bang Attack. He asks:

"Any last words, worm?"

Frieza could not accept it. First he was defeated by Goku, then by a random super saiyan who slashed him to pieces, and now he kneels before Vegeta waiting for his death? It's unnaceptable, unbelievable! He tries to find an offer to convince Vegeta or use his pride to his advantage. The right words... Suddenly he remembers something Frut told him "Tournaments... Respect and strenght are good ways to win over men.". He knew of the Saiyans constant hunger for battle and ever increasing strenght, he had to try.

"What if I host a tournament?", Vegeta was caught off guard.

"Have you gone mad?"

"First Goku fought me, and then you. It's a chaotic and unfair matchup. If I were to fight one of you alone, I could win, or you can show how much stronger you are. What do you say Vegeta? We can ever scour the galaxy in search of powerful fighters to join it.", Vegeta laughed.

"You really are pathetic.", He shot his Big Bang Attack ending Frieza with a painful scream. He had defeated the one who had tormented so many of the years of his youth, but most of all, he had defeated an enemy Goku could not. Vegeta's hair turned back to normal. Goku had been rescued by Krillin and was offered a Senzu bean. He ate recovering his wounds and then proceeded to land beside Vegeta.

"Oh man, a tournament actually sounded fun. I would have loved to fight Frieza again.", Vegeta answered.

"Only you to say something like that."

"No, he's got a point.", Vegeta and Goku looked up to see who was flying in.

Champa and Vados had just arrived on the planet. Beerus didn't seem to happy about it

"Hello brother. It seems your diet hasn't worked yet."

"And with those ribs sticking out, it seems you haven't found any good food in your universe.", Champa and Beerus butted heads, with brotherly anger. Vegeta was confused.

"Beerus has a brother? And he even seems to be as powerful as him!", Goku commented.

"Let's hope he's nothing like my brother.", Goku approached the brothers. "Hey, B, what's this all about?"

"B?", Champa asked. "I see you've gotten pretty close to these mortals. Actually I just remembered what I came here to tell you. I'm snitching on you to the Omin King."

"What? Don't be ridiculous. I've done nothing wrong."

"You gave your power to a mortal, and as far as I know..."

"It's against the rules.", Vados chipped in. "And Champa isn't usually smart enough to know these things."

"Exactly! Wait, except for that last part."

"And?", Beerus asked, Champa seemed confused by how calm he was. " I already know you're going to use this to your advantage in some way or another.", Champa grunted.

"Who do you think I am?... but you're right. Your dead friend there gave me an idea. A tournament. If you win I won't tell anything, if I win I get the Super Dragon Balls and a wish.", Goku was scratching his head.

"What's so bad about giving your power away?", Beerus was clearly annoyed.

"A God of Destruction's power is one that's given after earning the right to use it, and the only one who can decide that is the Omni King himself. I played with him too long to lose this position so easily."

"Heh, who's the Omni King?", Beerus groaned, and Champa laughed.

"Enough of this, mortal. Come on Beerus, I need an answer."

"It's just like you to give an offer where you're the only one winning something. Fine, but I decide where the tournament takes place."

"Deal!", They both shake hands. Beerus asks.

"So what kind of tournament is it? Cooking, riddles?"

"Well... you know... we could...", Vados once again intervened.

"Lord Champa doesn't want to admit it, but he actually didn't think any of this through."

"Shut up, let me think!", Goku saw his chance

"What about a martial arts tournament?", Beerus put his hand on Goku's mouth.

"Forget he said anything."

"No, it's actually a good idea. A martial arts tournament. I'll need time to get ready, especially to find that assassin... Two months! In two months we'll start the tournament. Vados, let's get out."

"As you wish my lord. Goodbye, lil bro.", Whis responded.

"Bye, big sis.", Champa and Vados left, as Beerus held his ears in annoyance. Goku was confused.

"Why are you so angry?"

"Don't even talk to me after that.", Beerus walked away. Whis approached Goku.

"Well, you see, Universe 6 is known for his powerful warriors. It's no universe 11, but it's known as the most combat ready universe. The chances of Beerus winning are scarce."

"Really? Their power is that amazing? Now I'm getting excited!"

Goku was already getting gitty for another fight, as Vegeta looked down at the ashes that were once Frieza. He smiled. He was no longer the weakling he once was, he had power over his own life. Now a new chapter presented itself. The U7 vs U6 tournament. May the best one win.