
Dragon Ball RE

12 years after the events in Dragon Ball Z, we check in on the lives of gang. Kicking off with Pan at the Martial Arts Tournament.

Im_Jihi · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Sky Patrolling

Goten and Trunks patrolled the skies of West City, a marvel of the future with its towering skyscrapers and bustling traffic, both on the ground and in the air. The city was a blend of chaos and beauty, surrounded by tranquil mountains. They kept their eyes peeled for trouble, ready to dive into action.

Gliding effortlessly, Goten absorbed the lively scene below, while Trunks adopted a more laid-back approach, lounging in the air as if on an invisible recliner, his hands behind his head.

"Crime's been on the rise, hasn't it?" Goten mused aloud.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Trunks mused, floating upright to meet Goten's pace.

"You'd think the bad guys would think twice knowing superheroes are around," Goten pondered aloud, his brow furrowing.

Trunks chuckled, "Who knows their logic... But, hey, let's circle back to what we were talking about," Trunks redirected, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"What's on your mind?" Goten asked, turning to face his friend.

"So, no love interests, huh? Not a single girl who's caught your eye?" Trunks prodded, curiosity piqued.

"Nah, never really caught my fancy," Goten confessed, a shrug in his voice.

"Seriously? Not one girl has sparked a bit of interest?" Trunks pressed, incredulous.

"Nah, feels like it would just complicate things," Goten confessed, his gaze drifting back to the cityscape.

Trunks narrowed his eyes, a playful accusation in his tone, "You're not secretly more into bananas than donuts, are you?"

"Both are great, but if you must know... those super-sized, chocolate-dipped bananas? You know, the ones glazed with cream. They're perfect with milk," Goten replied, a bit too earnestly.

Trunks, momentarily startled, quickly recovered, patting Goten's shoulder reassuringly. "Hey, no judgment here. I've got your back, no matter what."

"Thanks, I guess?" Goten replied, puzzled yet touched by the gesture. "So, how's it going with Mai?"

A heavy sigh escaped Trunks. "Let's just say, it's complicated. 

"See, told you, girls are complicated" and you tried to drag me into your suffering" Goten teased.

"Yeah, but I gave her the flowers, used all the pickup lines, and gave her all the gifts," Trunks said.

"And?" Goten asked.

"She thinks I'm too immature."

"Could be worse." Goten trying to lighten the mood, "I ran into her recently. Did you know she carries two IDs? One even says she's in her forties."

"Yeah, well..." Trunks trailed off, feigning surprise poorly.

"You knew?!" Goten was astounded.

"She's actually in her sixties," Trunks confessed, looking away.

"Dude, that's... Wow." Goten was at a loss for words.

Trunks faced him, earnest and defiant. "When love hits, it hits hard, like a Kamehameha. Can't help who you fall for."

Goten mulled over the notion, a pensive look crossing his face. Love, huh? I wonder...

Their heart-to-heart was abruptly cut short by the jarring ring of Trunks' phone. Fishing it out, Trunks glanced at the screen. 

The screen displayed Mai's name. Trunks hesitated, caught off guard. "It's Mai, what do I do?" he asked, his voice a mix of surprise and nerves.

"Why not invite her out? Something upscale might impress her," Goten suggested.

"Good idea," Trunks agreed, swiping to answer the call with a newfound resolve. "Hey Mai, how are you—"

Mai's voice cut through, urgent and focused. "Trunks, there's a bank robbery downtown."

Taken aback, Trunks quickly shifted gears. "Oh... Okay, we're on it," he responded, his tone turning serious.

"Great, I'm sending over the coordinates now," Mai informed him, all business-like.

Trunks, attempting to salvage the moment, stuttered, "Afterwards... maybe we could—"

But Mai had already hung up, leaving Trunks' invitation hanging in the air, unfinished.

Seeing Trunks' deflated reaction, Goten couldn't suppress a smirk. "Didn't know it was that bad," he remarked.

With a playful nudge, he added, "Well, on the bright side, you've got more free time now." His grin widened, teasing.

Trunks, with a mock sigh, "More time to cry on my pillow."

 "Cheer up, we got work to do," Goten said, a grin spreading across his face.

They touched the buttons on their watches, and in a flash, their superhero gear materialized around them. Clad in their distinctive suits, capes billowing, they dove towards the city's heart.

Approaching the bank, now ringed by police cruisers and anxious crowds, Trunks revved up. "Time to kick some ass, then let's grab a bite."

Goten nodded, his gaze locked on the bank. A sense of unease gnawed at him. Either these robbers are clueless, or they're packing serious heat.

With resolve, they prepared to confront the unknown, their friendship and bravery their greatest assets against the unfolding chaos.

Lrunks is having a tough time with Mai but at least he has Woten to cheer him up. Hope you enjoyed! See you on monday. Don't forget to leave a comment.

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